Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Pocahontas as Miss November

Tada! Presenting paper couture's Pocahontas as Miss November. As you can probably tell, I took my dress inspiration mainly from Disney's Pocahontas character.

I encountered a few challenges putting this together which I will discuss in the video but until then, I get to dazzle you with the apparent ease and perfection at which I am able to create this. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Inspiration for Paper Dresses

With regard to Thanksgiving inspired paper dresses, lemme try this again. Earlier I talked about not doing a pilgrim outfit but after some consideration I concluded that one of the purposes of the Paper Wardrobe project is to challenge myself.

sexy native American indian maiden costume
Let's not forget the other side of the proverbial Thanksgiving coin though - the native Americans. Ahhh! Indian dress? I have to laugh at what the retail world has come up with in that regard because realistically (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think those hip indian chicks ever wore anything like this back then but I just love the look of this sexy native american indian costume.

Disney's Pocahontas
Then there's Pocahontas. Combine this look with the sexy indian dress above and you've got the potential for a really great Thanksgiving dress. Okay, now I'm certain I will not be making a pilgrim dress this month. Ha!

Note: Pocahontas image associated with this post remains the intellectual property of Walt Disney Studios. Costume image courtesy of