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This is the documentation of the XML module that enables user programs to parse XML strings and to define their own native XML tags. For instance:

Use import xml from "hop:xml" or require(hop.xml)`

This module also implements an XML pre-processor ables to load complete XML documents.

Use require("./example.xml", hop.xml)

This will return the root element (as created by createElement) contained in the XML document ./example.xml.


xml.createElement(tag, attributes, children)

Creates a native tag xml element. Its attributes are described by the JavaScript attributes object. The children must be a JavaScript array.


Parses a string representing a list of XML tags and returns an array of JavaScript values. The argument is either the string to be parsed or a file description (an integer). The values are either strings, or objects with three properties:

xml.parse(string|fd, [callback])

Parse a string asynchronously. If no callback is provided, this function returns a promise that resolve with the parsed value. If provided callback must be a procedure of two arguments: an error, and a value. In success, error if false.



"use strict";

const xml = require( hop.xml );

function XML( attrs, ... nodes ) {
   return xml.createElement( "xml", attrs, nodes );

function BLOCK( attrs, ... nodes ) {
   return xml.createElement( "block", attrs, nodes );

function FIELD( attrs, ... nodes ) {
   return xml.createElement( "field", attrs, nodes );

const decl = <xml xmlns="" id="toolbox" style="display: none">
    <block type="controls_if"></block>
    <block type="logic_compare"></block>
    <block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>
    <block type="math_number">
      <field name="NUM">123</field>
    <block type="math_arithmetic"></block>
    <block type="text"></block>
    <block type="text_print"></block>

console.log( decl.toString() );


"use strict";

import { parseSync as XMLparse } from "hop:xml";

// [ '1' ]
// [ 'foo' ]
// [ { tag: 'el', attributes: {}, children: [] } ]
// [ { tag: 'el', attributes: {}, children: [ 'foo' ] } ]
console.log(XMLparse('<el id="id1">foo</el>'));
// [ { tag: 'el', attributes: { id: 'id1' }, children: [ 'foo' ] } ]
console.log(XMLparse('<els><el id="id1">foo</el><el id="id2">bar</el></els>'));
// [ { tag: 'els',
//    attributes: {},
//    children: [ { tag: 'el', attributes: { id: 'id1' }, children: [ 'foo' ] },
//                { tag: 'el', attributes: { id: 'id2' }, children: [ 'bar' ] } ] } ]