
Showing posts with label Mucha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mucha. Show all posts

Sunday 19 February 2017

I surrender

I've finally accepted defeat and accepted that the lure of Dragon Rider has become stronger than the lure of Belle, as beautiful as she is. I do still love her, but I don't have a very long attention span, and combined with the fact that I've had very little free time over the last few weeks so haven't really had a chance to work on her, I've got it into my head that it's time to move on, and poor Dragon Rider has been around for years, so he's always worthy of a bit more love and attention. 
Secondly I've started a new baby blanket, I ummed and ahhed over these colours for a while, but am finally happy with them, although there are  still a couple of different ideas that I'm playing with for how to lay the blanket out. This is the Granny Sunburst square (I used Bella Coco's tutorial) in King Cole Cherished

Monday 13 February 2017

Beauty and the...

Quick update this week. I don't have much to show, what I do have to show was done on Sunday evening, I haven't picked up a needle or a hook all week. I can't work out if I'm on the wane on this one, or if it's just because I've been busy and tired, but once that idea starts to settle in my head a project doesn't tend to stay out for much longer. I'm sure it'll be out again soon is she does go away though.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Slow and Steady...

 Just getting this progress update in before the end of the weekend, I don't even have an excuse for why it's taken me so long today, we had quite a quiet day, I've just been continually distracted by other things. I actually took the pictures before breakfast (although I am willing to admit that the breakfast was at lunch time), it's just taken me this long to get them on to the computer. The Beast continues, so much for having this section finished by the end of the month, but then I was always a little bit ambitious, so I'm not really surprised by that. 
The hat continues as well, true to form I've actually done more since I took this picture, but am to lazy to take another picture. By the time next week I might even have finished it... although I really can't have that as a might, it's a birthday present for someone, so if I don't get my arse into gear soon they're not going to get it on time. Not sure how much time I'll have next week, but I'm sure that I'll have something to show at least. This will be done, and hopefully I'll have some more stitching to show as well.

Saturday 7 January 2017

New Year Start... HAHA!

This week has not gone how I planned... I had time put aside Wednesday evening and Friday morning where I was going to stitch, then it turned out that what I really wanted to do with that time is work, so unfortunately my New Year New Start actually have about 20 stitches on it, and is massively dwarfed by my new crochet project... what could it be.
Happy New Year all, hope you had a good one!

Friday 30 December 2016

Last progress of the year, and what will your new start be?

And secondly, my New Year, New Start, what's the New Year without an exciting new start. And this beautiful young lady will be my New Start. Belle in the Mucha style by Hannah Alexander. She has done most of the Disney Princesses and they are all being charted, with back stitch (shock, when did I last willingly do back stitch?) and pretty bling. I'm slowly collecting all of them, but so far I only have three Princesses, and they're limited edition as well, I was basically doomed the second I saw a friend working on Tiana and she pointed my in the direction of where to get them. I want them all, and I want them all now!
In the mean time I have some pretty fabric and will put the first stitch (and it may well literally be the one and only stitch) and New Year's Day.

Secondly I have the lovely Harley Quinn, who I'm going to put away now seeing as Belle is due out in a couple of days now. Technically I've got my page finish as I combined a partial page and a full page, the partial page is finished, and I've technically got a foot as well, it doesn't look like much but there is definitely a foot there, and we've got the beginning of her skirt/cloak as well. Although I did suddenly realise the other day that there is going to come a point when I'm stitching her crotch, and that's probably going to be a slightly weird few days for me.
Finally,  finished the sheep hat, I finally finished it, I'm so proud, even if it does look like a slightly deranged cat, but it's finished so I'll have to take that as a win, and hope that the friends whose little one this is for will be forgiving.