Showing posts with label french. Show all posts
Showing posts with label french. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The White Witch of Montmartre

You have entered a world where magic is real and dreams come true.  A warm welcome to the "Grow Your Blog" participants. Leave your cares at the door, kindly step inside and rest for a spell.

via The Bohemian Gypsy on Pinterest
My name is Kellie, a throw back from a victorian age of long ago. I see myself as part gypsy, part eccentric french artist, part white witch and psychic. I offer you a few small gifts as tokens of my gratitude for your visit.

via Thius Thius
how to make a lavender terrarium
The Kell Belle Studio blog was started as a way for me to share my paper art with the world. Over the past year and a half, Kell Belle has evolved into a way for me to give back to the art community by offering tutorials, templates and inspiration for creating a variety of girlie paper crafts.

I live in the greater Seattle area with my two cats (how perfect for a witch) Flora and Phoebe. I believe my way of being of service to others is to uplift them by offering words of encouragement and ways of creating a positive and beautiful life for themselves. I too am on this path and want to share what I learn along the way.

envelope template via paper craft on Pinterest
Inspirational Idea: Use the envelope template above to create a sachet that could be filled with a little dried lavender from your terrarium. Magical uses for lavender include love potions, aphrodisiacs and healing sachets to name a few.

Perhaps you need a label for your terrarium bottle? Feel free to grab the image below. Simply click to enlarge and save.

vintage french ephemera label
My post is short and sweet so as not to take up too much of your time so I'll wish you well and bid you farewell. Please feel free to linger if you wish or e-mail me with any questions you might have.

via a smile a day on Pinterest
I'll leave you with a smile. I see great things in store for you in the year ahead. I see prosperity, good health and good friends. Au revoir for now.

Thank you to our hostess, Vicki of 2 Bags Full for organizing this blog event.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ooh La La! Sexy French Hosiery

Ah! I feel much better this week and thankfully not quite so gritchy! How do you feel about sexy french hosiery?  Armed with a vintage advertisement, some old paper textures, a few ephemeral bits and a little imagination I came up with this french inspired, digital collage that I just love!

french hosiery digital collage ©Kell Belle Studio
The original hosiery ad (below) was found on the Free Vintage Digital Images blog and was simply too irresistible for me to pass up.  I think it's an elegant change of pace from all the tired dress form and corset collages I'm seeing out there.

1940 vintage hosiery advertisement
Wait . . . that's right! I too have jumped on the tired corset collages bandwagon.  Ha! Why reinvent the wheel?!  I've been busy with a series of boudoir collages created in that aged, vintage, french style everyone seems to love these days so look for those to hit the Le Charmed Life shop pretty soon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shabby Chic French Armoire Part Deux

For all you experts of shabby chic, I have redesigned my armoire to a level I consider to be high class chicness. What do you think?

purchase prints in the Kell Belle Boutique
I was actually reading a blog post last week written by someone who audaciously stated her opinion that one can not buy their way to shabby chic.  . . . Really?
Kell Belle's looking très chic
Perhaps that is true if you come at it from the perspective that shabby chic style is a taste acquired over time to the point that purchasing decisions become a reflection of it.

Note: Armoire design is copyrighted by Kell Belle Studio and may not be reproduced in any way without my written permission. Day bed photo remains the property of Brissi save my ever so slight alteration of it. ;)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Intrigues of Seam Binding

Have you ever come across something you weren't looking for, have never used in your life and would have led a full, happy life without ever laying eyes on it but now that you have seen it, it's a must have?

hand dyed and crinkled seam binding
In an effort to dress up my packing on the dress form dolls I went looking for some freebies I could include and discovered seam binding. While the name speaks for itself, it never would have occurred to me that this could be used as a craft supply.

clothes pins for wrapping trims around
It comes packaged so prettily that I was hooked with the fervor of an addict! There is certainly no shortage of sellers on Etsy willing to sell you piles of this stuff at a very reasonable price however, one seller did stand out.

pretty vintage lace
The 5$ French Market on Etsy has some beautiful, beautiful items that will make perfect accents for packaging with my dress form dolls. Not only is their presentation elegant but they are willing to make custom orders for you. Be sure to stop by for a peek. You'll fall in love!

Note: All images associated with this post remain the copyrighted, intellectual property of 5$ French Market.