Showing posts with label Treasury Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Treasury Tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Treasury Tuesday: Granny Craft, Modern Style

Who said "granny crafts" can't be cool?
It's a cold and snowy day out here in western New York state today (at least in my area).  Here's a cozy treasury to give you thoughts of being snugly inside with your granny as she's working on her chosen craft project, be it knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, or sewing... but with a modern, "granny chic" twist!

(featuring my fellow RNEST members TheStitchingStudio, FrecklesAndFrizz, and KarenSwimmer)

It just so happens that I am going to go visit my own grandma this weekend!...which always involves crafting of some kind!  I will (appropriately enough) probably work on my granny square blanket. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: A Little Dose Of Happy

I started creating this treasury yesterday and finished it today.  When the world seems depressing, you can always count on Etsy to help provide "a little dose of happy"!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Nature, Books, and Blue

Rainy day got you down?  Curl up and read a book!..or browse Etsy...

A bunch of these items were already in my favorites on Etsy and the treasury started out as a "Recent Favorites" treasury for September, but i didn't have enough items to completely fill out the treasury.  Then I noticed a pattern...hence the title of "Nature, Books, and Blue".  The books that inspired me were The Hunger Games, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Harry Potter. (I just finished the last Hunger Games book last night).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Recent Favorites (August 2012)

Every so often I make a treasury of items taken straight from my Etsy favorites list.  Here's the one I did for August.  I think I should try and do one every month!  I'd just have to try and make a point to favorite new items!

(This treasury features my good friend, kaseyAjohnson, and fellow RNESTer, Papersaurus!)

I am often amazed how pretty and coordinated my "recent favorites" treasuries end up looking, considering I just put them in the same order they are in on my favorites list (with a few omissions, simply becasue I often favorite multipe items from one shop and I don't like to have 2 items from the same shop in one treasury). 

You can check out this week's Treasury Tuesday post on the RNEST blog for more Etsy Treasuries!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Bunting!...Yes, Bunting!

Happy Treasury Tuesday!
This week's installment may be out! ;)

This treasury was inspired by a "conversation" via Facebook comments on the status of a fellow-crafter friend about pennant/flag bunting and her vow to "not allow bunting of any kind" while working on her new craft show display.  This is rooted in bunting's recent ubiquitous-ness in the crafting world (there's your vocabulary word for the day kids..."ubiquitous").  She is kind of anti-bunting* and regards it as right up there with "Put a Bird On It!" and moustaches on sticks. (EDIT: She has informed me that she does think it looks pretty, but wants to challenge herself to come up with something different)

*I'd like you to know that despite my friend's anti-bunting stance, she is still full of crafty awesome!

I, however, am pro-bunting. I can't help it, it's just so pretty!  (birds are pretty too!  The fact that some of the items I included in the treasury included both birds and bunting made me giggle!...there happens to be a kind of bird called a bunting.)   Ah...who knew a bunch of colorful triangles strung on a line could be so popular?    I think it's because of the colors and simplicity.  And also because it reminds us of festivals and carnivals...happy, colorful, and fun. The funny thing is that I'm actually wanting to order some custom bunting from fellow RNESTer FrecklesAndFrizz to decorate my craft show booth with!

The problem with popularity is that eventually, the thing is so popular that it becomes annoying to some people...while other people are still into the popular thing.  I figure "one man's trash is another man's treasure".   I'm not particularly fond of knitted "breast cancer awareness" boobs or the related "breastfeeding" boob beanies for babies (seriously, look it up on Etsy)...but some people think they're hilarious! To each their own, right?

What's your opinion on bunting?...Pretty or played-out?  What other crafting trends annoy you or drive you nuts? (I'm preparing for a barrage of  "Owls!  What's with all the freaking owls???".  Whatever man...owls are cool!)

Another treasury I made this week: New Items From My Favorite Shops: May 2012
And, as always, you can see more treasuries on the Treasury Tuesday post on the RNEST Blog!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Happy Mayday!

Happy Mayday!
In honor of Mayday, Here are some treasuries I was featured in that were made for the "Mayday Underground" Etsy treasury contest! (featuring other Mayday Underground artists)

And here are some non-Mayday related treasuries I've made on a whim today, based on different random inspirations.  I noticed that they're both based on children's boyish (robots) and one girlish (unicorns and rainbows).  The boy/girl little kid theme was unintentional...I guess I'm just a big kid at heart!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Color Monster + Mayday Extravaganza!

Here are some treasuries I was featured in this week!

* Don't forget, KiraArts will have a table at Mayday Underground this Saturday, April 28th, 10am-4pm. (The Village Gate: 274 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Treasury: Tuesday:Baby Basics Electric Elephant

I didn't make any new treasuries this week, but I was featured in one!...

Want some more treasury goodness?  Head over to today's RNEST Treasury Tuesday post and click the links!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Laundry Day

Today was a major laundry day for me.  And I was happy, since it was the first time it was nice enough outside to use my clothesline!

I love hanging my cotton bedspread/tapestries out on the line (although I always think that my neighbors must think I'm a hippie whenever I hang them out!).  They just look so pretty and they always smell so wonderful afterwards.  The cotton has a very particular smell, which reminds me of "up at camp" in the Adirondacks, since the first time I ever bought one was at a store in Old Forge, NY.  The one I originally bought was a red/black/cream Indian design with elephants.  But it got a lot of use and got torn.  I have some of the fabric around somewhere, because I wanted to make it into a skirt.  The ones shown on the line I got at Goodwill (the red/blue tree one and the green circular pattern one), I received as a gift from my brother (the purple/magenta sun patterned one) and bought at the Celtic Festival (the green/black one at the far left)

Anyway, all of that to say, after my lovely, productive laundry day, I found myself wanting to make a laundry themed treasury.


I got a great compliment in the comments from an Etsian whose work I'd featured in this treasury.  She said "I think you may have done the impossible and inspired me to do laundry after this!"

I made another treasury, inspired by some items in the "New items from your favorite shops" box that is in the sidebar of my Etsy activity feed. (specifically, the washi tape and the painted tree trunk slices.)  I got to include some fellow RNEST members in this one.  Can you spot them?

What item, from either of these treasuries, is your favorite? (let me know in comments!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Mayday Underground April Applicant Preview

Spring is coming!  And that means one of my biggest craft shows of the year is coming soon... Mayday Underground! (April 28, 2012 at the Village Gate in Rochester, NY).  One of the organizers (and fellow RNEST member) has made this great treasury featuring work from some of the Mayday applicants!...which includes my own Farnsworth the Stripey Sweater Gremlin!

Mayday Underground April Applicant Preview

I haven't technically been accepted yet...but I have a good feeling. (especially since I was featured in this "preview" treasury!...aaaand I'm kind of friends with the girls who organize it!  But I don't like to be cocky and assume I'll get in just because I have "friends in high places".  So I wait to celebrate until I get my official acceptance email.)

Want some more treasury goodness?  Head over to the RNEST Treasury Tuesday post and click the links!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Rust & Patina

My apologies for falling behind in the Treasury Tuesday posts here.  I often get preoccupied with the ones I do for the RNEST blog and forget about doing one here on my personal blog!

Treasury I created:
"There is a beauty is in the colors of 'imperfection'..."

Treasuries I was featured in:

More Treasuries I was featured in:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Treasury Tuesday: Four Years of Pantone

There's a lot of buzz on the blogosphere and Pinterest about "Tangerine Tango", Pantone's Color of the Year for 2012.  I've seen pin boards on Pinterest, like this one, dedicated to pinning images with the color, including the tag #PinPantone.  Honestly, I'm not super jazzed about Tangerine Tango (nor was I about 2011's "Honeysuckle")  I guess I'm still really stuck on 2010's Turquoise.  I must be sooooo behind the times! (not really, I just really like turquoise!)  I guess I could take Tangerine Tango paired with Turquoise (I like orange and turquoise together) . It just is a bit too bright for me on its own.  
Anyway, I had the inspiration to make an Etsy Treasury of the Pantone Colors of the Year for the past 4 years (one color for each row).  This treasury includes 6 RNEST members as well!

2009 - Mimosa 
2010 - Turquoise 
2011 - Honeysuckle 
2012 - Tangerine Tango

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Grandmother's House & Seamstress Gift Guide

Here are some Etsy Treasuries I made this week...

I made this treasury with the theme of a road trip to grandma's house. I was initially inspired by the first item, a photo of some colorful suitcases...which reminded me of a little red suitcase I had as a kid that said "Visiting Grandma" on it. I was also inspired by the colorful illustration of the Singer sewing machine. My actual grandma doesn't have crazy bright color schemes like this in her house (she's more of an earth-tone kind of lady). maybe I'll make a treasury one of these days that actually represents MY grandma's style (think Adirondacks and birds). ;)

This treasury was inspired by the photo of the spools of thread. It was all I could do to refrain from making the whole treasury photos of spools of thread...but I kind of already did that once and wanted to have different items, There was originally a print from a shop I recently favoritedin this treasury, but the item disappeared, and you can't put a sold item in a treasury, so I had to replace it with something else.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: A Cozy November

I'm not a huge fan of November. I think it may be the most depressing month in the fall season. The time change makes it get dark earlier. The beautiful fall foliage has dropped to the ground and the trees are almost bare. It gets colder. It gets drearier.
BUT....November doesn't have to be all that bad! There are a lot of good things about it too! craft shows and our thoughts turning to the holidays and spending time with family!
I say "Make the best of it!" I made this treasury to turn our thoughts to staying cozy in November. It includes some members of the Rochester NY Etsy Street Team I'm a part of, RNEST, as well as artists I've met at Mayday Underground. (And other artists are included just because I like their stuff!)

Be sure to check out some more Etsy Treasuries on the RNEST Blog's Treasury Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Festively Fall

I got on a treasury-making kick this week. Sometimes, when you make one, you've got to make more!

This first treasury was the last one I made, but is my favorite one. I was inspired by those grey fall days (it was quite grey and rainy the latter part of last week and the weekend), but with a splash of color...

The next one was inspired by my itch to go apple-picking (I'm hoping to finally go this weekend!). I live in apple country and it's become something of a fall tradition since we moved out here.

The final treasury (which was the first one I made this week) is all guessed it...MONSTERS! I find it interesting that the word "monster" no longer conjures up images of grotesque, scary creatures...but of funny, friendly, and sometimes furry creatures instead. I think this is thanks to Jim Henson, as well as the Disney/Pixar movie "Monsters Inc." The color scheme was inspired by a Halloween decoration aisle at a store. While shopping with my husband a few weeks ago, I noticed that turquoise seems to be the newest "Halloween color". At one time there was just orange and black. Then green was added. Then at some point purple joined in. Now it seems that turquoise has been added to the mix. You won't find me complaining though...turquoise is my favorite color! And I love pairing it with orange! So that's the back-story for this treasury.

Oh usual, please check out the Treasury Tuesday post I do over on the RNEST blog!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Purple, Orange, and Black

I was featured in a Halloween-esque treasury this week, created by my friend and fellow RNESTer, Jackbear.

Check out the Treasury Tuesday post on the RNEST Blog for some links to more Etsy Treasuries!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Most Beautiful Stripes

I was featured in this beautiful, stripey treasury this week...

Unfortunately, the item that was featured is a sweater monster that I sold this weekend at the AC Homecoming Celebration! Naturally, if I sell something at a show, I need to take the Etsy listing down so it doesn't get double-sold, right? But if I unlist it, it won't show up in the treasury! temporary solution has been to label it as "reserved" so no one will buy it, but I can still keep it in the shop and in the treasury for a little while! I'll probably unlist it in a week or so. In the meantime, you can click on over and see it as a part of the treasury.

I also featured this treasury over at the RNEST Blog's Treasury Tuesday post. I often feel weird making the featured treasury one that features my own work, but I think that this treasury is beautiful and well-put-together even without my item in it! Plus, it reminds me of the recent hulabaloo and brouhaha a few weeks ago over the Missoni line coming to Target. (I use the term "recent" loosely. I know I'm a few weeks late on the uptake here). Pfft! Don't go crazy waiting in line at the store! If you want mod, stripey, multicolored items, this treasury proves that you just have to check out Etsy! And you support independent artists instead of a mega-corporation! (Not that I have anything against shopping at Target...) ;)

Speaking of the Missoni craziness, a friend of mine wrote this on her Facebook status a few weeks ago and it made me laugh! "Damn you Missoni for Target and your wild zig-zags, making women everywhere look like my grandma's old couch!" Ha ha ha!

Speaking of DIYing the Missoni trend, here's a tutorial I found via Craftzine for making your own chevron shoes!