Showing posts with label Etsy Favorite Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy Favorite Friday. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

Etsy Favorite Friday: Spool Stool, Tailor's Gauntlet, & Yeti Head

It's Etsy Favorite Friday ! 

This week's Etsy finds are some amazing items that I really love, but can't justify spending the money on myself! (Although the Tailor's Gauntlet may be a justifiable splurge, since it would come in handy for sewing on the go! It's a business expense...yeah...that's it!)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Etsy Favorite Friday: Pinterest Rabbithole Finds

Here's a few of my new Etsy Favorites from this week!

  • Spool Necklace No. 3 by ShopHollyDolly ($22)
    I feel a little bad when I see something in an Etsy shop and think "I could make that for myself!" instead of wanting to buy the item...but with all my vintage wooden spools, I totally could make one of these for myself.  An example of my "ICanMakeThat-itis".  Of course hers, with the gold chain and beads, is more elegant that what I'd probably make for myself.  I'd probably just slap a necklace chain on an artfully wound spool.  
  • Coffee Create Sleep Repeat Poster by paperchat ($40)
    There was a time when this poster would not have appealed to me because I didn't like coffee.  But now, it's perfect.
  • DIY Cross Stitch Pendant by RedGateStitchery ($10)
    I'm not into cross-stitch, but I like the look of a simple cross-stitch heart. 

The first two items are the result of what I call a "Pinterest Rabbithole".  While browsing the DIY/Craft section of Pinterest, I saw a pin of a hoodie that had toggles to make it look like a "military/marching band" style jacket:

The description said it was a DIY, so I clicked through to check out the process.  Well, whoever originally pinned it didn't pin it RIGHT (yes there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to pin, people!)  Maybe it's because it was pinned from a Tumblr.  I so don't get Tumblr.  My niece tried to convince me that it's really cool and the best thing ever and that I should make one, but I just find Tumblr annoying and disjointed.  It seems like it's sort of like Pinterest, in that people just reblog stuff they like, but it's much less organized and harder to track down where things originated and people often aren't credited for their original work.  I know some people do use it as a blog, but I just think of it as a horrible mishmash of a terribly disorganized Pinterest board and a blog. (although I think Tumblr was around before Pinterest).  Sorry...Tumblr rant over. 

Anyway...when I clicked through the hoodie pin, it just took me to the blog and not the blog post...

  • Example: Let's say you saw my Ninja Nubbin blog post and wanted to pin it.  You should click the actual blog post and THEN pin it from there so that the pin takes you directly to the post ( instead of just to my main blog (  If you pin from the main blog, if someone comes across your pin later on Pinterest, but I've done more blog posts since then, when they click your Pin, they'll have to go searching through my past blog posts to find the one you pictured in your Pin.  Make sense?  Maybe I'll do a blog post sometime with photos on "How to Pin Correctly".  Of course, I'm sure someone out there has already done it.  I can;t be the only one who is driven nuts by it.

I still haven't found the original post of the hoodie, but browsing back through the old entries of the blog is how I found the first two items for this week's Etsy Favorite Friday... so it's sort of a happy accident. (although I do go through Pinterest Rabbitholes when things are pinned correctly too...where a blog post makes me want to check out the rest of the blog and past posts.).  The Spool Necklace is from the blogger's shop, and the poster was in one of her posts that is similar to my own where she showcases a few of her favorite items.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Etsy Favorite Friday: Pup Purse, Jesus & Coffee Print, & Geeky Candles

It's been awhile since I've done an "Etsy Favorite Friday".  Here's a few of my recent favorites...

  • Teriyaki the Dachshund Dog Cute Vintage Inspired Brown Vinyl Coin Zipper Purse by Cuore ($28)
    I love this little purse simply because it looks like my Luna.  Someday, when I want to splurge on something for myself, I'm going to buy it.  It just makes me smile!
  • Jesus & Coffee Print by Evannicoledesigns ($15)
    I love this sentiment.  I want this print in my kitchen... just as a daily reminder that I need "a whole lot of Jesus" in addition to my morning coffee!
  • Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey -- Scented Soy Candle -- Doctor Who -- 8oz jar by Frostbeard ($15)
    The delightfully geeky names these people give their candle scents make me smile!  I actually just bought the Book Lovers' Scented Soy Tarts Wax Melts Four Pack, so I can smell the scents before I commit to getting a candle.   I wish there was a way you could smell things through the internet!  The four scents I ordered are "Butterbeer" ("butterscotch overtones with hints of crème brûlée and butter rum"), "Dumbledore's Office" ("cedarwood vanilla, fireplace and lemon"), "The Shire" ("Oakmoss, clover, aloe, with a hint of sweet cherry pipe tobacco"), and "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey" ("Driftwood, Black Currant Tea, and hint of Juniper")

Friday, May 10, 2013

Etsy Favorite Friday: The Knotty Owl

Presenting my new favorite necklace by my friend Ashley of The Knotty Owl!

A cool thing about the craft show/Etsy artist culture is doing trades with other artists when you each admire each other's work.  I traded a big sweater owl for this necklace.  We coordinated the trade a couple months ago, but finally were able to meet up to make the trade when we were both vendors at Mayday Underground.

I've received a few compliments of it.  But i need to ask Ashley for some of her super-cool business cards to give out, because when people have complimented me on the necklace and I try and tell them the Etsy shop name, it kind of sounds like I'm saying The Naughty Owl instead of The Knotty Owl! (oh dear!).  I always try and make sure they get the right name, but I sound a bit like a blathering idiot in my attempt to clarify.

Anyway, go check out her shop!  She has some awesome work!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Cat & Dog Salt and Pepper Shakers

It's amazing the things one finds on Etsy. Many people know that Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade items, but it also is a place where you can sell vintage items. ("vintage" is defined as anything 20 years or older). Earlier this month, a fellow RNEST team member created a vintage, dog-themed treasury that included a listing for a set of Cat & Dog Salt & Pepper shakers from the shop Lisa's RetroStyle...

I saw the listing and gasped in surprise. I have that same set! (although in a bit more of a worn condition)

It's one of those ridiculous moments where you realize that it had never crossed your mind that there could possibly be another set like the one you have! Mine is a bit of a private nostalgic family treasure. The story behind my set is that they were my great Aunt Carrie's (aka: Aunt Grandma). But she didn't use them as salt & pepper shakers...she kept them in the red, wooden toybox I used to raid when I came over to her house when I was little. And the cat & dog were some of my favorite things to play with! It was years before I even realized they were supposed to be salt and pepper shakers. You'd think the holes in the tops of their heads (in a "S" shape on the dog and in a "P" shape for the cat) would have tipped me off.
I still have the red toybox too. I used it for the background of these pictures. And I still keep toys in it for when my friends' kids come to play!

I've had these kind of selfishly hidden up in my craft room on a shelf, but I think I may start keeping them in the toybox like old times! I'll let a child enjoy them like I once did!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Portal 2 Posters!

For this week's Etsy Favorite Friday, I give you some more evidence of my geekdom. I love Portal & Portal 2. The funny thing is that I've never actually played. I just enjoy watching my husband play (as does my mother! She actually gave Portal 2 to CJ for his birthday!). I have played the 2-player co-op games with him in Portal 2. But I get intimidated at the idea of playing the storyline by myself. I think I'd get frustrated. But it is a fascinating and funny game to watch.

Anyway, on to Etsy...I discovered these Portal 2 themed posters from theKROPshop in my search for items to include in my Through the Portal treasury I decided to make. I love the beautifully simplified graphics paired with humorous quotes from the Portal 2 game.

Wheatley is an interesting little character. My favorite thing about him, besides his British accent, is that he is essentially just a ball/eye, but designed in a way so that he is able to emote so well! The game designers did a wondrous job with him. (As a side note...speaking of wondrous jobs and Wheatley...check out this Wheatley puppet someone made for a cosplay! It's awesome!)

*all image credits: theKROPshop

I think this poster would be perfect for an office cubicle! I may need to order one or two of these posters for CJ for his home office for Christmas. When we play the co-op game together, he's Atlas (blue), and I'm P-Body (orange)...(which I find humorously appropriate, since P-Body has a bit of a more feminine walk & build.) Be sure you go to TheKROPshop's Etsy shop to see more posters.

***If you've never seen the Portal games and have no idea what I'm talking about, my apologies. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, you can do a search on YouTube and check out some of the videos posted of the gameplay.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: The House of Mouse

I had a thing about mice when I was a little girl (a good "Oh They're so cute!" thing, not a bad "Eeek!" scared of them thing). I loved mice. I loved movies and books about them. An American Tail was my favorite movie when I was 5. I even had a pet mouse for a little while that I named Fivel. I loved to draw mice. I used to draw a little mouse in the margin or at the top of all my school papers in elementary school. (with sad faces on the math paper mice...because I didn't like math!)

Well, this Etsy seller, TheHouseOfMouse, combines my childhood love of mice and my current love of the geeky (and British).

"The House of Mouse is a sister-act made up of two British sisters; Anna and Naomi. Anna founded The House of Mouse in 2007 and Naomi joined to make a partnership in 2010. Both Anna and Naomi sew and share the duties of this full-time business." (from their Etsy profile)

They don't only have geeky, British, pop culture mice though. Take a look at the shop and check out all the different kind of mice they make.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: John W. Golden

My favorite items for this week are from the popular Etsy seller John W. Golden. He is known for his ability to reproduce traditional styles and methods digitally. He actually has his Lunastrella series in Target stores.

He's most popular for his"By Order of the Management" posters. I think I first saw them on Ohdeedoh. My favorite one is the "No Monsters Allowed" one (ironically enough!). There's also posters/prints that serve as friendly reminders for kids, such as...Brush Your Teeth, Wash Your Hands, Share Your Toys, Be Kind, Eat Your Vegetables, Keep It Down, and more!

I also like his Dog & Cat Series as well as his Critter Series. The black and tan dachshund is my favorite...since it looks like Luna!

I've had the song "Fireflies" by Owl City stuck in my head lately, reinforced by seeing them outside in the country fields at night lately. So I kind of like this print too. I actually was inspired by it and made a whole firefly treasury last week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Boy Wizard Pillow

The last few weeks I haven't done one, but Etsy Favorite Friday is back! And I decided that in honor of the last Harry potter movie coming out today, today's Etsy favorite item is the Boy Wizard Pillow from Etsy seller wdkimmy (aka: Pantoufle de Verre).

She has pillows for other Harry Potter characters: the Girl Wizard Pillow, Red Head Wizard Pillow, and Evil Boy Wizard Pillow. She also does various superhero, comic book, and fairy tale characters.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Sugar Shox Crafts

I met the artist behind Sugar Shox Crafts at the UBCon Anime convention I did back in April. Our tables were next to each other and she was a nice artist to be next to.

My favorite item she makes are the recycled Ramen Noodle package purses. I actually have one that she traded me for a plush owl. Mine is the Chicken Flavor (because that's my favorite flavor) but she makes the purses with all different flavor packages and is often looking for different/unique flavors that are hard to find in her home town. I love it when artists recycle items creatively. I have a soft spot for Ramen noodles. I loved eating them as a kid and used to call them "Long-Long Noodles". I still love them and consider them a comfort food. When I'm sick, Ramen Noodle soup is my go-to thing to eat (the warm, salty broth feels soothing when I have a sore throat).

She also makes fabric clutch bags with retro Nintendo game cartridge designs on them. She also does the purses in a cassette tape design!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: ArtSnack

I met ArtSnack at Mayday Underground (sorry, the artist's real name escapes me at the moment!). Her work is great because it's like play food in pillow form! Her work is delightful and the foods she chooses to translate into pillow form practically scream summer!

I think the watermelon is my favorite! My mouth is watering just looking at it! (I may just need to go buy a watermelon this weekend!) Mmmmm...

Mmmmmm...Ice cream!

Be sure to check out ArtSnack's Facebook page as well as her Etsy shop!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Our Secret Treehouse

This week's Etsy Favorite, Our Secret Treehouse, is a shop that I discovered because I met its creators at Mayday Underground. Richard, the cartoonist counterpart of the team, visited my booth and was wearing a shirt with this cute little beaver design on it. I commented on it, and he told me he'd designed it himself and that their booth was around the corner from mine. So one of the times I left and let my mom run my booth, I popped over to check their stuff out!

I had a nice time talking with them. We talked about how they are planning on adding some new woodland critter designs and joked around about how "Beavers will be the new owls!" (although...I don't think anything will be truly de-throning owls for awhile!)

The zombie dinosaurs make me laugh!
They've got some really cute designs. I think they should offer T-shirts in the Etsy shop though!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Loran Scruggs

This week's Etsy Favorite Friday features Loran Scruggs. She makes whistles and other items out of bottlecaps, tin cans, aluminum cans, and other items. I actually found this shop rather randomly...they had left a comment left on an Etsy blog post about sock monkeys, and the profile picture struck my eye. The profile picture was the photo below...

Yes...the it is the coveted Hitachino Nest bottlecap! The whistle has been sold (of course!), but she has some other cool works...

I want to know where this gal gets her bottle caps! She has some cool ones!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: AbbyTryAgain Photography

I met Abby of AbbyTryAgain at her booth at the Second Storie show a few years ago. I remember how nice she was because she was out of business cards and so she just gave me a mini print and wrote her info on the back. (I think I've talked about her before).
She uses vintage film cameras that she buys at thrift stores. In this age of digital photography, there is something special about photos taken with actual film.

She had a giveaway on her blog awhile back and one of the prizes was the print shown above of the vintage wooden spools of thread. (I blame this photo for sparking my current obsession with vintage spools and photos of vintage spools.) I didn't win the giveaway, but I went and bought a 8x10 print from her Etsy shop.

I think this vintage pincushions print is the next one on my wish list.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday BONUS!: Sample Set Deal from UpstateHerbWorks

I know I already did an Etsy Favorite Friday post today, but I wanted to share this sale that's going on over at UpstateHerbWorks...(consider this making up for the past 2 weeks that I forgot about doing an Etsy Favorite Friday post)

* Image credit: UpstateHerbWorks

I think it must be difficult to have a shop with soap and other bath/body products on Etsy... because those kinds of products are all about the sense of smell...and you can't smell over the internet! Of course the nice thing about it is that if you do get a chance to smell something in person and it's something you like, you can just hop on Etsy and order more of what you like (that's what I do with Latherati...although she's discontinuing "Beguile", my favorite scent! Boo hoo!)

Anyway, a fellow RNESTer, Karen at Duncan Creative, has been singing the praises of UpstateHerbWorks for the past couple months. One of the balms in the shop particularly intrigued me, since I've been having some issues with pain/inflammation in my wrist lately. UpstateHerbWorks is going to be at Mayday Underground on April 30th, so I was going to wait and buy it then, since I would be able to be there in person and actually smell it.

But Karen recently shared, over Facebook, this deal that UpstateHerbWorks is having...a Premium Sample Set - You Choose 4 Hand-Crafted Solid Scents & Medicinal Balms, only $5 and free shipping. It was too good of a deal to pass up, so I jumped on it and ordered a sample set. I chose "Regenerate", "Clove Cuticle & Hand Balm", "Calm Cramps", and "Working Stiff". I'm really looking forward to getting my package in the mail!

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Little Goodall

One of my fellow RNEST members made an Etsy Treasury a few weeks ago called Mad About Saffron that I featured in the Treasury Tuesday post I do over at the RNEST Blog...and it included this adorable lion coat from a shop called Little Goodall...

I don't have kids, but if I did, you'd be sure I would want to get them one of these coats! They are just are TOO adorable! I love the little claws on the edge of the sleeve and everything!
I love how these coats are cute and playful, yet sophisticated. I would love to see one in person. It is a lucky child indeed who has one of these fun coats. I can see this being a good gift for a grandma to buy for their grandchild for Christmas. Grandmas like to buy practical gifts...but this item is practical and fun!

*image credits: LittleGoodall

Friday, March 25, 2011

Etsy Favorite Friday!: Norajane Rubber Stamps

I've decided to start doing a new weekly blog post series. I've been doing Treasury Tuesdays...and now I want to do Etsy Favorite Fridays! On Etsy Favorite Friday, I'll be featuring some of my favorite shops and items on Etsy.

This week I'm featuring Norajane, an Etsy seller who does the cutest little rubber stamps....

I have a great love for rubber stamps. I get it from my mother, who is the Rubber Stamp Queen. I showed her this Etsy shop and asked her which stamp she would want...but the better question might have been which ones she DIDN'T want! She couldn't decide on just one! I may need to buy this one or this one for her. The two I have pictured above are my own personal favorites.

I hope you've enjoyed this first edition of Etsy Favorite Friday! Hopefully I will remember to keep this going!