How does Sheena concentrate on these long haul trips? She sings along to a variety of songs, of course I had to join in.Sheena was very good although Russ(hubby)wouldn't say that!!!! I was my usual tone deaf self but it was great fun.
Saw the Angel of the North for the first time,shame I didn't have a camera ready,the sun was just setting behind it,so the figure was black and very imposing.
Once there I was introduced to all the pets, 2 dogs 3 Cats,good job I love animals.
Early night because tomorrow was going to be a busy day.Slept well and woke to an early morning cuppa from Sheena,made just how I like it,milk in first.Then off to the venue,the room was perfect,staff very helpful,couldn't wait for those bacon buttys but needed to set up first.
The Ladies arrived and were very excited, I couldn't understand why !!!! There were four projects to do,so after the introductions we got down to business.
I was most excited to meet Bev the Blade,she couldn't understand why.I just like meeting people that I hear about,Linda (Papercraft World)is at fault for this one.
After morning coffee ( tea in my case ), buffet lunch and afternoon tea with chocolate muffins we were full. Full stomachs as well as full of inspiration.
Exhausted from the day it was then pizza,a bottle of wine and a good film and off to bed.
Monday began with breakfast at Ikea,then a tour and shopping at the Metro centre and then to Costco.I will definitely be back to do my Christmas shopping here,so much choice and lucky for me Sheena has another workshop in December.
Back to the house for cake and tea, but then we did some work before I left for the airport and the journey home.
Tuesday off but to tired to do much apart from the school run and watch C&C.Wednesday spent the day designing 3 cards for a magazine article,ideas there but need to do more.Thursday,Jayne Nestorenko is on C&C on Friday at 11am, needed to do a couple more cards for this.
Tomorrow will be finishing the metal cards for the magazine,then to get messy.Of course this has to be something to do with Sheena.Her next show is on Monday at 3pm and involves fruit.Here's a card I've already done for the show.
After this long post I'm tired,so it's off to bed for me.