Friday, July 1, 2011

Long Overdo Update

Since March we have been oh so busy, look what we have been doing. Zach did not move any farther in the Science Fair, but we had a good time.
At the end of March I went on a scrapbooking retreat with my friends. We ate way too much, laughed so hard, and scrapped and scrapped and scrapped.
In April, Zach found a large lump behind his knee that was bothering him and we found out he had a large cyst that had ruptured. In the MRI we learned he had fractured the top of his tibia (knee) and we don't know how he did it. He spent most of April on crutches. Also learned that at 5'11" he is still growing, and that he really really really needs to drink milk. That makes four broken bones in 9 months.
Lexie competed in a couple dance competitions. She did GREAT! Lexie wants to continue with dance as long as Kelcy gets to do her make-up she is convinced I am make-up retarded. I am fine with that.
In May I went to Las Vegas with some friends, we had a great time trying new things like swap meets, valet parking, and ziplining down Fremont Street.
Zach finished ninth grade and will officially be starting high school in the fall (when did I get so old?) He finished his ninth grade year with only one A- and the rest A's all year and had all his core classes in honors. I am so proud of him. Carson and Lexie finished 5th and 3rd grade with all A's as well Yippeee! That makes one happy momma.
Carson ran for student council for next year, his sixth grade year. Anyone who knows Carson knows how quiet and shy he is. He ran a great campaign and involved all the neighbor kids, and performed a skit all by himself. He made it and I am so proud of him, not for making it, but for even trying, as I was video taping his skit in front of the whole school, tears were streaming down my face. This was a big deal for him, and so far beyond his comfort zone. I know he will do a great job, and he will continue to grow.
In June, Kevin and I were asked to help with activities at Youth Conference. We had so much fun, and loved every minute of it. I learned all kinds of new games, and loved that youth are non-stop gamers like myself. They are so strong, and faithful, and true and make me want to be better for having been around them.
Carson finished his little league season in baseball not as well as they would have wished, but Carson was a standout on his team and made his family proud. Kevin was there every step of the way.
Kevin and I are bowling in a league again this summer. We enjoy the automatic date night, friends, and food that come along with it. Our team name is "Spare Me 2.0" 2.0 being our second season and we hope it goes on for many many more.
Zach had new cysts come back to his leg and had surgery to find the problem, and clean everything out. Hopefully, he is on his way too healing and no more problems.
We enjoyed our city's week long events from late night movies in the park, 3 different parades, and all the stuff in between.

This past week Kelli, my mom and I volunteered to help build a house in a week for the TV show Extreme Home Makeover. The show was in our area and we could not pass up the chance to be a part of something so amazing and good. Our shift was scheduled for 2:00 am to 8:00 am yes you read that right in the am or an all nighter as I like to call it. We had to be there an hour early. We worked hard the whole night, and feel very proud of what we accomplished. I took my kids a couple days later for the reveal to the family and to be a part of "MOVE THAT BUS" We did have to practice it a few times, and it was crazy with tons of people, but we can't wait until it airs in the fall.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Moving On and On and On (maybe???)

At the beginning of this year as part of Zach's Honors Science class he was required to participate in the school science fair. Zach and Eli decided to pair up to do the bare minimum to get a good grade and nothing more. They did their research and put together a nice board and off they went to present it at school. The boys did there project on Pinewood Derby Cars to determine which is faster on the track three wheels or four wheels. Seemed like a simple project to me and maybe not up to 9th grade level. The boys presented their project and laughed when they were selected to MOVE ON to the district level.

Last week was the District level Science Fair, and Emily and I went with the boys to set up the display. When we got there we noticed that they would be competing with 9-12 grades. I was not sure our project was up for the task. We laughed as the boys could not even say most of the words on the displays around them.

I went to the award ceremony to pick up the boys, and we chuckled at the names of projects and at how many boys were dressed in tuxedos (no lie). I sat by one of Zach's science teachers and she was saying that many of the kids had a good chance of moving on again, Zach and Eli were not one of them, and we both chuckled at their project as well. When during mid chuckle the boys were chosen to MOVE ON AGAIN. Only one other ninth grade team from their school was selected. So here we go again, they must have rocked the presentation, is all I can say. I texted both Kevin and Emily the news and both responded with, I can't believe it REALLY???

We head to BYU for Regionals at the end of the month, this next time I will take pictures of the competition, and competitors.

As for the answer to their project: three wheels is faster if you were wondering.

I love how they dressed for the occasion, (loving the lightning bolt Eli) also notice how the guys around them dressed. Also, love the look of unbelief on their own faces.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Skiing Adventure

Saturday was a beautiful day for February and I decided to join Zach on a trip up to Sundance to go Snowboarding, or skiing. I decided I would ski, after all I had taken two lessons and best of all I had found skiis and boots at a yard sale this past summer ($5 for the whole set). No rental for me... I had borrowed my sister-in-laws snowboard just in case the ski thing did not work out. Kevin did not like the idea of yard sale skiis and my inexperience heading up the mountain, but I assured him I was fine remember the lessons I told him. It really was beautiful weather for night skiing and all was good. Even skipped the bunny hill with toe rope, I was more advanced than that. About forty feet into our first hill I sat back a little too far and somehow ended up laying on my back with my knees totally bent and I could not get back up (we did not practice this scenario in the lessons) and I could not undo my feet. Zach had to back track UP the hill to save his Mom. I am sure he was thrilled he did not go with friends. Zach and I undid my boot and I stood up and I snapped my boot back in the binding and the binding broke. I was at the top of the hill, GOOD GRIEF. I take the skiis off and undid the tightness of the boots for the long walk down. A guy stopped and insisted on taking the skiis down for me, after I had walked halfway mind you. When the guy got to the bottom he sent the snowmobile first aide crew to save me, GOOD GRIEF!!! I told the snowmobile first aide guy, I am fine! I broke a binding I was not hurt. His response to me was "Get On Already" so I rode the snowmobile down and Zach and my brother were at the bottom. I told them I was going to switch now to snowboarding after I made my phone call to Kevin that I had just rode the snowmobile down the mountain, and what I should do now. Kevin is all concerned until I tell him the whole story, and then he can't stop saying how he told me so. Yard sale skiis need to be checked out by a professional or something like that. So glad that I took an alternative so I had options and the night was not ruined. Also glad that I did not get hurt, just a little hit to my pride from making such a scene. I think there are a couple morals to the story. First moral, two ski lessons does not make one a great skiier. Second moral, $5 skiis are not a great deal necessarily. On the plus side I really improved on snowboarding and I am starting to walk four days later without wincing from being so sore.

My Brother Cody

Zach and Cody