Showing posts with label kellie reynolds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kellie reynolds. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Confections of a Dusty Rose Corset

Whilst ravaging the internet (as I often do) for vintage corset inspiration I came across a most gorgeous delight. This corset was found in an antique store by Kerry who publishes a blog called I Love My Home. Couldn't you just look at this for days?!

vintage corset
The wheels are spinning, ideas are formulating, and paper corsets may soon be evolving yet again. Dusty rose, vintage satin and aged tulle beaded with pearls. Couple all that with the flowering vines and I can't help but see the makings of a fine art piece in this divine little confection. We've GOT to make one of these.

Image Credit: Kerry of I Love My Home

Monday, November 5, 2012

November Corset Inspiration

Fall is all about those muted earth tones and even though I've never been wild about fall colors who says I can't turn my orange and rust into dusty rose and annex it as part of my fall pallet? Of course it helps that dusty rose lends itself very well to that antique, aged look that we all like so much.

Fred & Ginger corset
This month I'd like to try something a little different. I'm going for the one piece look, just a slight hint of panty at the bottom of the corset. No skirt this time because I want to play around with adding some garter straps instead. (love the lacy panties in this illustration)

vector stock vintage corset illustration
You know me, I like combining what I consider to be the "best of" qualities in each design and coming up with something new. With these corsets it's mainly the one piece look combined with the low cut bust line of the red corset below that really excite me for the November corset of the month.

from Wilhelmina's Antique Fasion blog
On a side note, looks like interest in the dimensional corsets is gaining momentum so I think a tutorial on how to make those could perhaps be coming sooner than expected. I'm still undecided but I'll keep you posted. Toodles for now.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Corset Diaries III: Vampire Corset Template

I'm a little late with October's corset but better late than never. Sometimes even the creative muse drags her feet or maybe I just resist listening to her guidance. This one is called Francesca. She's an old world, original vampire with lots of deeply ingrained quirks.

vampire corset template - 10 x 7 inches - click to download full size
Explore your shadowy side. Try something you might not otherwise have considered. The result could be better than you imagined. As a journal prompt, what shadowy secret did you learn about yourself during the creation of your vampire corset?

It goes without saying that the template and video appear above. I want to say thank you to those who take the time to say hello by leaving positive and uplifting comments. They are appreciated and I am truly grateful. Please enjoy your template.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please refer to this Formal Paper Corset video to learn how to assemble this type of corset.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Francesca: Mistress of Shadow

Miss October, mistress of shadow makes her presence known in subtle, mysterious, style. An old world girl with a distaste for the Halloween frenzy, Francesca reveals herself today yet she remains ever on the edge, always one step beyond the reach of light.

paper mache vampire corset - front
The corset diaries proudly presents the tattered, old world charm of October's vampire corset. An original beauty in more ways than one, she is made mainly of paper with crushed black tulle and glittered red tulle accents at the bust and skirt line. Satin ribbon is used for the straps and lacing.

paper mache vampire corset - back
For being so uninspired at the start of this project, I'm really happy with how this corset turned out. Of course y'all know what this means. Your template and tutorial video are forth coming so look for those to show up in the next day or two.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Visual Snack Time: It's Vintage and Pink

Do you get excited over creamy pink and sepia tones? Does the idea of scripty french writing and vintage corsets and lingerie make your flea market loving heart flutter? If you're like me and bored of seeing the same tired corset collages with the roses pouring out of the bust line, have I've got a visual snack for you.

vintage corset digital collage ©Kell Belle Studio
From black and white to colorfully stunning I'm delighted to unveil my latest original corset and lingerie collages that you won't find anywhere else on Etsy. Sophisticated shoppers are ready for something a little more upscale. Am I right? Head on over to Le Charmed Life to see all eight images.

Note: These would make nice additions to your corset journals.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Enthusiastic over Purple Burlesque

My enthusiasm and inspiration have returned! Sometimes the creative muse decides mid stream to move in a different direction than previously planned but there's always a blessing in there somewhere. Rather than give up,  honor the muse. She just might lead you in a direction that's better than you imagined.

purple burlesque corset from costume collection
I know corsets are supposed to be described as sexy and alluring but I think this purple burlesque style corset is really sweet. A little crushed tulle, some red paper accents and this look could work really well for our vampy miss October.  Yeah! I like it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Dominatrix Corset?

I've been feeling pretty uninspired by black lately which is probably why I'm having such a difficult time finishing the corset of the month. I know it's Halloween, season of the vampire and all things black but for some reason I'm not all that enthusiastic about it.

black paper mache corset for October
Painted with black acrylic, my paper mache corset now has a bit of a shine which conjures up for me images of the dominatrix in black patent leather. Blech! Not the look I was aiming for but I'ma go with it.  I have to know what that creative muse of mine has in mind.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beeswax Coated Paper Game

Have you ever tried coating paper with beeswax? I have only ever used this technique to waterproof my paper after I've printed on it. The wax prevents the ink from running so I can slather acrylic medium all over it and collage to my heart's content without worry of ruining my image.

how to make beeswax coated paper
Do you have another use for beeswax coated paper? I would love to hear all about them. Leave a comment and link to your work so I can post about you. :) Coating the paper isn't difficult. For a down and dirty tutorial on how to do it, visit Crafting a Green World.

Note: Image credit to Crafting a Green World

Monday, October 15, 2012

Digital Vintage Library Cards

Something new came into the world today. I call it crack for the scrapper. Ha! Digital vintage library cards in a collage of old fountain pen advertisements and typewriter images make great journal cards.

digital library cards available in the boutique
I fell in love with typography in design school so I have a particular weakness when it comes to papers with layer after delicious layer of type and other rustic elements.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

13 Days of Halloween Paper Craft

Kids are back in school, days are getting shorter and there are an increasing number of dark and rainy days ahead but don't let that spook you. For some cute Halloween paper crafts that assemble easily in an afternoon head on over to Domestifluff for 13 holiday tutorials.

mini owl treat box from Domestifluff
This little mini owl treat box is such a cute idea for packaging holiday candy and other small items. It could even be enlarged and used as a Halloween trick or treat bag. Perhaps your swaps need a little holiday pizzaz? Use your imagination.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ooh La La! Sexy French Hosiery

Ah! I feel much better this week and thankfully not quite so gritchy! How do you feel about sexy french hosiery?  Armed with a vintage advertisement, some old paper textures, a few ephemeral bits and a little imagination I came up with this french inspired, digital collage that I just love!

french hosiery digital collage ©Kell Belle Studio
The original hosiery ad (below) was found on the Free Vintage Digital Images blog and was simply too irresistible for me to pass up.  I think it's an elegant change of pace from all the tired dress form and corset collages I'm seeing out there.

1940 vintage hosiery advertisement
Wait . . . that's right! I too have jumped on the tired corset collages bandwagon.  Ha! Why reinvent the wheel?!  I've been busy with a series of boudoir collages created in that aged, vintage, french style everyone seems to love these days so look for those to hit the Le Charmed Life shop pretty soon.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October's Paper Mache Corset Takes Shape

I'm starting to get more enthusiastic about these paper mache corsets! This is the vampire corset so far although she doesn't look very vampire like at the moment, nothing a little black paint won't solve.

paper mache corset for October - work in progress
I want to savor this look for a minute. White on white, rough, torn paper edges and frayed, uneven cheese cloth make me crazy with excitement. I could almost leave her as is but not today. Love it!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Corset Couture: Tattered Alice

The blossoming young Alice comes of age to seduce the world in ravishing corset couture style. She wanted to be different, to break out of the mold and so she became a little slice of tattered, paper mache heaven.
Tattered Alice paper mache corset front view
In pursuit of an arty, more antique and aged look to my work, I did something quite a bit different with this corset. Alice is entirely hand sculpted using torn paper, cheese cloth and lacy fabric.  Isn't she just divinely imperfect?!

tattered Alice paper mache corset back view
For me, the Alice corset is about breaking out of old habits. She represents pushing beyond perfect symmetry, and embracing uncertainty. She is a liberating first work of many more like her to come.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Corset Diaries: September's Corset

By the skin of my teeth, the Corset Diaries presents your corset template for the month of September. The diary page can be downloaded by clicking the image for full size and then either dragging it to your desktop or right click to save.

corset diary Sept journal page 5" h x 10" w 
You'll notice that I'm not using the template this time.  Yep, I've changed things up a bit just to keep it interesting. I won't be offering a tutorial.  After all, a girl's gotta keep some secrets, right?!  Doesn't mean your corsets won't be beautiful though. :)

Video instruction is provided to give you ideas for embellishing your pieces.  Feel free to cut the straps off, alter it, adapt it and otherwise play around with it to make it your own.  Just enjoy and let your creativity flow.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Terms of Use: Selling Your Work

I'm beginning to notice Etsy listings (yes, I troll the listings occasionally) for paper outfits created using my templates and since I don't specifically talk about selling your work in my Terms of Use I should probably address that now.

You are welcome to sell your original, handmade pieces created using my templates.  You absolutely may NOT create copies of my work and offer them for sale. Mass production of items made from my templates is also prohibited without first obtaining a commercial license. Contact the studio for details.

This means that if you are following along with the videos, please use the imagination you were given and come up with your own ways of covering and embellishing your outfits. The videos are for inspiration only and not intended to help you create copies of my work for your own monetary gain.

Some kind of link back to me in in your listings would be great. I spend a lot of time putting the templates together each month and making sure the pieces fit just right so a mention is greatly appreciated.

I'm sure you probably knew this already and I know you would all rather create your own originals anyway right? Of course you would. :) That said, please carry on and continue to enjoy!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Sneak Peek Inside Alice's Paper Corset

Don't you just love the arty look of this paper corset?! I'm trying out a new and different approach to artfully handmade paper fashion that I think will open up more possibility for embellished detail

paper machè corset front view
Happily my perfectionistic inner critic with a penchant for symmetry seems to be embracing the small variations that give handmade items their charm. Have I have triumphantly beaten her into submission at last? Ha!

paper machè corset back view
These photos are a down and dirty sneak peek that don't really do this corset justice but at least you get an idea of what can be done with paper once thinking outside the flat paper box begins.

paper machè corset side view
So, what's next? I did write in an earlier post that adding fabric was too easy. I think I'ma have to eat a little crow on that one because that's exactly what I wanna do. Paper will still be the major design element with fabric added only as an accent so maybe this was the distinction I was originally trying to get across. We'll see how well that works out for me. (tee hee :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reading Minds - Psychic Hit

I've been working on developing my psychic ability for several weeks now. I've had many psychic hits, mostly traffic related, so I've spared you the boring details. Something different happened this past Sunday though. I actually read someone's mind. I don't mean that in a "finishing someone's sentence" kinda way. I actually heard words in my head!

the third eye is the seat of imagination
I received a mail order item and hand thrown the box in my recycle bag. For some reason my father got into the bag and had removed the crumpled paper in the bottom of the box. I had my back turned to him as I was working on something so I could not see what he was doing but I heard him saying something to himself even though no words passed his lips.
so true! Einstein quote
I could not make out the words as they were more like a mumble which would be typical of my father. In my mind I heard myself say "What?" "What do you have to tell me?" He immediately walked over to where I was sitting to tell me there was still something under the paper in the box and asked if I had intended to throw them out. WOW!

mind magic on Pinterest
What I am learning about all this psychic stuff is that we are all receiving psychic information all the time. The key is to listen to and trust your intuition more. I'm trying to pay more attention to how it feels in my body when I do receive this information as this is the key to being able to distinguish between solid psychic information and just plain mental chatter.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Something Vampy This Way Comes

In the spirit of the Halloween season, how about something a little gothic and vampire-ish for October? The bottom part of this beautiful corset is a little different from the norm which is what I like about it.

Kell Belle Studio's corset board on Pinterest 
I've been doing things the same way for so long that it's time to shake it up a bit and make some changes so I've been experimenting with some new techniques. Keep your eyes peeled for September's "Alice" corset coming soon!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Just a Little Victorian Corset

Here's a little Victorian corset top I found that I thought you all might like to add to your corset diaries.

1891 corset cover from
Add some digital collage, perhaps a little color and this could be really pretty on a pocket or journal card. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cottage Chic Starbucks?

Who knew an empty Starbucks bottle could look so good as cottage chic decor? The tinting trial and error process has actually helped give this blue bottle a more weathered look so my persistence and even my mistakes have worked in my favor!

cottage chic reclaimed Starbucks bottle ©Kellie Reynolds
Le Charmed Life has the first of what I hope will be many french vintage inspired home decor items just like this one. Visit the boutique for more views and to find out how little it would take to send this beauty home with you! Cheers!