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A charmant hotel

What do you think about
a week end in a
hotel de charme
in France?

Che ne pensate di un
week end in un hotel
di charme in Francia?

This one is called "Un Coeur trés Nature"
and it's a dream!
I love everything about the entryway!

Questo si chiama "Un Coeur trés Nature"
ed è un sogno!
AMo tutto di quest'entrata!

What about this enchanted terrace?

Che dire di questa terrazza incantata?

And this room is just amazing!
I hope to have made you
dream a little dream with me!!

E questa camera è bellissma!
Spero di avervi fatto
sognare con me!


A farmhouse cottage in Cornwall

I've travelled all around Cornwall, alone, a summer of some years ago. Beautiful little cottages, amazing coastal scenery and delightful little villages...
...and wind... so much wind!!!

At that time I was a student travelling on a budget, but  how wonderful would be to stay in this lovely farmhouse cottage in the lush Ruthern Valley?

Look closely to the next image...

How lovely to have such a view over the sink!!! And if you don't have it, why not painting it? Yes it's a trompe l'oeil!! Love it!

The living room is so English-country-style-ish!

And the bedrooms so cosy!

But wait, a cat in the bathroom??? Eh Eh Eh! =)
You got it! It's another trompe l'oeil!!!

Have a Happy Sunday, my dearests!

Loverlij ... beauty, rest and tranquility

Today I want to take you to Loverlij, a fascinating B&B situated in Snellegem, near Bruges, Belgium.

Loverlij is a restored farmhouse with a fantastic garden...

...fabulous interiors...

...and the guest rooms are so cosy and romantic.

Guest Room "Blanchefleur"

Guest Room "Belle Amour"

The Suite

All images from: Loverlij

I really would love to have a week end break in a B&B like this one, where every detail is so curated! I know it's just Monday, but what about a little bit of daydreaming ;) ?