Showing posts with label Gerry Nelissen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerry Nelissen. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Apologies to the Dutch

Last post I wrote about how Gerry Nelissen's design led me to a Belgian love affair, but perhaps you were confused because Gerry is Dutch.  (Perhaps this fact explains why Greet Lefevre had not known of her when I asked if she knew Gerry's work.)  Despite my national mix up, Gerry's design did lead me to seek out other work like hers.  This circuitous route eventually led me to the many Belgian designers who will be my subject for many future posts.  But, not today.  Today we are still in Holland (it's close to Belgium) discussing Marcel Wolterinck's work and his connection to Gerry Nelissen and Piet Boon - all Dutch (not Belgian).  Hope this clarifies last post's misstep.

Marcel Wolterinck began his career as a floral and garden designer, later branching out into interior design.  I think his ardent love of gardens will be evident as we examine his home in Laren, an area known as "the garden of Amsterdam".  Elle Decor's cover looks a bit dog-eared below because of my constant perusals.

Conservatory whose burlap draperies inspired my own shower curtain, dining table cloth, Christmas tree skirt and more.

Below Wolterinck limited himself to only three foliage plants - the "plane trees allow for filtered light..., Virginia creeper climbs the stone wall and turn into scarlet draperies in the autumn.... Big pots of Hosta sieboldiana 'Variegata' complete the short plant list."  He chose the variegated hosta because the pale gold edge matched the Dolomite sand on the ground.  Woterinck refers to this section of his garden as the French garden.

In this exterior view, his conservatory is seen from the water garden.

View of the English garden with its very English teak chairs.

In the kitchen garden resides a dining table with legs of reclaimed wood and top of lead.  (Eat your heart out, Restoration Hardware.)  Marcel says lead in the garden is "indestructible and yet of the softest gray".  The balcony wall above is also topped with lead.

Now to the inside starting with his kitchen of course.  When we visit Walda Pairon's kitchen soon, Wolterinck's should ring a bell.

The article calls the room below the "smoking room", but it looks like a library to me.  Love all the green out the windows, perhaps because I've been viewing icy white out my windows for weeks and weeks.

The sitting room.

Bedroom which is described on the bathroom image below it.

His painted tub reminds me a bit of a Nancy Braithwaite bedroom and my own mudroom.

Sadly, this home in Laren is now sold.  I could have been happy there for years, but his design moves to a more modern, spare style.  After seeing this article, I purchased two of Marcel Wolterinck's books, and would love to scan pictures from them but fear copyright infringement; the following images are from his website and should illustrate how his design becomes more spare, more modern and clean, more sophisticated  - almost Liaigre-esque.  First, the entrance to his showroom.

Gone are his days of checkered bathtubs and burlap draperies.

Now let's take a look at a more current project he worked on with Gerry Nelissen, and Piet Boon which combines all their talents.  (I know I  have not yet discussed Piet Boon - still looking for my article on his home.)  In this project, Gerry and Marcel's design and garden skills combine with Piet's architectural ones in renovating a building in the rural village of Newer Ter Aa.  The outside of the renovation almost looks like the entrance to Wolterinck's showroom.

Light-filled entrance.  Piet Boon is well known for his love of light,

The rooms below definitely feel more Nelissen-esque, but the light is all Boon.

Again lots of architectural light even in laundry room.

Sunroom via Wolterinck I'll bet.  Love that table.

First floor bath.

Stairs to second floor looking up...

and down.

Second floor bath with double sinks.

Lots of light but I miss Gerry's collections, and Marcel's plants.

Stairway to loft...

overlooking windows to outdoor balcony...

and looking very Wolterinck to me.

Bridge to guest house.

And lastly, views of gardens surrounding the renovations, starting with roses climbing the bike garage.

View toward the renovation from bike garage.

Views from guest house across the river to main house.

And an aerial  view of landscaping.

Whew, this was a long post.  I wanted to clarify the direction my design interests were heading, and these two Dutch designers and architect led the way.  Next time, more on Piet Boon if that article rears its head.  Then definitely onto Belgium.
Stay warm,