Well.............I did it! I ran more than a half marathon last night, and in a training run of all things :) I am thrilled!!! However, I have mixed feelings. Let me explain:
PRO's of my run
- Finished :)
- Overall pace (9:55) was pretty good, a little slower than I would have liked to run, but in the range of what the McMillian Calculator says my long run should be ran at.
- Felt like I could have run a tiny bit more.
- Gave me the confidence for the La Jolla Half on the 25th. Hey if I could do 14 miles when it was pretty dang hot out, I can do 13.1 in the morning "chill"!
CON's of my run
- For the FIRST time since I started training, I walked during a training run. I know that this is completely ok, and for the most part good for me, but I have some wierd issue with walking, like it means I am giving up. But my body needed it during this run! It was warmer than I was used to, and I was just plain tired! I walked about 5 times through out the whole 14 miles for about 30 seconds to a minute each. I also stopped twice to stretch for a good 3 minutes ( I stopped the Garmin at these times).
- My right foot and knee were giving me issues, which never happens, so this kind of scares me! Plus, it is sore this morning.
- I have been excited to eventually in the next year do a full marathon. This run really really makes me second guess myself. At the end of the run I was telling myself there is NO way that I could ever continue for another 12 miles! ( maybe 1) INSANE!
Here are my splits:
Mile 1~ 9:27
2~ 9:26
3~ 9:35
4~ 9:50
5~ 9:50
6~ 9:57
7~ 10:15
8~ 9:35
9~ 9:45
10~ 10:39
11~ 10:01
12~ 10:17
13~ 10:42
14~ 10:29
Anywho, those were my feelings on my run last night. I was thrilled and proud that I accomplished it, yet at the same time, I felt doubtful. Does that even make sense? I was excited to use my new handheld water bottle that I got.

I ended up getting the Amphipod handheld!
I really really liked it! It holds 12 ounces of water, and the pouch held my car key and packet of Gu Chomps. I could have totally put some other stuff in it too! I can't believe that I ran before with no water! I would have died on this run without it! Definetly a keeper! :)
Also, another new part of my run was the Gu Chomps that I tried. For the last 2 long runs, I have been experimenting with Gu. I tried the Chocolate and the Orange...both were nasty! I hated the texture of them and it took me about 3 miles to consume 1. Here are the chomps:
I had the Strawberry, which were so yummy! They also have blueberry pomegranate, orange, and cranberry apple. The strawberry and cranberry apple are the only ones with caffeine in them...which is what I need! I would HIGHLY recommend these!
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! And good luck to all those who have their long runs this weekend! This weekend is the Carlsbad 5000 and I will be working all weekend in the village. It is a great race, I did the 5k last year! It is really popular and there are tons of people in town for it. My work happens to be on the course, so we get to watch all the runners...very cool!