Anyway, the reason I was asking my mom for this picture was because I caught a cool post over at CraftyPod about crafting with old neckties, and I was reminded of a friend of mine who made things out of ties (back before it was cool!). She made purses and skirts and stuff, but her most impressive project was when she made herself an entire dress out of old ties (that my brother had brought her from Goodwill when he worked there) and wore it to a formal event.

Out of any of the necktie dresses I've seen, none ever compares to Christine's in my mind. I love the swirly flowy pattern she did with it! I wish I was half the creative seamstress she is! But I just make monsters. ;)
that is truly a super cool dress. I LOVE IT!!!
OMG. That's stunning. The sheer layer peeking out under the ties just makes it. This might be my favorite necktie project ever. Thank you so much for hunting up the photo!
wow...the tie looks cool. i really appreciate it. Thanks its very impressive.
Awesome dress!!!
what can be its price...any guess??
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