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Viser innlegg med etiketten Altered Items. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag, mars 06, 2012

Ett Trykk Februar 2012 - Skilt

Hei :)
Her ser dere 3 skilt som jeg laget til februarutgaven av Ett Trykk 2012.
Blekk: Distress Ink - Brushed Corduroy
Papirer: Kort &Godt - tag, Imaginisce- mønsterpapir
Annet: Imaginisce - klistremerke, Marens landhandleri - washi tape, ukjent - alfabetklistremerker, Panduro - hyssing, MME - ramme
Teknikker: Vimplene er klippet for hånd
Papirer: Stampin' Up - rød kartong, 
Annet: Inkido - røde blomster, Nellie Snellen - hjerte die, Tattered Angels - Glimmer Mist Burnt Red, Tim Holtz - Grungeboard Alphabet, Picket Fence Crackle Paint, Søstrenen Grene - bånd.
Blekk: Distress Ink - Brushed Corduroy
Stempler: Poppy Design - blondestempel
Papirer: Papirpikene - vintage motiv
Annet: Papirpikene - osteklut, Bottle Cap Inc - bruskork og pynt, Martha Stewart - rosa alfabet, CC Paper - alfabet, ukjent - diverse gamle syting
Teknikker: Malte papp med hvit crackle paint. La på ostekluten før malingen tørket.

mandag, januar 03, 2011

Altered Gift Boxes

I've totally forgotten to show you these gift boxes I altered for Christmas. The boxes are bought at the Duty Free shop. They are Anthon Berg corrugated cardboard boxes were filled with fudge ;) I've saved them after all was eaten, and now it was time to alter them and use them as Christmas gifts.
The stamps I used are from Stempelglede's Vintage Christmas collection. I got the stamp set as a present from a very sweet friend :) Papers are from Inkido.
I stamped the images on glossy paper with Archival Ink Sepia. The snowflakes are Scandinavian snowflake punch from Martha Stewart. I added Stickles to the snowflakes and the edges of the paper and image.
Behind the image I have used a tag die from Sizzix on the sheet music.
The first box was filled with dark chocolate.
This box is almost similar to the first one.
 This box was filled with candles and a decorated match box.

Well, this was the last bit of Christmas 2010. I've already started new projects and will show them you soon on my blog! In between crafting I'm also preparing for some wedding shoots and designing for Inkido :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!

torsdag, desember 23, 2010

Small Christmas Gifts

It's the day after the BIG DAY(my 30th birthday) and I can finally breathe out and start to enjoy Christmas.
I want to thank all of you for phone calls, text messages, Facebook greetings, cards, flowers and other gifts :)
Later I will show you some of the cool gifts I got.
These are some match boxes I decorated as gifts to some friends. I gave them together with some candles in decorated paper bags. I used vintage images from Ladybug and Friends. Papers and embellies are from Inkido!

On this match box I used one of the stamps from the Vintage Christmas stamp set from Stempelglede!
I got this stamp set as a gift from a very sweet cardmaker friend ;) Thank you!

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
I hope it will be filled with lots of presents, memorable moments with your family and friends, good food and hopefully you'll see some snow too!
Big Christmas Hugs from Kristine :)

søndag, desember 19, 2010

More Christmas Gift Bags

Wow! I've been a bad blogger lately, and I'm so sorry for that. But here I am, still alive and blogging:)
I've been SO busy with work, preparations for Christmas and also for my 30th birthday celebration. A few days too early, because my birthday isn't until Wednesday the 22nd :) I celebrated it yesterday with family and friends, and it was such a nice time. Well, well, enough about that. Now I want to show you the rest of the gift bags I have made for my friends for Christmas.
Here I used glittery paper from Reminisce. Stamp from Inkido and ribbon from my stash. The bling snowflakes are from Prima.
 Inside I used pink paper from October Afternoon and vintage photo from Ladybug and Friends.
 On this 2nd bag I used paper from MME, stamp from Inkido and ribbon from Søstrene Grene.
 Inside I used a felt snowflake from Stampin Up and vintage image from Ladybug and Friends.
 The 3rd bag was made with paper from Papirdesign and stamp from Inkido.
 The sheet music paper is from Inkido and the image from Ladybug and Friends.
 On the 4th bag I used paper from Papirdesign, ribbon and birch heart from Panduro.
 Inside is snowflake paper from Inkido, vintage image from Ladybug and Friends and lace from Kort & Godt.
 On the last bag I used paper from Papirdesign, homemade wrinkled vintage ribbon and stamps from Waltzing Mouse Stamps and Inkido.
Green paper from and lace from Inkido and vintage image from Ladybug and Friends.

søndag, desember 05, 2010

Christmas Gift Bags

Today it started snowing and I've stayed inside making some Christmas Gift Bags. I managed to make a total of 9! Here are 4 of them. I will fill them with chocolates and give them to some sweet friends for Christmas :)
I dag kom snøen(bare litt) og jeg har holdt meg trygt innendørs siden jeg sliter med en forkjølelse. Så da har man god tid til juleforberedelser. I går kveld fikk jeg skrevet alle julekortene, og i dag har jeg sittet og puslet med noen små gaveposer. Jeg har laget 9 stk, og her kommer 4 av dem. Jeg skal fylle de med sjokolader og gi de til noen søte venner til jul.
I used some small brown paperbags. The measurements are 8x15 cm. I used patterned papers from Panduro, stamps and red bling from Inkido, Martha Stewart snowflake punches, Glimmer Mist Old Lace and various red ribbons from my stash.
Jeg brukte brune papirposer som måler 8x15cm.Mønsterpapirene er fra Panduro, stempler fra Inkido, snøkrystallpuncher fra Martha Stewart, Glimmer Mist Old Lace og diverse røde bånd fra stashet mitt.
At the back I used two of my personal stamps.
På baksiden av posene brukte jeg to forskjellige personlige stempler.
On the inside of the bag I decorated with various vintage images from Ladybug and Friends.
På innsiden pyntet jeg med vintagebilder fra Ladybug and Friends.
I sprayed the bags with Glimmer Mist Old Lace. The white snowflake was covered with Stickles Frosted Lace.
Jeg sprayet hele posen med Glimmer Mist Old Lace. Den hvite snøkrystallen ble dekket med Stickles Frosted Lace.

onsdag, mai 26, 2010

Vintage Gift Box

This is a box I made a long time ago, but I haven't been able to show it before now(because the recipient has received the box). I covered the box with a criss cross card on top. The vintage script paper I have used is Calambour and is called Travel Collection and I also used a page from an old book. The tags have been stamped with a collage stamp from Inkido.
Here is the tag in the criss cross card. The wings are Tim Holtz dies(Sizzix). I painted them with clear crackle paint. The ribbon and brad is from Panduro. The stamp in the corner is from Prima.

The vintage image is downloaded for free from Shabby Chic Papirskatter.
The inside of the box was covered with the same script paper as on the criss cross card.
And the bottom of the box was decorated like this. My blog address has been written with my typewriter on some twill type. The wings and regal crest are dies from Tim Holtz :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today :)

fredag, april 16, 2010

Sukkersøtt #80 - Vintage

Denne uken er det vintage som er utfordringen hos Sukkersøtt. Vi vil også at du skal ha minst 3 blomster på prosjektet ditt.  Jeg har pyntet en Toblerone boks som ble gitt i 80årsgave forrige søndag. Jeg fikk ideen fra Rønnaug sin blogg;)
Jeg har brukt mine egendesignete papirer og her har jeg brukt Mathea-Royal Petrol og Cartas de Amor Royal Petrol.
This week at Sukkersött the challenge is to create a vintage project and you have to use at least 3 flowers.
Her ser du hvordan esken åpnes og de små Toblerone sjokoladene kommer frem. Tallene er chipboard som jeg har malt med Antique Linen Crackle Paint. Gratulerer teksten er fra Inkido.
To av blomstene har jeg laget selv. Jeg fant inspirasjon fra denne tutorial'en. Jeg brukte ikke gamle boksider, men silkepapir. Da ble blomstene mer "fluffy". Den lyse blomsten har jeg stemplet med litt swirl stempler før jeg sprayet den med diverse Glimmer Mists for å få den fargen jeg ønsket. Den lyse blomsten er holdt sammen av en brad, mens den blå blomsten er holdt sammen av en knapp.
Jeg har også pyntet med grubge board swirls fra Tim Holtz. De er malt med Picket Fence Crackle Paint og så har jeg svertet med Brushed Corduroy Distress Ink.
Koret er feste på selve boksen. Det er laget med Nestabilities Labels Two. Inni har jeg pyntet med et flott vintage bilde fra klippeark som Gudrun Loennecken har designet for Minne-Hjørnet.
Her ser du hvordan esken åpnes ved å dra i det brune silkebåndet.
Tusen takk for at du titter innom og god helg :)

lørdag, april 03, 2010

Happy 30th birthday

Yesterday was my husband's 30th birthday and this is the card I made him.
I made a folded card with a mini album inside and a small envelope for some small treasures. I used papers(Autumn Meadows) and cardstock from Stampin Up. The card is very inspired by the mini album in folder which I learned at Gudrun's class at the Ski gathering in March.
On this tag I used an angel stamp from Tim Holtz, "KLEM" stamp from Papirgleder and "Gratulerer" from Inkido.
 On the edges I distressed with my Tim Holtz distressing tool and inked with Vintage Photo and Brushe Corduroy ink. After I painted it with Clear Rock Candy Crackle Paint from Tim Holtz. The black corrugated cardboard behind the tag is first sanded and then painted with white Picket Fence Crackle Paint.
 Here you see how the card is locked. The ribbon is twill tape from Stampin Up. The lock I got from a sweet friend a long time ago:)
 The card is folded on my Scor Pal. As you can see I didn't just fold the card in two, I made some space in between the front and back because I was adding a lot inside the card. The mini album inside is fastened with this brown hemp twine. I added a pearl and some buttons to decorate.
 Inside the card I made a mini album with some memories form our wedding in Miami last September. I edited and cropped the photos in photoshop to give them a vintage look matching the style of the card.
 Here you see the photos. I have added some cute stickers from K&Co which Claudia gave me. The bottle cap is from a glass bottle of Coca Cola and inside is a text which says "Some flirting going on" and I think this was perfect for my little album.

Behind the mini album I made a small envelope for some small treasures from our wedding day. The envelope was made after Gudrun's directions at the Ski gathering :) Thank you Gudrun for the inspiration!!


I also wanted to tell you about Inkido's Easter Blog Candy which is going on at the Inkido blog. All you hae to do is to tell about the blog candy on your blog and leave a comment on the Inkido blog. You have until April 5th(11:59 PM GMT+1) to join. Good luck!

And Happy Easter to all of you! Now it's time for us to go hunt for those Easter Eggs in the garden:)

lørdag, mars 27, 2010

Vintage Easter Eggs

A few weekends ago my sweet friends Marte and Camilla inspired me with their amazing vintage decorated Easter eggs. So now I hav treid make some myself too, in different sizes. The flower patterned egg has not been decorated by me. I bought it at Åhlens and I like it the way it is. So it's in the Easter Egg basket together with all the others:)
I would like to enter my eggs to the That's just so cute Easter challenge.
All eggs have been given a base coat of Gesso paint before I have painted them with different pastel acrylic colours and sprayed them with Glimmer Mists. The three smallest eggs are from Panduro, and the biggest one is an Easter egg bought at the supermarket.
On the pink egg I have used laces from Stoff & Stil, flowers from Prima and Inkido. The ribbon is from Nille and the tags are cut with the Word Window Punch from SU. The text have been written on my old typewriter. Metal charms from my stash.
I sprayed the egg with Glimmer Mist Old Lace to give it a nice shimmer.

On the blue egg I used some old paper scraps, laces and buttons from my stash. Rose is from Wild Orchid crafts and the white flower is Bazzill.
Around the egg I used strips of old book pageson top, a grey ribbon in the middle and under is a SU twill tape which I stamped with a text stamp from Tim Holtz. 
On the yellow egg I used some lace, flowers and a button.

The greem egg has a belt which is pianted with green and white crackle paint from Tim Holtz. The hamp wire and the charm is from a candle light I bought a long time ago.
I wish you all a happy Easter and hope the Easter Bunny will bring you some nice eggs filled with sweets :)