Showing posts with label Twilight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twilight. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2010

disegno Karina Gentinetta goes to Hollywood

It was just an ordinary Friday a month ago at my store in New Orleans. There had not been too much traffic that day as it was a rainy sort of day. Just as we were about to close, a nice, outgoing man in jeans and a backpack walked in and was looking around at the shop. After looking around, he came up to my husband who was minding the store that day and told him how beautiful he thought everything was. How I love to hear those words!!!! I never get tired of getting people's reactions to what I once thought was an impossible dream of mine.

So this really nice guy starts talking with my husband and asks him whether we would be open to loaning some of our pieces for a movie set. He wouldn't say which movie they were filming in town but since New Orleans has become quite an attraction for movie filming (we recently had The Curious Case of Benjamin Button filmed right in our neighborhood), we are used to movie people being around. My experience with film set decorators has been wonderful. They recently filmed a Disney family movie, "The Revenge of the Bridesmaids" with Raven and used a few of my pieces for that set which have since sold. Not only are set decorators and their crew a talented group of individuals, but they are also interesting, highly unique, and very wonderful to work with. They take the utmost care of every piece they have on loan and they are extremely appreciative of our city and its people.

So, knowing this about them, we had no problem agreeing to have them use a couple of my antiques on their movie set, regardless of what movie it was for.

Among those pieces were some of my all time personal favorites -- The lovely pair of Swedish Style Painted Nighstands....

I just love these pieces painted in tones of greys and whites with detailed carvings on legs.

And this dainty French antique painted drop leaf petite secretaire with just the perfect patina. Oyster white with pale blue accents and painted interior....

And this 19th c. Louis XIV Daybed, completely restored and upholstered in a natural belgian linen with a custom mattress.

And even some of the beautiful linen shams and pillows from my four poster bed.

So after all the arrangements were made, I asked the set decorator what movie they were for. He said they were trying to keep very quiet about it but since my pieces would be featured prominently on the set, he could tell me. Besides, I've since learned that it's really not quite much of a secret anymore.

The pieces are now back from the set (well, at least from the set of this scene sequence that was filmed thus far). Can you guess what movie that may have been for?

I'll give you a hint.........

I have not read any of the books nor seen any of the movies.... yet. But I guess I'll just have to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn when it hits theaters next year. My pieces were for Edward and Bella's wedding cottage, the first of many scenes to be filmed in and around New Orleans.