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Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts


Glow Stick Broom Sticks

Happy Halloween! Today I'm sharing the "treat" my daughter and I made for all her classmates. I got the idea from Alex over at Northstory. I opted for kraft packing paper (I had lots from previous packages, so it was both plentiful and FREE!).

Here's what you'll need:
Glow Sticks from your local dollar store
Kraft Packing Packing
Fringe Scissors
Glue Dots

I didn't really pay too much attention to the length of my strips of paper, but I did cut them all to roughly 2" and I'll guess 10" in length. I used two strips per broom and 3 glue dots - one to start, one to hold the two strips together and one to finish.

When those were done, I added the bracelet attachment to the top and tied a tag to it (there were some grooves in the attachment to keep the tag from slipping down). The tag was created using pieces from past Paper Pumpkin kits (don't you love that stamp set?!) and Black Baker's Twine. My daughter then signed her name on all of them and then went back later and drew little pictures. So cute!

Here are all of them completed (including the one on the end that was accidentally cracked). They were well liked and the teachers were raving about them!

This one was my favourite tag - my daughter drew a bunch of doors for "trick-or-treating". Love!

Until next time, stay crafty! (and Happy Haunting!)