
My name, Karin, was pretty common when I was growing up...just not the spelling. Unless you are of German heritage like I am. So, I have spent my entire life answering the question, "What is your name"?... With, "Karin...with an "i"! Who knew it would come in handy all these years later when I went to name my blog.
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

After Christmas bits....

Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a happy Christmas and that Santa was good to you.  We're always extremely blessed when it comes to receiving gifts, I feel almost shameful about our good fortune.  However on the crafty front, I only received a Michael's gift card and a new paper cutter, so I may have to do some shopping for myself in January...lol!
Anyway, if you didn't get as many craft supplies as you wanted either, I wanted to let you know that  my blogging friend Cheryl has some candy she's giving away.  The sign up is here, or by clicking the photo on the side bar :) Good Luck!
And, our Torn Paper challenge is continuing through to the new year at the DRS Designs blog.  Join us, and it's another way to win some crafty stuff.
Before I get to my card, here are a few photos from Christmas eve. 
With Rod 
My Dad & Charlotte.
With my cousin Alan.
And my table for Christmas day dinner. 
I was bummed when I realized the die I bought, only cut the name card to be flat.  Some how I was thinking it would fold in half.  Then I remembered the cute little ornament place card holders I got as a gift from my cousin Cathy a couple of years ago.  Perfection.  Even ended up matching better than I hoped with my red, green & gold centerpiece.  Sadly I ran out of time to make favors, and everyone ended up only getting a chocolate Santa :(. 

And finally, DRS Designs is the sponsor over at the 365 Cards blog this week and I made a card in support using the sketch for today.
Aren't those monkeys cute?  I thought they would look great with the new friendship sentiment stamp that is going to be released on January 5th.  Yes, new stamps = Yipee :) 
The proper names for the stamps used on this card are as follows:
Life is Friendship (Released on Jan.5th)
Thanks for taking time to drop by....Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Melt for You!

Hi Everyone,
What a week it's been since I last posted...Whew! It was exhausting and totally fun :) Before I share, let me show off a card that includes a couple of the latest stamps from DRS Designs. I think you'll agree, they are so super cute :)
The base was stamped with the Marshmallow Background, in a white pigment ink on a dark brown background. After stamping the Toasting Marshmallow and coloring it with my Copic markers, I die cut it with my Nestabilities Labels One die and added a bit of paper piercing around the layer for some interest.
The Mini Marshmallow was stamped multiple times to create that border piece and the I Melt for You greeting was layered in colors to match the card itself. Both of these stamps can be found in the new releases here. Looking back at this picture, I wish I had added a bit of glitter to the flames. How could I have let that go? Me and my love of bling...What was I thinking? Thank goodness the cuteness of the stamps make up for the lack there of :)
I mentioned in my post last week that DRS Designs was coming to a stamp show in the greater Cleveland area, and a couple of my design team mates and I were fortunate to be able to attend!
What a thrill it was to meet these talented ladies in person, as well as have the privilege of doing a demo with Jennifer our DT Coordinator at the DRS Designs booth.
Here is a photo of the booth (well, most of it anyway) and our demo/make n take area in the front.

It was so, so cool seeing my design team mates cards in person on that back wall. I know we all post them to the blogs, but there is nothing like seeing them up close. Wowza! So impressive!
And a close up of the Argyle Background and Argyle Diamond stamps that were our demo:
I love these stamps! I've used them so many times this year...I'm sure you recognize them from many of my recent cards.

And lastly, here is a photo of us. I think I promised Sue that I wouldn't put it on Facebook, but I don't remember promising not to put it on the blog...Ack! Please forgive me Sue ;) 

I was lucky enough to have Shelia and Jennifer stay in the area Saturday, so after the show they both came to my house for a night of food and stamping. I was in heaven! So. Much. FUN! It was midnight before we knew it! I only wish we all lived around the corner from each other, so that this could happen on a regular basis :) Next time it needs to be all of us DT ladies...Hear that, Julie, Pam and Janett??! You were missed :)
Thanks so much for peeking in on the blog today and remember to join us for our challenges every Thursday at the DRS Designs blog!
Have a good one :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Many Thanks

Hi Everyone,

I don't have a card today, but I thought I would just catch up on a few random bits of life before the weekend arrives.  We were going to see some friends this weekend, but the flu bug is going around their house, so we're rescheduling with them for the obvious reason.  Unless I can round up someone else, we will be watching the Kentucky Derby by ourselves on Saturday :) 

I was so excited to have my get well card featured on the 365 Cards blog!  It was "In the Spotlight" for day # 58.  The card was a recent personal fave, so I was thrilled someone else liked it too :)  Thank you 365 Cards!

Also, before I left on vacation last month, I received this lovely award from Monica.  I didn't have time then, so I'm making time now to say thank you...So, so much!  This lady is just super sweet, kind, and generous with her time, talent and comments.  She sells her cards and donates the proceeds to all kinds of charities. Currently there are a number of children who are going to school due to the $ she's raised. I encourage you to visit her blog, as I know you will be blessed by her kind spirit that comes right through the screen :)

So friends, this is for you!  Please take it and pass it on to anyone who has cheered you along, or helped you advance your crafting skills :)

If you are in need of some paper, my friend Cheryl is purging some of her stash, and sharing it in a bit of blog candy.  Click on the photo on my side bar to enter.

And I still want to share a few more Italy photos, but I just don't have time to write the post right now, so I will leave you with a few random photos...

Florence is AWESOME!  Look...

Couture for dogs...lol!

Have a great weekend!  And if you see a number one below somewhere on this post, I have no idea how it got there and I can't delete it.  So weird, so just ignore it :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Vatican

Hi Everyone,
I think I left part of my brain on vacation and I've had the worst time getting back in the groove of everyday life.  Not sure what my problem is, but even looking at the photos makes me feel a bit wistful and melancholy.  I've really never had this happen after coming home from a vacation, so I don't know what to make of it.  Anyway, here are more photos.
Our second full day had us visiting the Vatican museums and the Sistine Chapel. 
The Basilica

Again, there were so many people, and the amount to artwork is just staggering. 


And the the masterpiece, Laocoon.

It was so hard not to constantly be looking up.  This is why...

I mean, for real???!

There were enormous tapestries...

For those of you that don't know this, my home town is named Parma.  Yes, after THE Parma. 

And I managed to sneak this photo in the Sistine Chapel... Woo hoo!

Inside St. Peter's I wasn't sure where to look first...

The Pieta by Michelangelo.  Crummy photo from me.  It's behind glass, and you really can't get close to it.

Bernini's Baldacchino.

One thing I found kind of creepy, is that many of the churches in Rome have incorruptible bodies on display.

This is Pope John XXIII. 

Odd, no? And no one know why they don't decompose. I looked it up on the web after we got home.

While we were still inside St. Peter's, Jay gave me his mints and said there were two left, one for me and one for Rod.  I ate mine and told Rod the last one was for him and walked away.  A moment later Rod tapped me on the shoulder and said, "It's a miracle!"  Two more Tic Tacs had appeared. lol!  Yeah, yeah...We know they were probably stuck to the lid, but we're still going with the " It's a miracle" concept :)

The Swiss guards outside the Vatican.

As we were leaving, they we setting up for Easter Mass the next day.

And guess what?  We had tickets.

 It took a number of emails and also a couple to the concierge of the hotel to pick them up for us, but we were going to see the Pope on Easter.  On one of our many walks through Rome, I even happened on the place I emailed to get our tickets.  I was like, "Hey!  I know this place"...lol.

In line on Easter Sunday.

In our seats.

This was the view from our seats. 

I know this is sort of bad, but I had to snap this photo.  At one point the lady in front of us stands on her chair.  Really?  I know you want to see the Pope, but it's not a concert.  Then there was her attire.  I wish you could have seen the sequined top she was wearing.  It was in English and said something about being a "Hot Mama". That shirt, coupled with the leather inserts on the stretchy pants and the brown cowboy boots, made for an interesting Easter outfit.  Oh, and notice the cigarette.  She was smoking!  I know we're outside, but this is still church, right?! lol!

There were so many people, that when it was time for communion, these priests came out with umbrellas, so that you could find them.

It was a once in a lifetime event and an Easter that I will never forget.

Thanks for looking and have a great day :)
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