With regard to Thanksgiving inspired paper dresses, lemme try this again. Earlier I talked about not doing a pilgrim outfit but after some consideration I concluded that one of the purposes of the
Paper Wardrobe project is to challenge myself.
Let's not forget the other side of the proverbial Thanksgiving coin though - the native Americans. Ahhh! Indian dress? I have to laugh at what the retail world has come up with in that regard because realistically (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think those hip indian chicks ever wore anything like this back then but I just love the look of this sexy native american indian costume.
Disney's Pocahontas |
Then there's Pocahontas. Combine this look with the sexy indian dress above and you've got the potential for a really great Thanksgiving dress. Okay, now I'm certain I will not be making a pilgrim dress this month. Ha!
Note: Pocahontas image associated with this post remains the intellectual property of Walt Disney Studios. Costume image courtesy of costumesupercenter.com