Showing posts with label sketches 2 scrapbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketches 2 scrapbook. Show all posts


introducing "House of Art" and "Sketches 2 Scrapbook - Cards"

Hey, all!

I just wanted to pop in and tell you about a new kit's called House of Art. The owner, Ariana, seems like an awesome chick and promises fun and colorful kits...yay!
I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the desingers and I can't wait to dive in and play...good news is that there will plenty of opportunities for you to get in on the fun, too. House of Art will be having a "housewarming party" where you can win fun prizes, etc. More details will be released next stay tuned... ;)


In other news, Anam Stubbington has released a new iPhone app called "Sketches 2 Scrapbook - CARDS." There are 2 downloads: one is FREE and includes 12 sketches and is found here. The other is a full version that includes 104 sketches (+ the 12 free ones) for only $4.99. That one can be found here.

I was lucky enough to design a card for this app:
Don't really know who gives cards for traveling, but apparently, I do...haha!

Thanks for stopping by today. Be sure to go check out House of Art and Sketches 2 Scrapbook!