Funnily enough, this happens a bit here... cats just adopt us, don't know why ;)
Anyway, it's been three months since this gorgeous boy arrived and we're very
fond of him :)
He's also adopted one of my cushions (don't worry I've pulled it from the shop!)
I'd kind of already decided I was going to keep this one for myself as it was the
first one I made and special to me for that...
Anyway.... I also seem to be making a habit of missing anniversaries...
April 10th marked my third year of blogging and of 3 Sheets.
So, better late than never I'm going to have a giveaway.
These two matching crochet triangle cushions will be the prize. It's open to both
local and international peeps, but I would like you to be either a follower of the
3 Sheets blog or the 3 Sheets facebook page.
What do you think? Would you like these cushions? Tell your friends!
Winner randomly selected on Sunday 6th May :)