Sunday, February 9, 2025

Mid Winter in Canada

I have come to the realization that in my many years of quilting and the countless quilts I have made and started, I have not made A.N.Y  for my grandchildren! How did that happen?? Other than a simple 9-patch baby quilt before Ava was born 17 years ago that all 3 girls used. And how did she get to be 17? And driving? And making plans for college? 

I did make David a pillowcase when he was sick with pneumonia a couple of months ago. But Jonathan was sick also and so was their dad. I did buy some special fabric when I was in Missouri in Oct. So now, I need to make quilts for my grandkids. There are 7 of them. I have several on the go that will be fine for the girls, but what about the boys? Not flowers or applique. No. Got to have cats and soccerballs. Oh, I do have the fabrics. Had them for at least a year. These are among the fast new quilts on my Chookshed Challenge list for this year. No Y-seams. No triangles. No curves. Just sayin'. Something fast. 
The boys came over for a New Year's Eve sleepover and I had Jonathan design this using 3 layer cakes. Then I sewed it together after I came home from India. 

 This is my new profile picture. And yes. I did climb up onto those rocks by myself. Sort of. Barefoot so I had good footing. It was a breezy day at the beach on the Bay of Bengal. We almost had lift off. 

That was an amazing trip. I hadn't been there for 6 years. Everything changes. All the time. But my passion for the people there has not. There were just 2 of us on this trip. We plan to return in October and do a women's conference. This is one of my favourite things in India. Speaking to women. Encouraging women. Praying for women. 
I did get to speak to pastors and their wives this trip. I spoke about how my Sweetie and I stayed married for 53 years. 

I took one quilty project along with me. I ironed several fabrics onto some wash-away applique sheets. We were just hanging out one afternoon and the boys offered to help. So they did. 

I had 3 pair of sharp scissors with me. Turns out that I had a 4th pair that got into my carry on bag and I had to give them up at security at the airport. Oops.

A trip to India is never complete without visiting our school. We were celebrating the senior class as they were getting ready to write their final exams and the junior class put on a party for them. It was so much fun. Including dancing and balloons. 

 I am in the process of booking a Norweigan cruise with my Daughter for mid May. That is going to be fun. I have never been on a cruise ship.  She has been on several and loves it. 

I am also planning a Quilting at the Farm retreat for the end of May. Everyone is invited. It should be warm by then and the sping flowers at their best. Right now we are in the middle of winter with lots of snow on the trees and ground. My Sweetie has pneumonia and I am reading lots and doing not much else. Never a dull moment here at the farm. 

The Chookshed Challenge number for Feb is 10 but my hands cannot handle the EPP for now so I will work on something else like start another new fast quilt. I have lots of charm packs ready to sew together for a Dis-appearing 9-Patch for David. Now that I have started doing these without using pins or clips, I may as well get a few more made. They don't even have to be pressed until the very end. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Closing the Loops

Earlier in the fall, I wrote up an alphabetized list of all my quilting ufos in a small notebook. I was closing some loops in order to clear my head so I could better focus on the writing I have been dilly-dallying about for the past few years. We finally brought the rest of the geraniums inside mid November. They looked great for about a week then went into shock and I spent countless hours deadheading and cleaning up their mess. Loved every minute of it. 

So, as I started saying, I have no less than 28 quilts on this updated ufo list on the side-bar. I used a small lined notebook that is easy to misplace. It is light green and disappears often when left alone. I took time to look at them one at a time and made a comprehensive list of each step that needs doing to bring them to a flimsy. I know. A bit crazy. However, it helped me to see which ones I wanted to focus on in the coming year and which ones I would leave alone for another year. This was an investment of about an hour.

I also made a list from the back of the notebook of all the new quilts I want to start. Remember. I am a dreamer and a planner. There are 14. I have all the fabrics and patterns for each of these. Well, maybe not the SAHRR, yet. I wrote up steps for each one. This gave me a glimpse of the work needed to impulsively jump into each new project. This way, I can see all of them not just the one filling my brain with ideas. 

Still with me? These are some of the things that parade through my head throughout the days when I am not diligently reading or talking. And when I talk, it is often about some of the quilting I want to be doing or the writing I want to do. I also started a small notebook recording all the books I have been reading for the past few months. It is yellow. I have averaged between 12 and 25 per month. Some I have read twice. And why not? A good book is worth reading again and again. I often read with a pencil in hand. But I also have read a lot of kindle books. 

So, closing the loops. This is a term I found in a book called Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor. It was recommended by one of my writing coaches. I write up to-do  lists, but often forget to look at them again and do what is on the list. Somehow, writing down the thought, helps me to park it on paper and I can come back to it another time. Hense, the small note book. I write all my quilting thoughts in there. I used to write them on random scraps of note paper and post-it note pads. I find these all over the house.

I also started a writing notebook. I am working on about 7-8 different writing projects. And I am trying to do them all at the same time. Silly me. These include blogging, journaling, morning pages, memoirs, as well as 3 books I have been working on sporadically over the years. I invited others into my writing space a few months ago and we are now proceeding together to begin writing our stories. I have a lot of stories. I have more than 72 years of stories. Many are recorded here on my blog. I had one book published in 2017. 

Before the last writing group meeting in November, I was a bit stressed over having to clear up my writing stuff spread out over 3 tables in the SonRoom. I did, after all, need to make room for humans.

Then I had the aha thought to just leave all my books and notes as they were and talk about what I was doing with each thing. It was a wonderful object lesson for them and for myself. As I picked up each book or notebook, I put them into a large project box and cleared off all the tables so my writers had space to work that morning. And then, I decided to just leave all the book stuff put away until after Christmas. We had houseguests all week and 25 for dinner. There was enough snow on the ground to look Christmassy, but is now raining. I finally planted the spring bulbs between raindrops so that is one more loop closed for the year. 

In the meantime, I am packing my bags to go on my 12th ministry trip to India next week. I was invited to speak at a pastor's conferences. This is so cool. And I still have to figure out what I am going to be speaking on. Good thing I closed so many loops that I can think clearly. One of the things I want to speak on is how my Sweetie and I stayed married for 53 years. I started a whole new blog for that a year ago. It's called How We Stayed Married for 50+ Years and even enjoyed a few.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives as we welcome in 2025. This is going to be an epic year. We will welcome it in at midnight in the hot tub with our daughter and her family. I believe that laser tag is on the agenda. That and rain/snow showers. But hey. We are Canadians. Lots of people go jump into the lake on New Years Day. They call themselves the Polar Bear Club. 

I will resume my writing in February. 



Saturday, December 28, 2024

2025 Chookshed Challenge

I like joining in group parties. I like the being in the group idea. I like making lists and planning ahead. I like checking off completed tasks on my to-do lists. I like anticipating the number chosen for the month. I like downloading the newest pattern for the block of the month. Problem is, I don't often do the do on the list. Life has me slowed down at my tender age of 72. When did that happen? Arthritic pain in my hands has limited my hand stitching over the past few years. As well as using those wonder clips. I do like my seams to match.

Here is my list of "specific" quilting goals for the 2025 Chookshed Challenge. We choose 10 projects to work on throughout the year. Each month a number will be drawn to suggest which one to focus on for that month. 

So here goes:

1. Assemble a Flimsy - Is this even possible?

2. Foundation Piecing - Lots to choose from. 

3. Machine Piecing - Oh yes. Please!

4. Machine Applique - Several possible projects.

5. Start a New Quilt - I have several project boxes     loaded and ready to go. 

6. Fast New Quilt - I have lots of pre-cuts.

7. Something With Embroidery - There are options. I just don't yet know what they will be.  

8. Random - Rummage through the ufo bins and choose one to play with. 

9. Hand Applique - Still have a few prepped in a box somewhere

10EPP - Any thing - start something new or work on a ufo.

This should keep me out of mischief and focused for the coming year. 



Sunday, December 1, 2024

Planning for 2025

Here is my preliminary list of quilting goals for the coming year. I do not want to plan to complete any quilts. Well. Maybe a couple. I do plan to move some forward. I want to improve my machine quilting skills. And I want to start some new ones. I am planning a couple of big trips next year. So in no particular order, here are my thoughts for now.

Improve Machine Quilting Skills

A visit to Angela Walters shop in Liberty Missouri in October has me itching to get back to machine quilting just for fun not necessarily to quilt a big quilt. Because you actually have to have a finish in order to quilt it. I bought one of her Free Motion Challenge panels to practice on. And a T-shirt. And a couple of rulers. In order to do this, I have to clean up that never not dishevelled Blue Room that refuses to stay tidy. And didn't I wake up dreaming about layering a quilt with a green backing this morning. 

SAHRR - Stay At Home Round Robin  from Quilting Gail

I have been watching all the fun over the past few winters as quilters create some of the most incredible mystery quilts with a weekly prompt. I have several orphan blocks to choose from. I have countless blocks I have made for many different quilts over the years that I may never complete. I never considered them orphan blocks before. So, why not be creative and try something new? This begins January. The first month is to choose the center block. At least it is already made. Whichever one I choose. 

Q@F Retreat 

Possibly the middle of June or whenever I get around to deciding. We had lots of fun twice last year with quilting friends coming over for a few days hang out and quilt and talk and eat and shop. 

Make Progress on UFOs. 

I have a list of ufos to work on. But do I want to commit?? I am a coward most days. And a roaring lion other days. I want to complete Ella Maria Deacon. I worked diligently on this one from Sentimental Stitches as 4 blocks a month were released back in 2020-21. 

I also want to complete Serendipity. I rummaged through all the bins and patterns and printed off a few foundation papers and have it all prepped and ready to focus on. Sometime. I plan to get it longarm quilted using a Baptist Fan pattern. 

Having said all that, I want to make serious progress on the Morrell Quilt. There are 60 ten inch blocks and half of them are applique and broderie perse, which I have been doing by machine. I have about 24 blocks done so far. I think. What I want to do is to do a blitz of cutting out the chintz florals I have collected for years to use for the many broderie perse applique blocks. These I have been doing by machine. Maybe if I have lots of fused and cut out flowers and leaves, I could get help from my creative friends at my Quitling at the Farm retreat. Now there is an interesting thought. 

New Fast Quilt 

I have been spending a lot of time "researching" you tube quick quilts. All because I went to Missouri Star Quilts in October. I have several patterns and more than enough pre-cuts to make several.

15 - Minutes to Stitch 

I kept track of some of my stitching time throughout the year and my track record is about 30%. So if I change the perameters and stitch 3 times per week I might get a better looking chart. 

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 

I have the Kiwi Birds paired up with solid colours and thought I could make a few each month in the given colour. There will be leaves. No big hurry here. I also have a couple of other possibilities. But I would have to give this more thought as there will be some prep work to be able to start in January. 

So, for now, January looks very busy. I am planning a 2 week ministry trip to India. I can take a bit of handwork with me. And my daughter and I are planning a Norwegian cruise in May. 

And Christmas is coming and you know what that means. Chris will have a houseful of family for most of the holiday season. Good thing I have learned to delegate. 



Friday, November 1, 2024

What's Next?

It is the beginning of November and wonderful adventures. I flew out to Kansas City Missoura last week to visit my quilt blogging buddy Gail who I met in person last year at Scrub Stitching in Australia. We have been zoom friends for about 4 years. 

She took me to an amazing quilt shop that just had a gzillion new bolts of reproduction. I only had a carryon bag. And we went to Angela Walters shop. That is worthy of a post of its own.

When she asked if I wanted to go to Hamilton, to visit the Missouri Star Quilts well, I just had to say yes. After all, I live in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. We traipesed our way through 14 of the 15 shops. I chose to skip the wool shop. 

It was an amazing 86 F. Not bad, considering we were having daily morning frost back home that week.

It was a quilting kind of visit so I took along 17 Churn Dash blocks to finish sewing together. I had all the hard part done. Just had to sew all the units together. I brought them home and put them all on the big design wall and here they are. Somehow I goofed in the math and made one too many with the white center. So now to locate the rest of the bits and make one more with a coloured center. After that, I can sew them altogether and have a flimsy. 

This is the end of the 2024 chookshed Challenge. I managed to move forward most of the quilts on my list. All except the one I did not want to work on. Serendipity. So, since I did not want to work on it, I pulled out all the project boxes, the pattern binder holding all 100 blocks, and I organized what I still had to do and printed off a couple of FPP papers and now have it ready to focus on the next time I do not want to work on it. I have been playing around with a list for 2025. 

The Chookshed Challenge has us focus on 10 projects, including starting a new one if we want. Well, I want. I want to start at least 7 new quilts. So, I wrote up a list and itemized everything that has to be done in order to be ready to start. That is a lot to do. Before I actually start. Then, because I was challenged to close a few loops, (been reading Redeeming Your Time by J Raynor), I made a brand new list of all the ufo's in my cupboard and alphabetized them in a small notebook, then jotted down all the steps that need doing and some thoughts about moving them forward. I put a 2026 date on several that can wait. 

I have often joined a finish it up challenge with different bloggers hoping to move quilts to the finish line. I do not work well with that kind of pressure. I want to enjoy my quilting, not feel like a failure when I do not. I do have a complete finish I am dying to share but need a couple of tall helpers to photograph the thing. Outside. In the autumn colourfulness. Soon.

I had the second writing workshop here this past Sat and am so excited to now have 10 women who want to write their stories. We will meet again at the end of November to learn how to write a "scene". We all know how to make a scene, well, at least I do. I have had lots of practice. But to write a scene - new learning curve.

My November writing goals are to write something, anything, every single day. Today I have written my morning Pages and the rest of this blog post. Now to document this on one of my tracking sheets. I have several. For writing and for quilting. 

My November OMG quilting goal will be to complete that Churn Dash flimsy. And any other machine sewing I manage to get done. 

linking with: alyciaquilts.blogspot.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

To-Do Tuesday Oct 2024

I have posted my WIPS-B-GONE list for the next 2 months. I have been sewing in the SonRoom off and on for the past few months. As long as I do not try to do too much, I can make slow progress. Hand work is not possible these days and those wonderful Wonderclips are just too hard on my hands. 

My quilting To-Do Tuesday list for this week is:

  1. Churn Dash - sew up the prepped blocks. Not sure how many there. This is my Chookshed Challenge project.  
  2. Put them all up on the big design wall and take pictures. 
  3. Press the Wedding Quilt and make a start on those mitered corners.
    I had the whole thing out last week to see what to do. There are 3 borders sewn on that will be mitered all at the same time. The last 2 quilts I made with this pattern were mitered on border at a time. and what am I thinking? I have yet another Jinny Beyer border print quilt sitting on the sidelines waiting for me to start it. I will not be alone in that journey since I have 2 quilting friends making the same quilt from kits we bought on Craftsy back in 2015. No hurry. 
  4. Blog more often. Life has settled down here on the farm into a nice rythym with the grandkids back in school. My Sweetie is the "Uber Eats" driver in the family. He makes breakfast for the girls and drives them to school 3-4 days a week and now also picks them up 2 nights a week since Elly is in rugby. That is a lot of driving. I did it all 2 weeks ago and am glad I do not have to do it all the time. Their dad started a new job a year ago and needs the help. Their school is 30 minutes from here. 
My OMG goal for October will be to have one completed flimsy ready for quilting. If I designate a specific one, you know I will work on the other one. 


 Leanne at Devoted Quilter has again issued the challenge to complete some projects over the next 61 days. I have chosen to work on the following. 

1. Churn Dash. This was a Chookshed SAL 2 years ago. I am using some old Robin Pandolph fabrics and several creamy solid backgrounds. There will be 63 blocks. This is also my Oct Chookshed Challenge project. 

2. Summer QAL mystery quilt from 2021. I have most of those blocks sewn together. Next will come a couple of borders if I can remember what I had been
thinking last time I worked on it. 

3. Macaron Mystery QAL. I have an oops to figure out before completing the side triangles. Then there will be a 1 inch black border, 3 inch creamy border and possibly 5 inch dark focus fabric border. I think I have enough of the creamy fabric for the backing. If not, I have wide back options. 
4. Wedding Quilt. I had the thing out last week to see what I have to do to get the 3 outside  borders mitered. My hands are not happy working with wonder clips or pins.  This is one of the inner borders that I had to redo. 

5. Dolls of the World jumped off the pile on the table in the corner of the Blue Room and said. "Hey! What about me?" So this is on the list. 

Remember the Cherries Quilt? I completed all the hand applique on this 100 inch square quilt from Sentimental Stitches back in 2020. I worked on it for 6 years. I found someone to hand quilt it for me. So excited! I will take it next week for her to get started.  

I have a couple of new projects I want to start. Let's see how long I can last waiting until I get some noticable progress on the above. 



linking with quiltfabrication/midweek-makers 

