INSTALL for SdlZombies! by Philippe Brochard Version 1.0.0 Thu May 31 19:45:49 CEST 2001 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -------------------- CONTROLS -------- The game is controlled using a mouse. It can be played with either a mouse or the keyboard. REQUIREMENTS TO COMPILE ----------------------- SDL --- "sdlzombies!" was programed using the "Simple Direct Media" layer libraries by Sam Lantinga. This means that the game can theoretically run under any environment that the SDL libraries support. (As of this program's release, this includes: Linux X11/DGA, Win32 WinDIB/DirectX, BeOS BWindow, and Solaris X11, as well as unofficially supported: Linux SVGAlib, IRIX 6.x X11, FreeBSD 3.x X11, and MacOS.) The Simple DirectMedia Layer is required to compile this game. You can download the SDL libraries from: SDL_image --------- SDL_image is also required. (It is used to load the PNG format images that come with sdlzombies!) You can download SDL_image from: in section Libraries SDL_mixer --------- Sound and music are available, but are not required (see below). You will need the "SDL_mixer" library compiled and installed if you want sound. You can download SDL_mixer from: in section Libraries INSTALLING UNDER LINUX/UNIX --------------------------- First, run the configuration script, "./configure": ./configure { To compile sdlzombies without installing it, you can run : ./configure --disable-install To compile sdlzombies and install it in an other directory, you can run : ./configure --prefix=$YOUR_PATH } (you can get more help with : ./configure --help) Then compile the game: make Then (as super-user, if you're installing the game in the default location of "/usr/") install the game: make install This should put sdlzombies and the data files in the right place. In case you want to remove(!) sdlzombies do a make uninstall from the source directory. This should remove all sdlzombies files safely. CROSS-COMPILING FOR WINDOWS UNDER LINUX --------------------------------------- Get an EGCS-based compiler for Win32, like the one available here: Follow the instructions in SDL's "README.Win32" file regarding compiling and installing the Windows32 cross-compiled version of SDL. Also, cross-compile SDL_mixer, SDL_image and the png libraries, following similar instructions to above. (Note: Set the "--prefix" value when running "./configure" for these two libraries.) Finally, in the sdlzombies directory, run: make -f Makefile-win32 This will build the ".exe" and copy the SDL ".dll" files into the directory. (note : I haven't test this. So, give me feedback if that works in your box) URL --- The "png" and "z" libraries are available at: The End!