Thursday, July 29, 2010

SOWL Challenge

Weekly Summer of Weight Loss Challenge:


What are your motivators? What gets you out the door or to the gym? What makes you think twice about buying that suitcase full of Peanut M&M's at Costco? Write about it on your blog or, if you don’t blog, leave it in the comments below. 

Well, be brutally honest, like Kerrie admitted on her blog, I too initially have those shallow motivators. Like, wanting to look good in my jeans...more so, a bathing suit! And, YES, these types of shallow motivators do help get the job done; but, I honestly am also motivated to lose the weight healthfully so that it doesn't have to be a constant struggle in the future. I want my kids to know what it is to be healthy, and in a GOOD way! I WANT to be here to see my kids get married, and have kids, and do all the things that I have done in life. I want to be here to see them succeed and be happy in life! I whole heartedely feel that if I do this in a healthy way, that I will change my life for the better and not constantly be struggling with the "weight issue".
What makes you think twice about buying that suitcase full of Peanut M&M's at Costco?
I always contemplate buying things like this at Costco, but knowing that it will most likely be ME that will eat them all, makes me say "HELL NO!" Even when I go to the grocery store, I buy pre-baked cookies for my husband and kids lunches, I end up eating most of them! Go figure! 
Anywho, that was the challenge this week; to ponder your real motivators for losing weight and being healthy. What are yours?
p.s. I have fallen behind this week on my weigh-in...I will update the challenge hopefully tonight! But since last week was a big loss, I am not expecting ANYTHING!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SOWL update week #3

This will be a quick post, because it is my birthday(OMG, I am actually 29!), and I need to get ready to go out to dinner. 
The result:
I lost 2.2 pounds this week! I am soooo happy! All the work the last few weeks has paid off and in the last 3 weeks I have lost 3.6 pounds. Which is GREAT and I did it in a healthy way! :) Hope every one else participating in the challenge had a successful week as well! Now, off to dinner! YAY!

Monday, July 19, 2010

testing mobile blogging

just sitting here eating my yummy salad updating my phone apps while the hubby is laying on the couch and my son is brushing my hair. love it! updated my blogger-droid and wanted to test it out on my phone!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SOWL update week #2

Good but not great, I lost another .7 pounds! ;)  Just another 6.5 to go! I was hoping for almost 2 this week, but oh well! I had a great week of exercise and my calories were where they were supposed to be. I think because since my kidney stones, I have been drinking a BUTTLOAD of H20, which is maybe making the scale a bit skewed (hey, this is my excuse, don't ruin it!) Hehehe. 
Here is what my week looked like: *by the way, for those of you who don't recall, I am using my bodybugg to track my calories burned and consumed*
Tuesday: *weigh in day is Tuesday for me*
Exercise: ran 2.5 miles & did 12 min. interval workout
TOTAL calorie burn: 2745 calories
TOTAL calories consumed: ~2140 
Exercise: ran 3 miles & did 20 minute interval workout
TOTAL calorie burn: 2646
TOTAL calories consumed: ~1563
Exercise: ran 2.5 miles & did 10 minute interval workout
TOTAL calorie burn: 2254
TOTAL calories consumed:~1921
Exercise: ran 3.5 miles & 12 minute interval workout
TOTAL calorie burn: 2713
TOTAL calories consumed:~1608
Exercise: 6hour waitress shift, Kick boxing 45 minutes & 12 minute interval workout
TOTAL calorie burn: 3090
TOTAL calories consumed:~1456
Exercise: 6 hour waitress shift
TOTAL calorie burn: 2763
TOTAL calories consumed:~1376
Exercise: ran 3 miles
TOTAL calories burned: 3101
TOTAL calories consumed:~1643
So, according to my bodybugg program, I should have lost more weight. :( Oh well, I am feeling good and stronger! I seem to not be able to get myself under 1300 calories for the day, so I am trying a new protein shake that i got at Costco to have for lunch during the week. It is a soy protein meal replacement shake and i had it today for lunch and just blended it up with water, ice and a few berries. It was delicious! AND, only 150 calories !!!! Anyone have success with not only weight loss, but overall health using protein shakes??? I have heard that Shakeology is a great product too. Anyone try that brand?

Friday, July 9, 2010

I can't believe I turned it down...

If you remember, my goal for the year was to complete the Triple Crown. Three races here in southern California. Well, I completed 2 and didn't register in time for the 3rd. I was desperately trying to find a bib to transfer before the 15th...well, I found someone on facebook yesterday morning and they emailed me for my number. So sad.....
I had to email them back to say that I had to pass. SAY WHAT?!!!!!!!!! After discussing it with my hubby, he asked, "well, can we really afford it right now?" "Aren't you already scheduled to work?". My response was... well i guess not, AND yea...that sucks!
But after thinking about it, I had no one to race it with...and I can do them all again next year. Hopefully this time with some more friends. I did the first one with 1 girl friend of mine, but the second one I did alone, and I'm not gonna lie, it kind of sucked doing it alone.

Positive note: I went to the Dr.'s yesterday for a follow up on my emergency room trip 3 weeks ago, the Doctor was really concerned that the Urologist couldn't see me until the 26th, so she is putting in an urgent refferal for a new Dr. to see if he can see me before the 26th. Hopefully so, I just want to see if everything is ok. I still have some back pain around my left kidney that concerns me. It doesn't hurt when I run, but in certain postions it really really aches, it is just not normal pain for me :(  

Still havn't found a new fruit or vegetable to try...I need some ideas here people! ;)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey, at least I worked out...

So tired today! Yesterdays workout kicked my butt, and I felt it today! I was really debating working out or not today, but I knew that I would feel better once it was over. So I took the kiddos outside and set up all their bikes and toys and hopped on the treadmill. Did a recovery 2.5 mile run...was debating doing some time on the elliptical, but wanted to still do a little interval training, so I opted out on the elliptical. Did a quick and shorter version of's 20 minute workout. I cut it in half and only did 10 minutes. (but still a great workout)! Here is what it consisted of: (if you are interested!) ;)

  1. One leg mountain climbers 
  2. Modified push ups
  3. Sliding lunge with lateral arm raise
  4. Abs- cross knee ups with weights
  5. Side slide lunge with bicep curls
I did each exercise for 20 seconds then a 10 second rest and I did that 4 times for EACH exercise.

I have good news! ;)  I finally got a Dr.'s appointment with my primary Dr. (not the urologist) today at 3:15. So hopefully he can refer me to a GOOD urologist. I will keep you posted!

SOWL (Summer of Weigh Loss) Challenge for the week is to eat a fruit or vegetable that you have NEVER eaten before...I am having a hard time with this. Any suggestions?????

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Workout Wednesday

Last night was my Dad's 57th me and the family went to their country club for Taco Tuesday. Yum! 
2 tacos, 2 Diet cokes, and a piece of Key Lime pie later....I ate too much! AHHH! So today was Workout HARD Wednesday for me! It was great though to see my Dad having a great birthday celebration...made me happy :)
So, for my workout today I did:
1) Tempo run on the treadmill:
     1/2 mile warmup
     2 miles at tempo pace of 9:31
     1/2 mile cooldown
     TOTAL= 3 miles in 29:03
2) workout 20 minutes
This workout consisted of 5 different exercise that I did for 4 minutes each in the 50 sec. max rep/10 sec rest interval.

  • 10 high knees and drop down=1 rep
  • Side to side pike jumps
  • Reverse crunches
  • Side step ups onto a chair
  • Super girl push up
*** Let me tell you, this workout kicked my ass! I was exhausted and could really tell that it was working me! Someone out there in bloggyland, please try this workout and  tell me that i am not crazy for hating liking these interval workouts!
P.S. My body bugg said that I burned 560 calories in my workout today ;) YAY!

HERE is the workout link. It has the video and photos of each exercise. 
I will also post the youtube video.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekly Weigh in #1

Well, today was the first weigh in since starting the SOWL Challenge and i am proud to say that even though I ate a ton of crappy food on Sunday AND was in bed for the majority of the day yesterday with a migraine, AND my "monthly friend" visited this morning.............I am down .8 pounds! It is NOT the 1.5 pounds I was striving for, but hey...I will take it! ;) I am hoping that this low loss will result in a BIG loss next Tuesday :) I did an okay workout today of 2.5 miles on the treadmill, and then did the following interval workout from

These types of workouts from will be scheduled in my workouts 3 times per week, so I will be sharing them with you all and hopefully some will join me...the workouts are great! AND most are only 12 minutes long!!!!

Summer of Weigh Loss Challenge

Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July weekend! I have decided to join Kerrie at Mom vs marathon in her Summer of Weight Loss (SOWL) challenge. Check it out! We all will be cheering each other on and supporting one another from now until September 22nd in our weight loss journey. She will also be posting challenges every Wednesday! ;) So here goes....
My goal is to lose 10 pouinds!
Here are my measurements (I can't believe I am posting these!!!!)
 Chest 32"
Waist 30.5"
Hips 43"
Midway 38.5"
R-Thigh 24" L-Thigh 23.5"
R-knee 16" L-knee 15.5"
R-calf 14.5" L-calf 14.5"
Arm both were 11"
* If you need help doing your measurement, Kerrie posted a good link on her SOWL post above, check it out!
I AM NOT POSTING MY WEIGHT! ;).......But here are before photos.

These were taken on Friday July 2nd
Tuesday (today) is my offical weigh in I will post my progress for the week as soon as I get to a scale...I am not expecting a loss on the scale this week, since this weekend i TOTALLY ate way too much, and my good old "monthly" friend visited today. But we shall see. Hope everyone else's first week went well!


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