Have I mentioned that I love Shutterfly?
Anyone who has seen me in person at a craft show (or even randomly at the store) has seen the one I made last year.
I carry it in my large purse so I can show people what I do. Because people don't get the full impact of my work with my feeble attempt to describe it... "I make plush monsters out of recycled clothing". When I only have that explanation to give them, I get the "Oh that's nice." kind of look. But once I pull out the book and am able to SHOW them what I do, they get it and are more like "Wow! This is so cool!"
But my book was starting to fall apart...probably from getting carted around in my purse all the time! I've been diligently taping the pages back in, but I've been wanting to order a new book with updated pictures. Wellllll.... Shutterfly just emailed me a promo code for a free 8x8 book this week! (I just had to pay for shipping). And I just made a new KiraArts Portfolio with pictures of stuff I've made in 2012. The offer originally expired tonight at midnight, but they extended it a day. So...if you enter the promo code "SUMMERBOOK", you can get yourself your own free photobook as long as you get it ordered before midnight tomorrow! Be warned though, I spent most of my day today designing mine! And that was just with a project already there to edit! My first book took me a week to get juuuuust right! But, I AM a bit of a perfectionist.
In addition to getting myself a "free" book, I get a $10 gift certificate/discount promo code if I embed the photobook project on my blog...so here it is! (I hope it works) Enjoy the sneak peek of my new book!
Click here to create your own Shutterfly photo book.