I find it particularly hard to keep it all together in December, largely due to all the events, gift buying, and new year planning. Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite time of year. Lots of tying up loose ends as well as beginning new plans and resolutions. So the remainder of December's projects will be things crafted to help me stay organized through the end of the year. I'll let you know how I do with my newly crafted organization tools come January. :)
If you're like me, you have tons of post-it notes floating everywhere with all kinds of lists that are always at the wrong places when you need them. Welp, my solution this year is to keep a pocket organizer just for the last two months of the year when all the hustle and bustle occurs.
Materials Used: SEI Holiday Cheer, White Elegance collections;
Janome Sew Mini Sewing Machine, circle punches
Inside there's a November and December calendar, a lists of various to-do's, a place to collect coupons and slip in anything else such as receipts from gift purchases, etc.
To create the organizer, I sewed three 5 1/2 x 8 sheet protectors together. The third sheet protector was sewn in half. I then cut a slit in the middle of the pockets for coupon and receipt storage. (Yep, that's a Michael's coupon.)
So far this system has proven to work quite well for me. The best part about this is that once this year completes, I have all of my lists and plans all stored and documented in one place. And, next year, I'll be able to look at all of my lists from this year.
Hope you like this idea and be sure to check out the
SEI blog for more inspiration!
Thanks for stopping by!
- KRAFTY pearl