Runner Details Race Results
Bib: 8977
Name: Kelly Nakamura
Gender: F
Age: 28
Overall: 2735 out of 7105
Women: 1218 out of 4394
F 25-29: 242 out of 846
Age/Grade: 52.65% Place: 2828
Finish: 2:05:04 Pace: 9:33
Tag Time: 2:05:04
Gun Time: 2:10:44
Split Times
6.6 Mi: 1:01:48 Pace: 9:22
It was a great race and I was so happy to have my husband, my kids, my parents and my friends there to support me.
Race Report
This is offically my first race report, so here goes:
This is offically my first race report, so here goes:
The race was having their expo starting Friday from 2-6...I figured we would go Friday, since it would be a lot busier on Saturday. After the hubby got home, we packed up the kiddos and drove down to the expo. The expo was in these huge outdoor white covered tents right next to the start/finish line in the mall parking lot. We arrived around 4:00 and there wasn't that many people there yet (I didn't even stand in line to get my bib number)! We walked around for a bit, looking at all the running gear...I even met the running skirt sisters! Around 4:30, I met up with an old high school friend of mine that I played soccer with, and ran my first half marathon with back in 2001. Here we are:
Meghan & I
We ended up not staying too much longer, the kids were getting really bored! ;) But it was so great to see her after 7 years...I wished her the best of luck in her upcoming L.A. Marathon, and we agreed that we need to get together ASAP again to catch up some more!
So, pretty much, Saturday was spent doing much of nothing. Went to Target, made a yummy dinner of rice and chicken, and then tried to go to sleep early, but managed to stay up until 11! Here is all my gear layed out:
I checked the weather for Sunday morning, and it was supposed to be 39 degrees at start time, and heat up to about 60 degrees by finish time. So I stuck with my black capris, gray t shirt, and black long sleeve top. All in all, I was perfect until maybe mile 11, then the sun started beating down on the black.
I woke up Sunday morning about 4:50am, made my 1 cup of coffee, ate my wheat toast with peanut butter, and tried to eat a banana, but my nervous tummy wouldn't allow it! Drank a bottle of water and got the kids up and ready at 6am! My daughter Kaitlyn was NOT a happy camper that I got her up "when it was still dark outside", as she put it! Mason, on the otherhand, was HAPPY as always!
We got to the start line at 6:45, enough time to stand in the HUGE lines to go pee once more and then line up for the 7:30 start. The girl that I was running with was assigned to wave 7 (she put her last half marathon time as her expected finish time...well, she is MUCH faster now!) and I was assigned to wave 5. We lined up in wave 5 and noticed the pacer for that wave was 2:30...well out goal time was we snuck up to wave 4! The pace in that group was again, we snuck up to wave 3! DON'T TELL!!!! ;) Much better, the pacer was 2:10, so we sayed there and 5 minutes after the gun went off, we were let loose! Here we were waiting to start...
Mile 1 and 2 were SOOOO crowded. You couldn't even bob and weave by people, but luckily we moved up a few waves, so everyone was at the same pace. I couldn't wait to get to mile 2.5! It is right in front of my work, and all my co-workers were out front with a sign cheering me on, it was so cool to see them all! Then, at mile 3, my hubby, my kids, and my parents were there to cheer me on and the hubby got a few good photos! It was smooth sailing until mile 6...this was the first huge hill since the mile 1 hill, i put on a pumped up song, and trucked it up the hill. Still feeling good! Somewhere between mile 10 and 11, I really started slowing down. My legs were feeling tighter and heavier and I soooo wanted to walk. But, I knew my family was waiting for me at mile 11, and I didn't want to I kept on truckin'!
Me giving my Dad a high five at mile 11!
Mile 12 was the longest mile of my life!!! I just kept thinking to myself, I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I'M DONE! We finally were heading downhill to mile 13 and I was so happy that the end was near. We sprinted that last 100 yards and crossed the finish line together @ 2:05:04! YEAH BABY!!!!
All in all, it was an awesome race. The crowds were awesome, the volunteers were fantastic, and I am stoked to have met my goal time. The only thing I wish could have been better was my last 2.5 miles. I was really hurtin'. And honestly, I think if I would have stopped and stretched for a minute or two that those miles would have gone a lot better...note to self for the La Jolla Half in April ;)
I want to say thank you to all my family and friends who supported me thorughout my training...especially my hubby! For watching the kids on the nights I had to leave and do my long you babe! Thank you to my parents for being there race day and supporting me (I really needed it at mile 11!), and thank you to my mother-in-law for letting me borrow her treadmill for my training have no idea how much it helped! And lastly, thank you Sarai for being my running buddy on all those long runs! It was so nice getting to run with you!
Looking forward to a week off and then training resumes for the La Jolla Half Marathon April 25th. As far as training goes this time around, I think I am going to extend my longest run to 15 miles instead of 12; and then continue my 2 shorter run during the week. If anyone has advice, I am TOTALLY up to hearing it, as I have obviously never trained for a 2nd half marathon! :) I am also looking forward to seeing my daughter compete in her first running event on April 10th, the Carlsbad 5000. :) She is so excited to race "just like mommy"! LOVE IT!!!!