There I am, perched high above the town of Telluride Colorado, riding the wonderful free transit system gondola into town. Can you tell the view is spectacular. If you have a weak stomach or a super fear of heights, that first scene over the ridge can be a bit tricky.
While I am here, I decided to sign up for
Alisa Burkes Graffiti Chic, on line class. It's a treat. I have a difficult time being "messy", she helps you get over that by using great videos and blog sample lessons, instant chats and other things to get you on your way.
Our first assignment was to photograph some things we found inspiring and use the photos as a jumping off point to dig into her techniques.
Below you will find a short sequence of photos showing a bit of what I did for the first two pieces, starting with the photo.

I used whatever paper I could find as a base.

It's all about layers....paint, text, stamping, scraping and so much more. I felt pretty "tight" on this first one. I admit I sort of liked the initial painting, so it was hard to move on.
Next photo and subsequent painting.

Have NO IDEA where the 66 came from, but I got rid of it fast.

I had more of a sense of freedom here. We'll see where the next exercise takes me.
Besides the spectacular mountain views, there are some typical Telluride sights.

Boards with tons of posted events.

The Free Box is a great place to get rid of what you don't need and pick up something else........yes, for free. I got a brand new journal the other day.

Then there is the white out snowstorm which can sneak up on you.

Mostly there are beautiful scenes like this.