The door to the future......glorious wellness. Siempre mejor...always better. This is the philosophy of Rancho La Puerta. What a wonderful time we had.
WARNING-this is a long post.
APOLOGY- I have to admit, I STILL have no idea how to link the people and places I mention in my posts to their sites and blogs. So if I mention you and there is no link, I'm sorry.
GOOD NEWS-this post is mostly photos. Once I start downloading' like eating potato chips....I CAN'T STOP. I could probably have a dozen posts out of this one...but here goes anyway.
Pastel drawing of door above by yours truely. Reason for drawing for those of you that don't speak spanish....Rancho La Puerta means "Ranch of the Door".
First impression....incredible natural beauty....and THE SMELL OF ALL OF THE ROSEMARY BUSHES........mmmmmmmmmm.
Cross the bridge, turn left and you will find my room.
I bow to all of the surrounding mountains, the flowers, the wonderful people that I was lucky enough to meet, the FOOD...all grown at their organic farm....and so much more....oh yes.....all of the sculpture.
Thanks to Nina at Ornamental, you get to see my feet walking the reflexology path. There is also a beautiful labryinth to walk on and meditate.
One of the many beautiful scenes we saw on our 6am 4 mile hike to the organic farm and some of the great people we met and had breakfast with. Yes, that's me in the STUPID hat(at the end of the table).
The incredible MARIA CARRASCO, one of the finest flaminco dancers in the world. She was there doing a special class and performance. I took her class. No, I will not become a flamenco dancer, but it was an eye opening experience to see the dance broken down into parts and put back together. I will never not "swish" my skirt again when I wear one!! Other classes I had the opportunity to take...Pilates, Yoga, African Dance, Broadway Dance, HOOLA HOOP!!!....seminars in everything from nutrition to writing.
Another wonderful artist, CECILIA GARCIA AMARO, there to collaborate with Maria. To combine spanish and mexican music,dance and art. She paints, she sings...and it's all amazing.
Yarn painter, TIMOTHY HINCHLIFF. The ranch is filled with his beautiful intricate yarn paintings.
The new cooking school is just about to open, LA CUCINA QUE CANTA.....oh boy....does that kitchen ever sing!!!! We were given a free cooking class and made so many delicious things. You get to see the guacamole and the chocolate cookies (healthy ones, I might add and they were dam good despite that!).
The last night they have a fabulous dinner by the pool, a band and plenty more dancing.
What more can I say?
P.S. Somepinkflowers.....put this on your list!!!!!
Don't we all need a bloggers convention?