Do you ever buy crap you know you don't need but you buy it anyway just because it looks pretty? If you're anything like me, there are times when pretty simply kicks practical in its ass. The way I see it, you only go around this life once (in this body anyway), why not live it surrounded by things that inspire you?
My essential oil blends are an extension of my creativity so not only do I want them to be practical, I want them to inspire my clients in every way starting with their presentation and labeling. While my first attempt at labeling was okay, I need something that will really make my products sparkle. What's my solution? Pretty little specimen labels!
Sure, you say. Nothing inspires more than the scientific labeling of dead things but it's more than that. There's something classic and clean about the look of specimen labels because they are all about typography which, when approached artfully, is what appeals to me the most.
I'm still trying to work out the logistics of labeling on a 1 ounce bottle size so I still have a little bit of work left to do. I'm also trying to come up with an all encompassing name so I don't have to reinvent myself for the 10th time. I'm inspired so I think I'm on the right track.