I have a winner for my giveaway on my WSOAPP market place. I am a day late annoucing the winner because we were without power on the 10th! I did the draw first thing this morning. I took a video of my daughter drawing the name. (She was still in her jammies...school was cancelled today).
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Winner IS.......
I have a winner for my giveaway on my WSOAPP market place. I am a day late annoucing the winner because we were without power on the 10th! I did the draw first thing this morning. I took a video of my daughter drawing the name. (She was still in her jammies...school was cancelled today).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Olivia and her Pumpkin Suit
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Big Flower, Little Girl
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Father's Day is EXPENSIVE!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
I am still alive!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Listed This Week on E-Bay!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Another auction item
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What a BUSY Week!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I am a Slacker today!
Friday, March 21, 2008
My sewing buddy!!!
She is always at my feet when I am sewing! No matter where she is in the house if she hears me sit down in the office and turn on the sewing machine she is right there under my feet! I do not
It has taken me awhile to get this post done (I wanted better pictures) :o( I wanted to do it a few weeks ago but I have come to find out that she really doesn't like her picture being taken! I got the first one of her under the table where she always is and as soon as she realized what I was doing she took off under Larry's desk....So the next shot is of her being all like " Don't be taking a picture of ME!" Then she finally turned her head and I got the last shot so you could see how
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
On to the Laundry Room!!
I had big plans for getting a lot done on my dolls this week! The girls are home for March Break so I thought I would have it made and have tons of time to get stuff done....boy was I wrong!!! This has been my house for the last three days....
How many of you have a husband that insists that he bring every power tool know to man in the house to get anything done??!! Try cooking a pot pie in this mess!!! I don't know how many times I tripped over him bent over the chop saw while I was trying to make dinner! I only had to put up with that for 2 days in my kitchen!
BUT I guess I can not complain too much because the trim and baseboards are up in my laundryroom! My oldest is painting it right now! She has been priming and taping for the last two days and I told her she could put on the first coat of ORANGE!!!! ......WELL let me tell you it better darken up with the second coat or Larry will never let me live down this paint choice!!! MAN IS SHE BRIGHT!!! :o( Thank goodness I didn't paint my kitchen this color like I had soo desparately wanted! I would have been living in a cave! I actually have COLOR in my house I am soo excited!!! I will post pictures when it is done....should be in a week or two at the rate I am going! No it has to be sooner than that! I NEED to do laundry! :o(
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
What I have been working on!
This one is made from a pattern from Ragg Bagg Babys. She is to cute...I wonder how many times we actually say "No, No!" to little kids!
I am also working on a bunny in a basket for Easter. I should get back to him! I am almost done. I want to get him finished tonight...that is my GOAL!! :o)
Monday, February 25, 2008
I painted my kitchen today
It all started with the kitchen door having to be replaced. We could never lock it because the old skelton key only worked when it wanted to! So when Larry and his brother replaced the door I had Larry convinced the next time his brother came down that he should replace the wall beside the door with sheet rock since they were going to wreck the wall putting in the new door anyway...so when Jon (his brother) came down Larry told him about replacing that one wall I was standing behind Larry mouthing that all the walls should be replaced!!! Needless to say I got all new walls in my kitchen. That was 6 months ago...they were up and primed just waiting for the molding to go up were the wall meets the ceiling.
I waited and waited....no moldings! I have stared at primed walls for way to long so the girls and I painted it today! I wanted a burnt orange color but I was scared that it would darken the kitchen too much because there is not a lot of light in my house. So I am stuck with a basis biege but I am so excited that it is painted I do not care! I am going to paint the trim some time this week and I will have to see if I can find a before pic and take a pick of the newly painted one so you can see!
Well that was my excitement for the day! :o) I best be going to bed, I am beat!
Currently on E-Bay!
Last two sets of rabbits on E-Bay
The Ditty Bag Blog!
Friday, February 22, 2008
My latest dolls!
First there is my girl bunny...I just love her eyelashes!!
Then there was my Annie with her grungy kitties made using a pattern from
Sweet Meadows Farm.
I also made a spring fairy using a pattern from Back Porch Pickins.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday's are my day off!
Mondays are my clean up the house day! I do not get any housework done on the weekend because I am finishing up a doll, taking pictures and doing listings...who has time to clean?! No matter how many times I tell myself to keep ahead of everything I always seem to be playing catch up!
Here is a picture of my latest creation on E-Bay:
His name is Wilber! He is going out on his first date and he is nervous! He was a hoot to make and I think that his deer caught in the headlights expression is too funny!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Welcome to my BLOG!!!
This is my first attempt at a blog so bare with me here! I just wanted to get the basics down and then I will start tweaking it here and there! I am excited to be a member of a new group called Whispered Secrets of a Primitive Past ~ WSOAPP ~ Once I figure out the whole link thing I will put in links to our group blog and to our E-Bay listings!