Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013

March in Instagram

Last month I didn't get up to much, but there were a few highlights I can share.

Scored majorly at the op-shops!
Went on a 4WD adventure around our area.
Bought some new lizards!
Enjoyed the benefits of all the rain we had in February.
Hung out with my beautiful animals.
Bought some stuff from my favourite store, Typo.
Got a bad cold. Which is why I didn't do too much this month.
Here's to April being a lot better than March!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February in Instagram

This month just flew by! Wait, I said that about last month, didn't I? Doesn't help that this month is a couple days shorter than the rest.
This month I...
Photographed some of my favourite stuff and drank a lot of coffee.
Fled the floods.
Harmonized with nature.
Had some interesting new friends visit.
Went shopping. A lot!
Hung out with friends.
Did some embroidery and bought a new quilt.
Enjoyed and laughed at my fur babies antics.
What did you do this past month?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Favourite Things

It's been ages since I've had time to blog! Time sure does fly by when you're busy, and the last few weeks have been very busy. I have 4 new family members to introduce you to, but as they're still settling in I haven't had the opportunity to do a photo shoot. Plus it's been raining constantly. So I thought I'd do a favourite things post.

My favourite necklaces:
1. The butterfly was a gift from some close family friends when I was a teen, and it's still one of my all time favs.
2. The deer I saw on thedaintysquid and just had to have one too.
3. The sunset and palm tree scene necklace was an op shop find. I only paid $1 and was stoked to add it to my collection.
4. The cuckoo clock. How could I resist?
5. A sterling silver mushroom pendant I also found at an op shop about 10 years ago. Still a favourite!
6. The raccoon. He hangs so cutely, I bought him off eBay for only a few cents and free postage.

7. The acorn I bought back in '09. So gorgeous, I love wearing this one. Thankyou sportsgirl!
8. I didn't photograph my final favourite as I've already blogged about it here.
There you have it! What's your favourite necklace?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Golden Deer

Little plastic deer statuette from op shop - 50c
Wooden shield cutout from eBay - $1.00
Making a beautiful golden deer shield to hang on my wall - priceless.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


The new Typo cuckoo clock I received for Xmas.
And my new Typo deer.
I think teal is the in colour!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Last minute Xmas Crafting

I got the urge to make something more last night, so I made this -
A winter scene that won't melt.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DIY Forest Diorama Bauble

Take some plastic clear baubles, some little trees and deer, some fake snow and a hot glue gun and you've got -
Cutie-pie little forest dioramas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

DIY deer mount

I love faux deer head mounts! I have 2 little plastic ones hanging on my wall.
Seeing the patterns for DIY deer heads around the web, I decided to make one out of some scrap corrugated cardboard.
This was the result -
Now don't get me wrong, but it could be a lot better.
Take two, and now I'm happy with it.
Perfect for Christmas, and it can be pulled apart and stored flat for next year!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


1.Cricket. handmade bunting. thrifted ceramic deer. honey-eaters. 5.pitcher plant. 6.storm clouds over maccas. 7.bathing cap in shop window. 8.reupholstered chair and cushion in shop. 9.port wine magnolia flower. 10.KC the Maine Coon cat.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Finally I've hung my gorgeous thrifted paint-by-number kitten pictures, and they look fantastic!!
 I've also had the time to hang my gorgeous deer mount and my new owl clock with moving eyes!
And now my bedroom wall with my house display shelf looks like this -

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have a cold. A not-nice head cold with the works. I'm starting to get better, but am not quite there yet. So enjoy these pictures my deers, while I'm MIA for a little while longer.