OK...so grab your purse, your suitcase, your recyclable grocery bag, whatever you can and join me......let's go!!! The piece above I did a few years ago. Low fired ceramic relief form, painted with acrylics.
First of all, the title of this post, is the title of the sequel I'm writing for Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love).....yeah right!. Yes, I've been going on about this book lately......but bare with me one more time.
My daughter Emily and I met up with
Constance and
Susanna this weekend in a beautiful little town on the Delaware river, Frenchtown, New Jersey (hence the "MEET" in the title.....and yes, I was there a few weeks ago). We preceded to have lunch (butternut squash soup for me) and shared a slice of fabulous coconut creme cake (this is where the "EAT" part comes in).
We then headed to the
store that was opened by
Elizabeth Gilbert and her husband Jose, Two Buttons and .....dare I say I am a complete "groupie", we met Liz herself!! She was as delightful in person, as she comes off in the book. Each of us purchased a little something and chatted with her and some of her friends....she is writing something new, BTW.

Emily took our picture. Ta da! Susanna on the left, Liz, me and Constance.

Inside...Emily joins the rest of us and we drink wine, shop and laugh.....(that's the COMPLETE part. New friends sharing a great day together).

Getting ready to eat something delicious.
We are now heading back to Bella Italia to a great "thrift store". Basically, if you are familiar with a place like Goodwill or Salvation Army.....mixed with a great flea market AND everything is Italian made. They were not thrilled with me taking photos inside, so I took some outside in the tent they have set up.........which is a spot they place the stuff they REALLY want to get rid of. Have a seat.

Take a ride.

Uh.....bang some pots together.

It is expensive and difficult to lug stuff home, so I had to compose myself. Below are my "finds".

I love old maps for book altering and adding to encaustic painting.....and of course old photos.

Some of the old fabrics.....table linens, drapery, bedding.....were just beautiful and not heavy. LOVED the spoons and the "whatever they were" pieces of metal. They had such beautiful patinas.

I also found an old notebook with beautiful handwriting. I did not realize until I returned home that it is Latin, not Italian.
Have a happy day everyone. :-)