Earlier in the fall, I wrote up an alphabetized list of all my quilting ufos in a small notebook. I was closing some loops in order to clear my head so I could better focus on the writing I have been dilly-dallying about for the past few years. We finally brought the rest of the geraniums inside mid November. They looked great for about a week then went into shock and I spent countless hours deadheading and cleaning up their mess. Loved every minute of it.
So, as I started saying, I have no less than 28 quilts on this updated ufo list on the side-bar. I used a small lined notebook that is easy to misplace. It is light green and disappears often when left alone. I took time to look at them one at a time and made a comprehensive list of each step that needs doing to bring them to a flimsy. I know. A bit crazy. However, it helped me to see which ones I wanted to focus on in the coming year and which ones I would leave alone for another year. This was an investment of about an hour.
I also made a list from the back of the notebook of all the new quilts I want to start. Remember. I am a dreamer and a planner. There are 14. I have all the fabrics and patterns for each of these. Well, maybe not the SAHRR, yet. I wrote up steps for each one. This gave me a glimpse of the work needed to impulsively jump into each new project. This way, I can see all of them not just the one filling my brain with ideas.
Still with me? These are some of the things that parade through my head throughout the days when I am not diligently reading or talking. And when I talk, it is often about some of the quilting I want to be doing or the writing I want to do. I also started a small notebook recording all the books I have been reading for the past few months. It is yellow. I have averaged between 12 and 25 per month. Some I have read twice. And why not? A good book is worth reading again and again. I often read with a pencil in hand. But I also have read a lot of kindle books.
So, closing the loops. This is a term I found in a book called Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor. It was recommended by one of my writing coaches. I write up to-do lists, but often forget to look at them again and do what is on the list. Somehow, writing down the thought, helps me to park it on paper and I can come back to it another time. Hense, the small note book. I write all my quilting thoughts in there. I used to write them on random scraps of note paper and post-it note pads. I find these all over the house.

I also started a writing notebook. I am working on about 7-8 different writing projects. And I am trying to do them all at the same time. Silly me. These include blogging, journaling, morning pages, memoirs, as well as 3 books I have been working on sporadically over the years. I invited others into my writing space a few months ago and we are now proceeding together to begin writing our stories. I have a lot of stories. I have more than 72 years of stories. Many are recorded here on my blog. I had one book published in 2017.
Before the last writing group meeting in November, I was a bit stressed over having to clear up my writing stuff spread out over 3 tables in the SonRoom. I did, after all, need to make room for humans.
Then I had the aha thought to just leave all my books and notes as they were and talk about what I was doing with each thing. It was a wonderful object lesson for them and for myself. As I picked up each book or notebook, I put them into a large project box and cleared off all the tables so my writers had space to work that morning. And then, I decided to just leave all the book stuff put away until after Christmas. We had houseguests all week and 25 for dinner. There was enough snow on the ground to look Christmassy, but is now raining. I finally planted the spring bulbs between raindrops so that is one more loop closed for the year.
In the meantime, I am packing my bags to go on my 12th ministry trip to India next week. I was invited to speak at a pastor's conferences. This is so cool. And I still have to figure out what I am going to be speaking on. Good thing I closed so many loops that I can think clearly. One of the things I want to speak on is how my Sweetie and I stayed married for 53 years. I started a whole new blog for that a year ago. It's called How We Stayed Married for 50+ Years and even enjoyed a few.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives as we welcome in 2025. This is going to be an epic year. We will welcome it in at midnight in the hot tub with our daughter and her family. I believe that laser tag is on the agenda. That and rain/snow showers. But hey. We are Canadians. Lots of people go jump into the lake on New Years Day. They call themselves the Polar Bear Club.
I will resume my writing in February.