As we grow, ASD KC plans to partner with other organizations, that have already expressed interest, to develop more activities that offer safeguards for those with sensory processing issues, as well as refining existing activities to make them available to all community members.
Won't you help ASD KC in our efforts to provide ACCEPTANCE for all those in the Kansas City metro regardless of need?
Our T-Shirt Campaign Runs from April 22-May 6th
Our goal is to sell 25 or more t-shirts which will help us on our way to getting non-profit status.
You can order yours here.
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You can also order any of our Autism Awareness Items available through Puzzling Playthings.
And we are also taking donations if you would you like to help ASD KC advocate, provide education to help raise awareness and ACCEPTANCE, and work with our community to bring more activities to the area for those affected by Autism you can do so by clicking the "DONATE" button below.
Thank you so much for your consideration!