Have you ever read, The Best Nest ? It's a children's book by P.D. Eastman. 2 birds wander around looking for a 'better' nest, but in the end, it's their original one they really want. Very cute, very clever. ANYWAYS. We went to St. George this month, and met my parents there. The red rock is just beautiful.
I have fond memories of hiking this red rock from growing up. At the top of this picture, there are pioneer names from a few original settlers of St. George. We loved having one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa. Because it doesn't happen often, the girls look forward to these times a lot.
Andy's mom gave us this for our last anniversary. It's a dry-erase glass frame. It's been a lot of fun to write messages back and forth. I think I'm in the habit of looking at it each time I pass it-even though I know Andy is still at work. Maybe he secretly wrote something when I wasn't looking?? LOL.
I love you can be easy or hard to say. When we were dating and getting more 'serious', he told me he loved me. xoxo. But I nearly broke his heart when I didn't say it back right away! I really wanted to mean it, and had to wait a little longer before I could tell him the same. When I finally said those 3 magic words, it became a lot easier to say them over and over. How easy is it to say those words, but not say why you actually love the person?? VERY. I love this gift because it helps you put into words the reasons why. Our reasons are usually silly\simple ones, like "I love you BC...you know how to camp!" or "I love you BC....we get to go on a date to Back to School Nite!"or "I love you BC...you sell things on craig's list."
Sometimes after school, we need to party, right? This day we got some snacks, and played in a water fountain. The 3rd body in this pic. is a statue btw. I look forward to the day when I check our girls out of school to go see a movie, or go get a slurpee,etc. (I just need to wait until the girls can keep a secret from their Daddy.) hehe
This little baby doll is really growing big. She is getting to where she wants to be by scooting, crawling, rolling, etc. This week has been rough bc she wants to be held or have someone sitting by her at all times. Teeth coming? Not enough quality attention? I dunno.
I look like a tired Momma. I am tired, but a content tired. I've been reading my childhood journal to the girls and Andy and back then, I never would have dreamed I'd be where I am today. I never would have thought I'd be THIS tired, but also this IN LOVE.
Maren the Brave. This is her bravest face for Kindergarten. We have an arrangement with a fellow classmate named Hope. If she'll hold Maren's hand after I leave, then Maren promises not to cry. It works for us, and she is Brave. Hope has a great name, don't you think?
What a fun trip you must have had! Love seeing pics of your family. Your girls are precious!
I love the photos of your girls, too. I remember when my nephew Nils was 3 he told me if someone would hold his hand he could do anything. I'm so glad Maren has a friend who will oblige. That's a wonderful thing in life. Love you guys!
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