August 09, 2009
Fantabulous Book Class with Kelly
August 01, 2009
Fabric Book
June 29, 2008
Book of Intentions Progress
February 10, 2008
WorkShop Art
I struggled with the mono-printing in Traci's class a bit. I was a bit heavy-handed with the paint and my prints on paper did nto turn out so well. I cheated on some and brayered paint on, stamped, etc LOL The paper towels and fabric prints were my favorite though! And I actually got a book assembled this time --- yippeeee! This was a really fun binding -- I can't wait to do more like this!
And DJ -- she was such a joy -- and so sweet! I've always been terrified of drawing people. DJ was very encouraging -- so I hope to do more drawings and face painting :)
There's about a gazillion thumbnails below -- so have a look :) Thanks for the fab weekend, DJ and Traci!!
Okay -- I'm cheating LOL I uploaded these a few days prior to the "By the Sea" prompt on Theme Thursday -- but it seemed perfect for this prompt. I've really had it with snow and winter, so I just had to do a sea theme -- longing for summer LOL
November 20, 2007
Fabric Book
December 16, 2006
ABC Discovery Journal
Then I ended up drilling through part of one of the signature covers when I was drilling my button holes.