Showing posts with label Handmade Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handmade Books. Show all posts

August 09, 2009

Fantabulous Book Class with Kelly

Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover

back Cover Front Cover

I love all of Kelly Kilmer's classes, but this one was my absolute favorite -- the one that was absolutely calling to me! This was her Reclaimed Artist Book class. One of my favorite things is to create new and eclectic pages for gutted books.
There were some nature things on the front cover. I cut new paper to cover those up and I was really happy with the vintage look of the black ruled paper. On the back I used several punched circles from a recent project. I couldn't bear to just toss them out and I knew they would end up on this cover :) It makes a neat texture with all the raised circles.

I haven't quiet figured out a title -- that's the only thing I need to add to the front at this point. I know it will have Fusion in the title, but I haven't figured the whole thing out. It will be about various cultures from the Old World -- but sort of a fusion between Old World and funky LOL

August 01, 2009

Fabric Book

Exotic Fabric Art Journal
Wish I had more to show, but all I have really is a cover -- except for a few background pages inside. I suspect it will be a long while before I get any work done in this. This was a fabric covered art journal I made in a Kelly Kilmer worskshop. She just has the best book classes ever!

June 29, 2008

Book of Intentions Progress

Book Cover -- opened flat
Book Cover -- interior
I seldom post works in progress, but this will likely be one of those projects that takes years to complete -- if it ever get there LOL The book cover just terrified me ... a little too much like sewing LOL This is the cover of my Book of Intentions from Lisa Engelbrecht's class. We adhered strips of fabric to fusible webbing; mine wasn't holding well, so I stitched each strip afterward and also stitched gathered tulle to the edges for a neater finish on my cover.

February 10, 2008

WorkShop Art

I think it has taken me about a week to recover LOL -- but I took the most fabulous workshop with DJ Pettitt and Traci Bautista. I worked on my projects all day and put in another 3-4 hours a night doing art in the evening. I was absolutely determined not to add another UFO project to my growing pile LOL

I struggled with the mono-printing in Traci's class a bit. I was a bit heavy-handed with the paint and my prints on paper did nto turn out so well. I cheated on some and brayered paint on, stamped, etc LOL The paper towels and fabric prints were my favorite though! And I actually got a book assembled this time --- yippeeee! This was a really fun binding -- I can't wait to do more like this!

And DJ -- she was such a joy -- and so sweet! I've always been terrified of drawing people. DJ was very encouraging -- so I hope to do more drawings and face painting :)

There's about a gazillion thumbnails below -- so have a look :) Thanks for the fab weekend, DJ and Traci!!

Okay -- I'm cheating LOL I uploaded these a few days prior to the "By the Sea" prompt on Theme Thursday -- but it seemed perfect for this prompt. I've really had it with snow and winter, so I just had to do a sea theme -- longing for summer LOL

Sea Dreams Cover - front Sea Dreams Journal Cover - back
Sea Dreams Journal - 01 Sea Dreams Journal - 02
Sea Dreams Journal - 03 Sea Dreams Journal - 04
Sea Dreams Journal - 05 Sea Dreams Journal - 06
Sea Dreams Journal - 08 Sea Dreams Journal - 09
Sea Dreams Journal - 12 Sea Dreams Journal - 13
Sea Dreams Journal - 14 Sea Dreams Journal - 15
Sea Dreams Journal - 19 Sea Dreams Journal - 20

Sea Sprite Bag - front
Sea Sprite bag - back
Sea Sprite Bag - Exterior View
Sea Sprite Bag Lining 2

November 20, 2007

Fabric Book

Here is a fabric book I have been working on for while. I'm not sure why I was compelled to use fabric -- but I was LOL

I've been in an art slump for a while and I just wanted to try something different for me -- so this book was more or less about experimenting.

Fabric Heart Book Fabric Heart Page Abstract Sprial PageQuilted Page Napkin Collage PageFabric Heart Book - Interior 2Fabric Heart Book- Interior View 1

December 16, 2006

ABC Discovery Journal

I guess I gave this journal the right name ... I made a few errors and discoveries while making it LOL I used PVA to glue the vinyl sewing tape to the sealed covers not realizing PVA works well with absorbent paper only. I did get a pretty decent hold on the front covers. The back wasn't too bad, but I added some buttons for exta hold in case the tape comes loose.

Then I ended up drilling through part of one of the signature covers when I was drilling my button holes.