Wednesday, February 28, 2024

150 Canadian Women Update

I finally cleared off my tables, moved a few things, put a few things away, reorganized more things and dusted off one of the machines. Incredible amount of dust. And flies. Now dead flies. Interesting that they just come out of the woodwoork when the spring sun starts to shine.


My OMG, RSC, and Chookshed Challenge for February was to make progress on the 150 Canadian Women BOW from 2017 to commemorate Canada's 150th birthday. I had enough precut bits to sort out 17 blocks before I had to cut some more pieces. I preped about 24 then decided it was time to actually start sewing. And sewed I did. And I also unsewed. A lot. When I made more mistakes than correct seams, I decided it was time to call it done for this month. After all, what will I do next month? Deana will pull a number tomorrow night and then I can decide to do that project or, yet again, tweak my list and work on something else. 

Spring has arrived on our part of Canada. A bit too early for our liking. And the sun has been shining profusely. I think we had 3 major snow storms the entire winter. Yesterday was thunder showers and, you know, thunder. All that snow is gone. 

I am planning a Q@F Reunion Retreat for the end of May. We will be sewing for 3 whole days in the new SonRoom. 

After waiting for nearly a year to see a specialist, I finally got some cortizone shots in my hands to relieve the arthritic pain that has hindered my hand stitching. So, Lucy is back on the scene. 

My To-Do Tuesday list:

  1. Blog post for To-Do Tuesday, OMG, RSC and Chookshed Challenge. 
  2. Habit tracking - find the link and print off fresh sheets since my daughter's cat knocked over my water glass and soaked all my papers when I visited there last week. 
  3. Change the March  challenge to something else since I have that option. Wonder what number will be announced tomorrow night?
  4. Set my March OMG goal. 
  5. Don't overdue the goal setting. 
linking with all the above and Wednesday-wait-loss-369

Friday, February 9, 2024

150 Canadian Women Revisited

The 150 Canadian Women was a weekly QAL from Kat Tucker to commemorate Canada's 150th birthday back in 2017. Three six inch block patterns were release weekly for a free downlaod. Each block has a story of a woman that made a significant impact on Canada as we know it in the 21st century. Stories  of women from over 300 years. Northcott released a collection of fabrics in red and white and black and even some tourquoise which I did not purchase. It just seemed wrong. Instead, I pulled a different collection from 2010 with our National Anthem and maple leaves. Surprizingly, I had most of the fabrics, patterns and already made blocks in a project bin just begging to be remembered.

And then I found one more labled box on the bookshelf with other neatly labled project stuff. I even had a couple of blocks with partly sewn units and the fabric needed to complete them. I must have had a lot of time to do all that sorting and organizing. Wonder why I stopped? The last time I worked on it was 3 years ago. Oh yes. Covid lockdown with all my family living here at the same time. Competing for table space with jigsaw puzzles.

So, I took time to sort through all the patterns only to discover that I had them all in order. The completed block patterns had been separated out. I had cut lots and lots of pieces with my GO Baby cutter to sort of speed things up. And today, since I had cleared off tables and and iron boards and machines, I sorted out the precuts into size piles. I have 4 backgrounds and 4 colours. There are more fabrics in the bin, but I am starting here. 

This is my project for February for OMG, RSC and the Chookshed Challenge. I wonder how many blocks I can make without having to cut any more pieces?  



Thursday, February 1, 2024

Chookshed Challenge February 2024

Deana picked #2 for the February Challenge. I made a list of 10 quilting projects to work on this year for the Chookshed Challenge. Last month I started in on some Crazy Patch Embroidery. That will continue throughout the year. This month's RSC colour is red so I thought I would again tweak my list and work on the 150 Canadian Women since all those blocks are red.

I have about 28 complete with a lot of pieces quick cut with my GO Baby cutter. I will pull out the project bin from the back of the bottom shelf of endless ufo and fabric boxes in the corner of my bedroom. No. I will not post a picture of that.  

I have been slowly, very slowly, stitching Lucy blocks together. My poor arthritic hands are not liking that so I thought maybe doing some machine work would be a good idea. 
This will be my OMG goal for Feb also. 