I can't believe I did it! I ran my 1st ever 15 miler AND I did my 1st ever ice bath!
I must admit that I was kind of nervous of how this 15 miler would go. After last weeks 14 miles giving me nausea and only being able to drink Gatorade and a coke for dinner, I was hoping that this weeks long run would be better than that!
I had made plans to run with a friend of mine for about 8 miles which means that I either needed to go earlier and crank out 7 extra miles or figure something else out. I decided to do 5 miles on the treadmill before the hubby came home, and then when he came home, I left to go and meet my friend. I parked about a mile and a half from out meeting place and ran to meet her. We ran 7 miles together, stretched, and then I ran the last mile and a half back to my car. That last stretch was hard, my legs were really heavy, not sure if it was the hour break between the treadmill session and the 10 miles, or what....but all in all I DID at least feel better than last week and did my last mile at 9:36! :) AND, NO NAUSEA! YAY!
Luckily, I felt good after the run...but I was NOT looking forward to taking my first ice bath. I HATE being cold!
I had called the hubby to ask him to start some hot coffee for me...he was so sweet! Thanks babe!
I have found a few of you with advice on how to do an ice bath, so I decided to follow your lovely advice!
- I filled the tub up with cold water first.
- I wore my clothes.
- I prepared myself a hot beverage...although, I should have taken a shot of tequila like Marie at The Quarterlife Quandary
- I got into the cold water BEFORE adding the ice. I couldn't have imagined the pain if the ice were already in there. I think this stage is the worst part...even the cold water hurts getting in!
- I added the ice and stayed in that hell tub for 15 minutes!
Enjoy these lovely pictures taken by my 5 year old!
I think it really did help with the muscle soreness. I was only slightly sore in my hamstrings, but I think that was from pulling weeds on Wednesday and not from the run! The only think that hurts, is my left shin is a tiny bit sore. I wore my compression socks all night last night, and have been wearing them today also. I even iced this morning!
Thankfully week 8 of marathon numero uno is almost complete...just a short recovery run tomorrow! Next week is a fall back week so hopefully that will give my shin some rest! Happy Friday every one!