Showing posts with label blogiversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogiversary. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Everything in 3s GIVEAWAY

Have I told you about our new friend? He just arrived one day and has stayed.
Funnily enough, this happens a bit here... cats just adopt us, don't know why ;)
Anyway, it's been three months since this gorgeous boy arrived and we're very 
fond of him :)

He's also adopted one of my cushions (don't worry I've pulled it from the shop!) 
I'd kind of already decided I was going to keep this one for myself as it was the
first one I made and special to me for that...

Anyway.... I also seem to be making a habit of missing anniversaries... 
April 10th marked my third year of blogging and of 3 Sheets. 
So, better late than never I'm going to have a giveaway. 

These two matching crochet triangle cushions will be the prize. It's open to both 
local and international peeps, but I would like you to be either a follower of the 
3 Sheets blog or the 3 Sheets facebook page.

What do you think? Would you like these cushions? Tell your friends!
Winner randomly selected on Sunday 6th May :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Winners are grinners :)

It's our 17th wedding anniversary today :) This photo was taken just after we'd become engaged.

Now, what about the giveaway winners....? Randomly chosen, and proudly modelled, by the Little One...

Embroidered brooch - Evie @ Handmade Romance

Pen + Wash painting - Penny @ Sosewpoppy

Felt Brooch - Kate @ Fox Lane

Congratulations to the winners!! I'll be in touch soon. Have a great long weekend! :) Kx

Sunday, April 25, 2010

1st blogiversary giveaway :)

I've just been reading M*'s post about missing her blogiversary and I thought, Hang on a minute...! There was some frantic checking of the calendar and... I realised that I've missed my first Blog Birthday too!

April 10th last year I started this funny old thing called 3 Sheets and the year really has whizzed by at an incredible speed. The growth I've experienced as a person because of the amazingly supportive and encouraging craft blog community has helped me refine what I'm doing and the directions I decide to go, at the same time as teaching me a swag of soul-boosting lessons.

Thank you :) Thanks for supporting me and thanks for telling me to get a grip when I needed it too ;)

So.... a giveaway is in order I think. As I am spectacularly unorganised for the occasion, I've decided to pick out three things I've made over the last year for your choice. There will, of course, be three winners so you need to leave a comment and specify which of the three choices you prefer...

Choice 1: Embroidered brooch

Choice 2: Crochet and felt brooch

Choice 3: Pen + wash picture (A5 size)

Now, some apologies...
First, the trivial: I seem to be having a bit of a green moment in my choice of items, sorry.
Next the fixable: the photo of the pen + wash is phenomenally bad I'm afraid, but I will replace it when the sun comes out for a better look-see. Surprisingly it is actually quite a vibrant colour ;)
And lastly, the unavoidable: I have to start working this week (and for the next couple of months) in my husband's optometry practice (yep, I giggled too... can't see it yet but I'll be there!). So, apologies that I won't be posting as often or crafting as much or visiting as often... I imagine I'll be one of those midnight lurkers! ;)
Anyway, many thanks again for the wonderful support and I hope you like the choices for the giveaway.
I'll make a random draw on Saturday 1st May :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

200 posts!

Yes, I've been doodling again. I'm actually thinking about designs for printing up fabric now and this is a sneak peek at a very crowded doodle of ideas. Anyway, all this can wait because I have something else for you that I hope you really like....

A celebration of 200 posts! It's come around very quickly, hasn't it? I was determined to have a giveaway to say thank you... it was in my mind whilst in London, so there are now two choices of giveaway gifts.

Your first choice is a Cath Kidston pack. It includes:
• London souvenir design hankie
• London souvenir set of brooches and
• a mix & match stationery set featuring Cath Kidston's cowboys and floral designs.

OR, you can choose the Paper pack. This one includes:
• the fabulously crafty Handmade Hello book
(from Hello Lucky blog fame)
• a Paperchase mini sketchbook / notebook and
• 6 Paper Lantern covered pencils.

Just leave a comment with either Cath Kidston pack or Paper pack in the comment box and you'll be in the running. Thank you to all the lovely people who stop by here :) I'll be drawing the winners on Friday 9th October.