Showing posts with label Christmas tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas tree. Show all posts

Friday, 16 January 2015

January Garden

Remember I told you about cutting a tree from our garden to use as a Christmas tree? I thought you'd like to know that it wasn't totally wasted. The pine needles have been used as a mulch for fruit bushes (they are alkaline as well as helping to reduce weeds) and the trunk will be used for fire wood when it has dried out.

Better than that though, we have planted a dozen new trees! They are all silver birch trees; just tiny little whips but they will soon grow.

We've also ordered some more trees that I'll tell you about once we get them.

The husband cut some of the willows which he will use in the garden. For example, to make a frame for the sweetpea to grow on in the summer.

 It has left a bit of a gap along the fence but the willow grows again very quickly.

It's hard to believe, but there are primroses flowering already. We've had snowdrops since before Christmas and a couple of daffodils are about to flower.

The heathers are providng some colour too.

What about this for a real splash of colour? Indoors, of course. We got this Christmas cactus just before Christmas and it has flowered magnificently!

Bye for now!