Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts


Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!!

So since the start of the year I've been doing some couponing. Not extreme (ok kinda) but just buying things I know we will use when they are at a good price (or free!)

I've watched probably every episode of Extreme Couponing and it just fascinates me. I know some episodes and people they have featured have been cases of coupon fraud....but for those that are legit, it blows me away! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm cheap, so this works for me.

I learned a little from a friend of mine, and from reading other blogs of couponers. Now I'm teaching a few other friends, and my sister.

Here's a few of the shopping trips I've had this last 5 weeks.....

Do you see on the Walmart receipt where they PAID me $0.18?!?! Yep! You should have seen the confusion on the cashiers face when her register said that hahaha. She was so clueless.

Approximate retail value of all that stuff is $710. I've paid approx $169!!

If you want to see what I do every week, head on over to my facebook page and check it out! Feel free to ask questions too!

What do you do to save money??


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Organizing Makes Me Happy

Doesn't organizing make everyone happy???

Do you have a cabinet that looks like this? I bet you do, we all do. This one is above my stove. Drives me nutty! AH! I mean seriously, I don't even know what's in there.

Oh look, this is what was in there! More crap than I realized...{minus the crockpot...that has dinner in it}

Ahhhh, that's more like it. The rest of the crap when buh-bye! Bonus: I cleaned off the top of the fridge by putting those lunch boxes up there :)

I feel the stress melting if only I could get back to that beach in California...

Go get organized!

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A Little Organization Makes Life Better

Do you have junk drawers?
'cmon, everyone does!
I hate them...they make me frustrated

ENTER...Dollar Tree
They have the best little baskets

Gadgets go from this

To this!

And my super stuffed bathroom drawer goes from this...

To this!
LOL my leg looks a little creepy, like it's miniature compared to the drawer!

That's about all the motivation I've had this week.
Getting up at 4:30am every day is such a drag.

Much Love~

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