Showing posts with label milk cotton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk cotton. Show all posts

Friday, 26 September 2014

Baby Blanket

There was some Rowan Fine Milk cotton in my yarn cupboard. It's a lovely soft yarn being a mix of 70% cotton and 30% milk protein. I have no idea how milk protein is made into yarn but it is! Although the result is beautiful, the yarn is quite hard to work with as it tends to split.
Anyway, this is really a baby yarn so I decided to make a small baby blanket. I wanted it to be lacy so I used a 4mm hook instead of the recommended 2.75mm. The pattern for the square is from a Reader's Digest book called The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches; the Daisy Cluster square. Using the 4mm hook these worked out at 4" square. I joined them as I went along, alternating the Snow (this is a soft off-white rather than a bright white) with the cream shade (sorry, can't remember what it's called), so as to end up with a bigger square made up of seven by seven of the small squares.
Using the cream, I then crocheted a border using pattern 93 from Edie Eckman's book Around the Corner Crochet Borders. This worked out about 2" deep, making the finished blanket 32" square. When I was crocheting the border I thought I was maybe going to run out of yarn. Ingrid, of the funkycrochet blog, very kindly checked where I could get more of the yarn; it has been discontinued. In the end I got the border finished without any problems.

There it is - a baby blanket that didn't take too long to make and is now finito. I'm going to give it to a friend who is expecting a baby early next year. I really hope she likes it.