This past Saturday one of my dearest friends Wendy Whitaker became Wendy Larson. Most of those who read this blog regularly are acquainted with her, so these pictures are for you! Those who don't, well... read on anyway. You may find yourself amused nonetheless.
It was a pleasantly overcast day at the Mount Timpanogos Temple. This was supposed to be more artistic of a shot, but instead it's just the view you would have if you passed out in a flowerbed on the temple grounds.
The sealing was beautiful and happy (as sealings are wont to be). Then there were pictures outside of the temple:
The happy couple:
This is Sam and I. Sam is Dave's best friend. These are the faces we made upon the prompt of "seductive winks". With such powers it amazes us that we're the single ones.
We made our way to the wedding luncheon to find Wendy's siblings using the M&Ms on the table to bet on anything and everything they could. Such bets included the exact time Wendy and Dave would arrive at the luncheon, whether or not Wendy would eat everything on her plate, and how many speeches would be made at the event.
Upon closer inspection these were no ordinary M&Ms...
To complete our juvenile behavior, we used the tiny champagne glasses (no longer full of M&Ms) to toast to the newlyweds.
The reception was beautiful as well, and I saw many familiar faces. After their honeymoon Dave and Wendy are moving to Hawaii to work and live... and to find me a handsome Polynesian boy. Congrats to them!
I just love weddings! I would get marriend everyday if I could. hehe. And those M&Ms are too cool!
HALES!!!! Word.
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