Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2012

S’mores FUN

Well I must be on a roll this week with all the blog work I have done. I redid my tutorial page and am working on the Link Party page. Please hop over and let me know what you think.
NOW moving on to SMORE FUN…or what I like to call S’mores Marshmallow Pops
I think I saw these being made on Creative Juice by Cathie and Steve. I set the program to record every time it is on TV but rarely get the chance to watch it. Had I actually watched it and they did makes these I prob would not have ruined 2 candy bars. BUT OH WELL~

Here is what I initially thought you would need:
Hershey’s Chocolate Bars
Graham Crackers
(And a Skewer for dipping)

Smore's Pop Ingredients6-22-12 0246-22-12 026Get your graham crackers out and crumble as if you are making a pie crust (yea, like I have ever done that-oh wait I have). When you have a fine little dust of graham crakers…SET OFF TO SIDE. One NIFTY little trick I learned- a meat tenderizer will do the job in a flash!Hershey's Chocolate FAIL6-22-12 027Okay so here is where my FAIL comes into play…I though I would be able to melt the chocolate in the microwave, which I did but then it quickly turned into a hard yuck crumbly mess.
A moment of silence please for these (now not so delicious) candy bars)
Melting Hershey's Chocolate6-22-12 030Then I got wise and melted them on the stove top…PERFECT!! SO skewer your MARSHMALLOW and dip in your NOW delicious melted chocolate…6-22-12 031and then dip them into your graham cracker dust.Smore's DippedViola! ALL DONE!! Smore's Marshmallow PopsYUMMY LOOKING RIGHT!! We decided to make a “campfire” night out of it and hot dogs and sang some songs. SO MUCH FUN and NONE of the BUGS, HEAT, or mess! 6-22-12 038Check out that ridiculous looking marshmallow we found in our bag! I am not going to even tell you all what I thought it looked like. Winking smile6-22-12 037
And I REFUSED to give the kids skewers while we were making these (our luck someone would lose an eye or 2!). So Bear got creative and used an egg beater. MAN I LOVE THAT KID!! He is also yelling at me not to take his picture but WHATEVs!
Hope you enjoyed my little tutorial. HUGS~

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness, the 1st Grade Valentine's day is not until Friday! I am almost finished with the Valentines from Princess to all her classmate! Then on to getting everything ready for the actual party. Luckily, there is a great group moms that helping! It will be so exciting to see all our plans come to life and hopefully the kiddos have fun too. When all that is finished up I have to "embellish" the party outfit for Princess. I had GRAND plans to make her the cutest outfit ever but I could not find a short sleeve red shirt, a white fluffy skirt, red leggings, etc. HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD MY VISION BECOME REALITY W/O those staple items? Geesh, so it was back to the drawing the middle of the store...with out any drawing. I quickly regrouped with the help of my bestie and now everything will be HOT PINK and BLACK. Seriously, those were the only colors they had. Did I miss the memo where RED is no longer in fashion? Especially, here in CRIMSON and BLUE territory? GAWD!
ANYWHOOOOO! Yesterday was actually the BIG DAY of love and even though they did not celebrate I sent Princess to school in style...

Headband parts purchased from HOBBY LOBBY!

She has the most beautiful eyes, doesn't she. Wish mine were that color. 

And then the school sent her home with a FEVER (so she is home with me today, we are going to make some new hair clips)! She looked darn cute though!!
On a side note we measured the kids this weekend...this little 1st grader...56 inches tall. That is 4 inches away from 5 FEET tall! She is going to be taller than me before 4th grade! Some body grab a brick for that girl's head...QUICK!
It is becoming a chore to keep her in clothes! (Especially finding ones that don't look all icky!)
 And those bling patterns came from Silhouette, if anyone is curious.
Alright everybuggy, have a fabulous WEDNESDAY!! I will be back later with a PARTY!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hmmmm, Too Much Work or Too Cute?

So, do you all remember my Tween Dream Room Reveal?
I have to be honest...I decorated this room for my niece when she lived with us. When she moved out I had the princess move up there because I thought it was sooo cool. She really likes it but does not love it and wants it to be pink. It took me ALL summer to put that together. And it was not  cheap. I guess in the grand scheme of things it is/was but still.
So here is my I scrap all the work and start over so that Princess feels like she has her own room that is her style or do I just tell her to deal?
Here is another moment of honesty for you...We went to the Hobby Lobby together last week and were just browsing (which she hates) and we did happen across this furniture...

I am so in LOVE! I can hardly contain myself. Can you just imagine how DIVA this would be? My head is spinning with all of the ideas!! Seriously! L-O-V-E!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Because You Have To!

Yesterday was one of those days when you know that god is testing you to see if you remember that sometimes you have to "let go and let god..." I, for one, find this a bit difficult since I am a stubborn head strong opinionated out-going lady that has a hard time finding the right filter words for a situation that has me on the brink of explosion. I would like to say that these types of things do not happen to me often but they do. I have a short temper and get frustrated easily.
Example: After calling our cable/phone/Internet provider for the 10th time in a week to request that the 5th technician come out to our house to try to fix our issues, the person on the other end of the phone barely spoke English. Usually, I have no problem with this. But he just kept saying the words "I assist you." over and over and over and OVER until I cracked, broke, erupted in frustration and anger. He hung up on me but not before telling me in very clear English that he did not have to listen to me any more. I have not called back and NO our services are not fixed but I could not handle it any more.
Or there could the that time at one of our local craft stores when I asked for assistance because I had all 4 children with me, drove 20 minutes to get there, only to find out that I forgot my coupon which would have only saved me $5 but hey $5 is $5 dollars and the manager got all close talker on me proceeded to yell and stick his finger in my face because apparently "YOU MUST HAVE YOUR COUPON." Since I was holding a baby and did not want to make a further scene, I left went home printed several copies of the coupon from the website and returned to the store and handed them out. Yes, because it was really important that you have your coupon. There are more stories like this that I could tell you for days but I will spare you the agony. I just wanted to share a few before I continue to tell you the follow...
With all seriousness, I do have a strong will and you all know that there is not much that sets me off more than poor customer service. However, there is one thing that can get my goat like nothing else and that is when you mess with my child. I have a serious case of MAMA BEAR SYNDROME! Somethings have happened recently that have sent my mama bear into a tizzy.
First, yesterday I read this article yesterday. I do have first hand knowledge about our (and one other state's) standardized test. They are very difficult, confusing, and most of all frustrating! You  know when you are teaching  kids to read you ask them to pick a book based on the "hand or 5 method."All that means is that if they can read any 2 pages of a book but they have 5 or more words they cannot pronounce or understand then they need to find a different book. WHY? Well, theory is that if they have book that they cannot understand all the words they will frustrate out and loose interest not just the book but in reading all together. Interesting right? Well, if you look at the standardized and apply the same theory can you imagine how many children actually try on the test especially after years and years of this testing.  Am I saying that no kids try on the test...OF COURSE NOT! I am sure there are many who do. But if you read that  article it is more than that. It not just the frustration of repeated testing it is the actual content too. Plus, a lot of the curriculum has gone away from teaching kids and become very much test oriented and I for one am left wonder what is my child actually learning. That and today's teacher is frustrated too. Probably to the breaking point, I know I was. When, as a teacher you do not enjoy your duties anymore and find your attitude rubbing off on the poor over worked and under paid kids IT IS TIME TO GET OUT! Something to think about. I know I have said this before but children are way more capable then we (in general not everyone) give them credit for. They can do so much more than they are asked. I am not talking about manual labor but their desire and capacity for learning is much more vast than the educational system allows them to because of...I will not even try to pretend that I know the answer.
Let me tell you another story:(some how this deleted when I originally posted it)
I know couple that lived in Texas for a couple of years. At the time they had one child that attended grades K-2 while they were there. The particular district where their son attended happened to participate in ability grouping. Not an ideal learning environment but one that could not and would not be changed. To the parents surprise their child was grouped in "advanced" and placed in 3rd grade reading and math before leaving Texas and moving to the Midwest. When their son started school in the new state and new district he was labeled delayed in reading because he could not pass the phonemic test specific to that district. Not that he couldn't read because he could and well above grade level but because he could not pass a test specific to that district they wanted to child to attended remedial reading. WHHHHHAAATindepently practice math and not draw or doodle?  Did the parents fight this? Yes, so much so that all communication between the teacher and parents ended. When I say all I mean everything. No lunch menus, no calendars, no field trip permission slips (they just took the child with out the parents know or signing one), etc. Did the parents continue to fight? YES! Did they win? Well, that is a matter of opinion. Nothing at the school changed. Nothing was done at an administration level. Nothing was done to help the child. The district just did not seem to care or want to help and then the year was over. BUT what did happen is that the child saw that his parents believed in him and his education. He saw that they wanted the very best for him and would do everything they could to get even if it meant going home empty handed. He knew then and for the rest of his life that there were people that he could count on no matter what! So I ask you, did they win? I think so.

So what is the point of all of this? I am struggling with my teenager and one of his teachers and needed to vent. I sat last night and wrote a 5 page letter that I am sure will never be sent nor will it be read by anyone but me. So why did I do it? I did it because it helped me get my hot headedness out of the way so that I could write an email with less emotion. An email based solely on her words and not what my child had told me. I did it to be a better advocate for my child because no one, and I do mean no one, cares more about my child and his education than I do. There is no one else to fight for him and there is no one else that will take responsibility for such an important task. I did because he is my child and I BELIEVE in him and the possibilities that await him. I did it because I HAVE TO! Your child has no stronger voice than yours, not until they more mature, older, more well read, etc. Am I more mature, more well read than my child? The jury is still out but I have a pretty good game face. Your child has rights weather you know it not. Familiarize yourself with those rights and never give up on your child. 
Just to clarify, would I make a big deal out every little thing that happened to my child? ABSOLUTELY not! I do believe in the educational system to a degree and trust them enough to do right by my child (and yours). But there are times when you know, you just know because you feel it in your gut that THIS IS NOT RIGHT and that is when you awaken your bear mama bear but present her in an unemotional way.  

See the difference? More bees with honey than with vinegar.
Thank you everyone for letting me vent and more importantly ramble! I needed to. Did I get down and dirty and tell you what is happening now? NOPE, I sure did not but will I? I will when the dust settles. It will be interesting to have your input on this and future ramblings about dealing my teenager. I have never had one before and I thought it would be a breeze. I was wrong.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chess Master Gift

All the poor Chess players I know are stuck with the horrible stigma of being total nerds. And I must admit that I too tend to tease my chess players.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMGoodness, sometimes, I crack myself up!
They do not always look like that obviously. Anywho, my son (the one on the right) loves to play chess (so much he plays it on my phone, the computer, everytime we go to grandmas, should I keep going?) He is getting really good. My husband (the hottie on the left) was on the chess team in high school (I know right, I am one lucky girl). So they like to play together and seriously the competition is heating up. E-Man (the son) tries to beat the hubba-hubba but has not been able to yet. When they play it is either on the kitchen table or dining room table and then it gets left there and I have to clean it up or ask that it be cleaned up. Or in those rare instances (that are not all that rare) I do not notice it and one of the little babes pulls it off the table. Some one or something is going to get broken, I fear...cause I am a worry wart like that. SO, I bought one of these tables at the end of the summer for like $5 on clearance @ a store I would rather not mention (because I don't really want to advertise for them since I am no longer shopping there).
Just a simple little planter table. It is fairly substantial so it won't fall over or anything like that.
See it is here and you get to see my messy floor and dining room. Isn't it beautiful.
SO, I took the eexpensive chess table he was given a few years back and some Gorilla Glue (which I had never used before this) and
Chess table!!
Some important points to note:
1. This project is RIDICULOUSLY EASY
2. GORILLA GLUE warns you that it will foam and expand...that is an understatement. OOPS! I ruined part of my rug since I am inexperienced.
3. Gorilla GLUE is SUPER strong and that chess table is not coming off EVER!!
4. With a table like this one there is no place for the pieces so make and attach a bag or something so they do not get lost.
5. NOW, I need to make refashion some chairs with a chess them for my sweet nerds boys!
AND there you have a ridiculously easy and relatively cheap BOY GIFT that is custom and AWESOME, if I do say so myself.
Alrighty, folks I am off to do some more crafting! I have some totally FROGulicious Holiday Crafts and I cannot wait to finish them so that I can show you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

In her Shoes...

Hello my fabulous friends, HOPPY MONDAY! Today I am over at
participating in her series called,
Wanna know my thoughts about being a mama and walk in my shoes, even if it is virtually, for a moment? Head on over and check it out.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Turkey Hair Bow Tutorial

On Thursday, I will guest posting over at Lady Bird Lane with the wonderful Miss Carlee. She is doing an entire series dedicated to turkeys and guess what?! I, of course, went all out with my turkeyness. Here is a sneak peek of the of one of the projects I did to go totally turkey.
A turkey hair bow.
There are a ton of other things the kids and I did for our turkey post but this little Tom is my favorite and I am gonna tell show you how to make it. And PLEASE let me apologize now for my picture quality but our camera broke when we were on vacation. (Yes, you read that right. I went on vacation over Halloween weekend! We had a blast!! Did not get many pics since the camera broke the first night we were there but we had a great time! I will post pics some time soon!!)
I, most literally, had scraps of ribbon for this project. I hope you do to because then this little guy gets even cuter because he will cost you NOTHING! I wish I had been able to add some purple but could not find any "scrap" purple ribbon.  
This is a ruffled edge ribbon, I just did a simple running stitch down the center. I think it was about a half yard long maybe a little more.

Then "ruffle" it.

After you tie off or secure the thread on both ends grad a scrap piece of felt (or a left over felt leaf from the wreath you made earlier this year.) Glue one end to the center.

Just "wrap" the ribbon like  you would if you were making a rosette and glue as you go.

Now cut a little piece (about half an inch) and glue like a half figure 8.

Then fold in half to make a beak. See all that hot glue. I read this tip in an email from fav crafts the other day...use your hair dryer to get rid of hot glue webs. IT TOTALLY WORKS!

Then cut a teeny tiny square of red ribbon about the size of your pinkie finger tip. Make sure to heat seal the ends of this one. 
Glue the beak to whatever you determine to be the head and then glue the red square to the side.
I tried to get some pic of this but they are horrible. I apologize!  
I glued on a couple of googly eyes that I also had on hand.

He is starting to take shape.

Cut one 4 inch strip of orange.

Fold it in half like a hot dog not a hamburger.

And cut the ends into a "V" shape.

Now fold it in half like a hamburger and dab a little glue to hold it into place.

Then glue it to the bottom of the turkey body so that he has some little feet.

Cut the rest of your ribbon into 6" strips (no need to be precise, I wasn't).

Make half figure 8 with all of your strips...

Layer them like you would like and then glue them on to your felt base.
Totally Free little Tom.
Now attach to a clip or headband and you too can be a wild turkey with me!

Linkung up to these parties here and:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tip Junkie handmade projects