Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Lauren has a little friend at school.  He looks for her each time, and sits by her on the rug:)  He likes to sit REALLY close, and sometimes I watch her put her elbow up to help him back off.  haha.  Today I watched her braids whip back and forth in his face and he just smiled and giggled.  What a good buddy:)

Ms. Shelly.  Preschool teachers are magical, just like kindergarten ones!

We traveled to Utah for Christmas this year, instead of Thanksgiving.  It had a been a few years since I had snowboarded, and I have really missed it.  I loved a few things about it this time, that I've forgotten:  1. The quietness of the mountain.  It's unreal how quiet it is up there.  Only a few scraping sounds of skis or snowboards on the snow.  2. Falling off the lift.(at the end-not during the ride, LOL)  I have to do it at least once each trip. 3.Being with my sister in law, Sherry.  We both were playing hookie from our responsibilities, it was a needed break! 

These 2 cuties after building an igloo.

We loved sledding, and doing anything in the snow.  Somewhere along the way, Lauren's boot got lost, as you may notice.

We had our annual adult date night.  This year, the grandkids babysat eachother!  I know there are many stories we have yet to hear about that night.

Here are our handsome dates.  We joked that bc this was a women's store, there was an invisible line they couldn't cross-only to give us a credit card could they come over it.

Andy is always having a blast with the kiddos.

Here's our newest cousin on the Hall side.  She is such a cutie.

Santa found us even in Utah:)  The girls were so cute and excited!!

Putting baby Jesus in his manger.

Brooklynn's hand hanging out of her crib.  We still laugh when we see this. 

This is her 1st time being in a box, and I'm sure not the last.

Back home, back to warmth, back to school!

Andy's favorite color is orange.  Whenever he can, he'll chose things in orange.

 We celebrated the new year with our friends.  Here's Sherri.  Each of my girls have loved her from their earliest days:)  Later that night, we were almost in a near fatal accident.  It was really scary, but helped me realize how fragile life is. 

Hope your new year is wonderful!!

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