I did this Half Marathon last year as my kick off race. My new found passion of running sparked the plan to finish the 3 races here in So. Cal and earn the triple crown award.
The Triple Crown Award is awarded to runners who complete the Carlsbad Half Marathon in January, the La Jolla Half Marathon in April, and America's Finest City Half Marathon in August. THAT people, was my goal for 2010.
Carlsbad Half Marathon 1/23/10 Finished in 2:05:04 |
La Jolla Half Marathon 4/25/10 Finished in 2:11:00 If you followed my journey last year, you would know that YES, I did finish the beautiful Carlsbad and I DID finish the VERY difficult La Jolla. |
Sadly, my goal was not met, as I waited too long to register for the 3rd race of the series and it sold out! I didn't get my Triple Crown Award. :( BOO! I did however, grow as a runner and learned a lot about what I AM capable of accomplishing. I got over it...and decided my new goal was to run Carlsbad again, and beat my 2010 time.
Training for Carlsbad 2011 began in mid October and I was determined more than ever to beat my 2010 time of 2:05:04. I had a great training cycle! I only missed 1 or 2 runs and met my goal paces on all of my runs. I knew I was going to crush my time! That's what I thought anyways. I mean my longest run of my training cycle was done at a 9:23 overall pace, I also had a 10 miler done at 9:21 overall pace...which would put me at a finish time of about 2:03 or less. I was stoked!
Danielle & I after our 11 mile sunrise run! |
Anyways, back to the race! I went to the expo on Friday to beat the weekend crowds...it was great...no standing in lines for my bib or shirt, and I was actually able to move around and look at the vendors booths without punching people! I was also able to meet up with a friend of mine from high school that I played soccer with.
I was able to pick up an iFitness belt that I won on Facebook!
I really wanted to wear it on race day, but since I had never ran with one before, I thought that I would wait on that! But SO excited to have finally got one. I will for sure be using it on tonight's 6 miler to test it out!
After the expo, we headed to the jacuzzi for some RNR! I was so excited for Sunday!
I did my usual race morning routine. I woke up at 5:30, had my cup of coffee and toast with peanut butter and a bottle of water. Took a hot shower, got dressed and stretched it out! The hubby then got up and helped get the kiddos ready and we left by 6:40. Luckily, I live only about 10 minutes from the start, so getting there was easy peasy! I had plenty of time to get in line for a one last time pee break and get my stretch on!
The race started on time, and even though I was assigned to wave 4, I snuck up to wave 3 because I noticed that the pacers in the front of wave 4 were for a 2:20 finish. I was aiming for 2:00. The first few miles were of course crowded, but I never noticed being "stuck" behind anyone. Miles 1-3 went by super fast! Here are my official splits from my Garmin:
2-8:37(say what?!...oops!)
10-9:49(starting to slow down)
11-10:16 (even more)
12-10:35(slowest mile, walked here for about 30 seconds, felt worse than running!)
last .25 miles-8:17 pace
As you can see, I was having an awesome race until about mile 9. I was so stoked to see my Garmin at mile 7 and see that I was doing it...I was on track for my first sub 2:00 race. I noticed myself starting to slow a little after the hill climb at mile 9 but then I hit a mini wall. I started getting a little nauseous, and was getting slower and slower. Luckily, knowing that my family was waiting at mile 11 kept me slightly energetic. I waved at them around mile 10.5/11 and kept on truckin it! Mile 12 was definitely my low point of the race. I slowed WAY down and even let myself walk up the last little hill bump but it actually hurt worse to walk than to run! I fiddled with my iPod and turned on the music for the last mile. I gave it my all that last mile! It felt like I was running the fastest ever...come to find out...it was a slow 9:49 mile! Ha! Turning the corner for that last .25 miles...I gave it even more and finished with an 8:17 pace! Final time of 2:04:16. Not the sub 2:00 I dreamt of, but better than last years time of 2:05:04. I'LL TAKE IT!
All in all, I was proud of myself for the great training that I put into this race, and for ultimately meeting my 1st goal. But to be honest, there was still this part in me that was disappointed that I didn't do better. I'm hoping that this is normal...people, is it?!
I'm over it though, and now on to my next goal...The Rock n' Roll San Diego Marathon on June 5, 2011. BRING IT!
This is my absolute favorite half marathon! Not only because it is near my home town, but honestly, the course is absolutely beautiful. Not to mention that the weather her in Southern California in January has been strangely spring/summer weather. I'm not going to lie, I was cold at the start. I think it was like 44 degrees and I was wearing my capri pants, a shirt, a long sleeve shirt, and gloves. Things got warm, real warm quickly. By mile 5, the sun was out in full blast and there was not a cloud in the sky. Here are a few photos from the actual race on race day, courtesy of Sarah at SkinnyRunner
This is right past my work at about mile 2.5
Such a beautiful January day in Carlsbad...mile 4
This was after the turn around heading up one of the hills on the "flat" course! It amazes me that they call this course one of the flattest...not really!!!! This is about mile 7.5
Here are some photos that my hubby was able to quickly snap!
Mile 3 (I'm the one smiling like a dork!)
Action shot...passing my family at mile 10.5 |
And there I go! |
I finished! 2:04:16
I would HIGHLY recommend this race to anyone! Especially if you are looking for a destination race...so worth it! After running it 2 years in a row, I am happy to announce, that next year, the hubby will be joining me!