Good chilly evening my friends. Is there anything better, at the end of the day, then to come home to a cozy home, some candlelight, and soft music? The weather really changed today and we had more snow flurries, just a taste of what is yet to come. It really is starting to feel like the holidays, but I'm not quite ready to start decorating for Christmas at home quite yet - maybe next weekend (after Thanksgiving).

Our little pretend fire and a few white lights can do wonders for the soul. A nice hot cup of coffee and a pair of comfy pj's is all that the doctor ordered.
I'm so excited! My friend Debbie is coming to Michigan tomorrow from North Carolina. She will be spending most of the weekend with us and we have a lot to catch up on. She will be taking lots of goodies back for her booth at The Depot - so you should go check it out!
Feeling a little nostolgic tonight with the holidays coming. This will be the first year without Dad and he LOVED everything about every holiday, especially spending time with his family. Enjoy every moment with your loved ones, there's nothing more important.
The shop felt so great tonight when I locked the front door. The music was still playing, all of the twinkle lights were on, the candle was burning and I could have just stayed there all night. I took lots of new handmades in today, so come on in and check us out!
Well friends, not too much new to report today, I've just been missing all of you. Have a wonderful evening!
Until next time...