The plums are ready for picking so I made a start with them. It's hard to believe how many there are after there being none last year. I picked these....
... and these ... and then some more and there's still more left to pick. That's a seriously big spider!
The plums are delicious just eaten the way they are. Some have been cut up and added to fruit salad. Some have been stewed and then stored in the freezer. The Aga is fantastic for stewing fruit. Just leave the pot on top of the Aga (not on the hot plates), no need even to add water, and after a couple of hours it is perfectly stewed. Like this ...
The stewed fruit was divided into containers for the freezer. Do you wonder at the amount of things I tell you that I've frozen? There's been a lot recently. We have a small freezer in the kitchen, two other under counter freezers and a small chest freezer. They are now almost full so I need to use things like the frozen blackcurrants to make cordial.
Some of the plums I just halved, poached in a little water and some of our own honey. Then I stored the honeyed plum halves in sterilised jars.
With a label added so I don't forget what's in there.
A lot of the plums made their way into three plum crumbles that are now residing in the freezer to be enjoyed some other time.
As well as dealing with the plums I decided to make pasta sauce using some of our tomatoes. Rather than putting them in the freezer! The tomato sauce recipe I use is Sue's of the lovely Quince Tree blog. It is very easy to make but also very delicious.
I made enough for five jars and our dinner.
There's a crocheted baby blanket almost finished too. I'm working on the border and have reached the stage where I'm not sure if there will be enough of the Rowan Milk Cotton to finish. If there isn't then I'm not sure what I'll do - apart from having a good old weep! I got the yarn years ago so I'm not sure if it is still available. Even if it is, the dye number will be different. Ah well, we'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it.
Best wishes to you all.