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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Inspirations. Mostra tutti i post

Out of the kitchen!

To create a country chic but relaxed 
style why not using some
kitchen furtniture and utilities
outside the kitchen?

Per creare uno stile country chic,
ma rilassato, perchè non usare
alcuni pezzi di arredamento e oggetti
di cucina, ma fuori dalla cucina?

Why not starting
with an old sideboard to
redecorate with a shabby look?
It will look perfect in the
living room!!!

Perchè non iniziare con
una vecchia credenza da
ridecorare con un look shabby?
Sarà perfetta
in salotto!!!

A vegetable basket to keep
things in order...
with a country touch!

Un cestino per verdure
da usare per tenere le cose in ordine...
con un tocco country!

Ceramic bowls and old briosche tins
become the perfect pots
for bulbs or spring flowers!

Coppette di ceramica e vecchi stampi per
tortine diventano perfetti vasi
per bulbi e fiori primaverili!

Why not creating a vignette display
with an old table, glass pots,
fruits wooden boxes (which I love!)
old jars?

Perchè non creare un angolo con
un vecchio tavolo recuperato,
vasetti di vetro, vecchie cassette di legno (che io adoro!),
vecchi contenitori?

Well, the list is long...
you just have to use your imagination!!!!

Vecchie tazzine usate come vasetti
per fiori,
cestini in metallo trasformati in tavolini
cuscini ricavati da strofinacci,
vecchie bottiglie come decorazione...
Bhè, la lista è lunga...
dovete solo usare l'immaginazione!!!


Happy Week end!!

Enjoy your week end!
What will you do?
I don't know...
...maybe a little bit of shopping! ;)

Godetevi il week end!
Che farete?
Io ancora non lo sò...
... magari un po' di shopping! ;)

White Living Room

Thank you all for your sweet words, Sofia is better today... but we need to sleep!! Let's hope that this weekend we can have some rest!

I really love cushions and would have a lot of them in my new living room!
Meanwhile I look at these pictures...

All images from: Landstil

...I'm working on a little surprise for you all....in the next days I will tell you more!

Have a wonderful weekend my dearests!!!

Loverlij ... beauty, rest and tranquility

Today I want to take you to Loverlij, a fascinating B&B situated in Snellegem, near Bruges, Belgium.

Loverlij is a restored farmhouse with a fantastic garden...

...fabulous interiors...

...and the guest rooms are so cosy and romantic.

Guest Room "Blanchefleur"

Guest Room "Belle Amour"

The Suite

All images from: Loverlij

I really would love to have a week end break in a B&B like this one, where every detail is so curated! I know it's just Monday, but what about a little bit of daydreaming ;) ?


How has been your Easter week end? I spent Sunday with all the family in a big lunch together! I've eaten a lot and have received too many Easter eggs...I think I will make a cake with all that chocolate!
On Easter Monday in Italy it is tradition to have a picnic with friends, but the weather was horrible: it rained all Sunday night and the morning after it was grey and cloudy. So we stayed at home, relaxing, sleeping, sipping tea and eating chocolate!
I love to look at on-line boutiques and yesterday I discovered Mirabeu, which is a German shop with fantastic forniture!

Living Room:





All images from: Mirabeau

I've realized this post is quite long, I'm sorry! But I really enjoyed looking at the Mirabeau site and found so many inspirations!

Flea Market Style

As I want to go to a big Flea Market near where I live in a couple of weeks, I'm looking for inspirations and have found these pictures I want to share with you. Here are some old things re-invented:

The od bird cage re-invented as cake display is amazing!

And I love the old watches o the wall!

All images from:  http://www.bhg.com/ 

Jordi Canosa - Ingrid House

This house is in Formentera. I love the contrast of white with dark brown, the rustic materials and the relaxed atmosphere.