Showing posts with label printable journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printable journal. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What Would you do for Change?

What are your most wild imaginings? What ideas inspire you most? What would you tell yourself that would most nurture your spirit? I've created a set of 6 new journal cards to help inspire and remind you to be good to yourself.
printable journal cards for creating the life of your dreams
Adhere these into your personal day planner for an extra boost of positive energy throughout the day. Be sure to visit Le Charmed Life on Etsy to see the entire collection.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Corset Diaries: Salivating Over Vintage French

Vintage and French are two tasty bait words most likely to make me salivate these days so it's no surprise that I would want to create something in that style. Presenting the Kell Belle version of vintage library cards (are there any other kind?) slash printable journal cards.

french inspired corset collage 
Consider this my first official corset diary journal offering outside of the template pages. These are great for adding little notes about your creative discoveries along the way or for keeping track of what worked and what didn't work for a particular project.

printable journal cards 
Two corset designs, two plain library card designs, two pocket front styles and one gorgeous pocket back are sure to class up your journal pages. Visit Le Charmed Life for a closer look at what you get with this package.