En blogg om astrofotografering och astronomiska händelser. A blog about astrophotography and astronomical events.
Visar inlägg med etikett Milkyway. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Milkyway. Visa alla inlägg
söndag 4 oktober 2020
söndag 1 september 2019
Waiting for the Aurora
måndag 13 mars 2017
måndag 6 mars 2017
lördag 3 september 2016
Faint Aurora by the eastcoast
Me, my son with friend and my father took a 90min drive to the eastcoast, hopefully to see some Aurora Borealis. It was not the strongest display and some clouds didnt want to go away but we had a nice session anyways.
fredag 1 april 2016
Spring starry sky at Tänndalen
Me and my daughter Maja went out to check out the nightsky at Tänndalen Sweden. We noticed a light low in the north, faint Northern lights. And the Milkyway with Cygnus also low in the north, a beautiful sight. I tried a close up shot of North America nebula and the Butterfly nebula with my 85mm lens and modded 600D, they moved behind treetops like playing hide and seek with me, I did a single shot of 15s.
tisdag 1 mars 2016
Winter nightsky
Winter nightsky with the constellation of Orion above a river at Färnebofjärdens nationalpark, planet Jupiter to the left.
söndag 3 januari 2016
My favourite photos from 2015
Amazing Northern lights displays during 2015. three times I witnessed Aurora corona above my own house in Vallentuna 30km north of Stockholm - amazing!
East coast Aurora with faint Northern lights in September.
Another Corona of Aurora above my house!
A great Perseid meteorshower at Holmshällar Gotland Sweden.
A nice Geminid meteorshower at the cabin by the Dalriver.
My dear parents enjoying the Andromedagalaxy.
Three planets conjunction early in the morning.
Great Aurora in the heart of Stockholm!
Starry sky at Färnebofjärdens nationalpark
Showing comet Lovejoy to my son.
Winter scenery with Milkyway and my son.
astronomical photos by P-M Hedén,
aurora borealis,
northern lights,
top photos of 2015
onsdag 26 augusti 2015
New photos from last weekend with my son
My sons favourite starcluster the Plejades M45 (Seven Sisters). This beautiful open starcluster is easily visible without optics, some might think it is the little Dipper because of the shape. This amazing cluster of stars lies only 440 ly away in the constellation of Taurus. These young stars (only 100million years old) will only stay together for about 250million years and then seperate and become individual stars in our galaxy. You can see blue instellar clouds around the stars in the photo. So it is a beautiful group of young stars that we can enjoy - so get out and do it Smiley smile! Canon 6D and 85mm lens.
Is it not amazing, to be able to see another galaxy without Optics! The galaxy of Andromeda M31 is a beautiful spiralgalaxy "only" 2,5 million ly away. If you know where to look you can see it without Optics At a dark location. Amazing, another Island of stars, probably another place with life and maybe someone is looking At our galaxy from there At the same way. If you look closely you can even see the satellite galaxy below it. Now, you don't see the galaxy like in this photo, the sensor in the camera capture much more, but you will see it as a fuzzy dim oval object in the sky. Photo taken with 85mm lens and Canon 6D.
Airglow and milkyway shots..
starry sky,
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