Showing posts with label Published. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Published. Show all posts

April 4, 2012


The new Stampers Sampler just came out and is now going to be a quarterly publication rather than six times a year.  I have to say this issue was filled with gorgeous art!  I was honored to have one of my pieces included, something I created for the Artistic Outpost Design Team.

Stop by tomorrow for some very exciting news!

July 9, 2011


I've been meaning to post this for a while -- but just haven't gotten to it.   My complementary copy of Stampington's "Handcrafted" arrived about a month or so ago.  Frankly, I wasn't even aware of this particular publication, but it appears to be an annual compilation of some of past features from Somerset Studio, Somerset Memories, Somerset Life, Stampers Sampler, etc.

What they chose to feature of mine was a house I created  for a Stampers Sampler Tempting Template challenge back in 2008.  In fact when the challenge results were published, one of my houses appeared on the cover of Stampers Sampler.  It's that same house they used for this issue of  Handcrafted.

The house at the bottom is the one that appears in Handcrafted.  Fellow bloggers Lynn Stevens and Lyneen Jessee also had items included in Handcrafted using that particular template.  Congrats, ladies!

May 26, 2011


 In more ways than one!  Wow, can't believe how long it's been since my last blog post.  Life has been waaaay too busy lately.  So I'm taking a few moments to play catch-up and share some of the items I had published in Stampington's Catch Up Issue which came out May 1st.

  I think I hit a record with this last one.  I had submitted it for a challenge whose results were published in Take Ten in the Summer of 2006!  I guess it took about five years for it to grow on them:)

March 6, 2011

Published -- Take Ten

Here's part of a three-page layout that was recently published in the Spring issue of Take Ten.  I created a masterboard and then several pieces from the masterboard itself.

I also had a card published on a page with Kris from Nostalgic Collage which she talks about on her website.  You can see that here:

January 6, 2011

A Book About My Blog

Here's something cool I did:  When posting to my blog recently I saw a little blurb about how to make a book from posts on your blog.   I was kind of in a spending mood so I followed the directions to see how it would work and what the cost would be.  It was very easy to navigate the site and follow the prompts.  My first few attempts, however, told me I had way too many posts on my blog and I'd have to narrow it down using a date range or tags.  I finally decided I would include only those items that I'd tagged as "Published" which meant I would have a book with all my published work and what I had posted about it.
You also had the choice to include the comments you received on those particular posts, but I chose not to do that.   You then chose whether you wanted your book to be a hardcover or softcover book as well as what picture (your artwork) you wanted on the cover, the dedication page, and the back page.    The total cost, with shipping, ended up being $30.
I have to say it turned out way cooler than I anticipated it would.  I'm very pleased with it! My book is 35 pages total and here is what it looks like.......

If you'd like to check out the site, it's called Blog2Print and you
can find it here:


December 13, 2010


I had some work published in the latest edition of the Stampers Sampler which I wanted to share.  It was for the Different Point of View feature.  These two pages show how I used the same sentiment stamp in different ways.

Congrats to other Tuesday Taggers whose work I spied in there:  Lynn Stevens, Tracy Evans, Lolita Dally and Penny Bennington.
See you tomorrow for Tag Tuesday!

October 1, 2010

Published/Tag Tuesday/And a Little Coincidence

The newest Stampers Sampler arrived in this week's mail and I was happy to find a few of the items I submitted for their Christmas challenge inside.  

One of the items included was this tag you may recognize from a Tag Tuesday challenge.  I am pretty sure it was for the colors of Christmas (Pink & Brown) series we did last year.
I wonder if there are any other Tuesday Taggers out there who might submit their tags for publication?
From the ones I've seen submitted for Tag Tuesday, they are certainly publication-worthy.

I was also thrilled that one of the cards I submitted (St. Nicholas card above) shared a page with the very talented Debbie Kaste.  (She created the angel tag above.) If you are a fan of the Stampington publications, I am sure you have seen her work in Stampers Sampler and Take Ten.  In fact, she recently was the Guest Artist in Stampers Sampler.
Which is how I knew what she looked like.
And how I knew it was Debbie when she walked into the scrapbooking store I was at recently.
That's the coincidence part of this post.
Debbie visits my blog occasionally so she knew who I was when I introduced myself.
We had a wonderful little chat and it was fun getting to know a little bit about each other.

Above is another card of mine that was published in this edition of Stampers Sampler.
ETA:  So I've come to find out that the beautiful book on the cover was created by one of our Tuesday Taggers, Tracy Evans.  Congrats to you, Tracy!

September 10, 2010

Speaking of Butterflies......

I recently had these cards published in the Fall Take Ten -- featuring butterflies!

(You can click on the magazine to see more of what is in it)

June 4, 2010

I had work published in both the latest Take Ten and Stampers Sampler.

This is the masterboard I created for Take Ten and the cards I made from the Masterboard.

The Stampers Sampler included this card I made for a moo challenge many moons ago.  Seems like for a while we were all making moos and not they're not seen that much anymore.  Hmmmm....maybe I'll have to incorporate that into a Tag Tuesday challenge:)
Speaking of TT, congratulations to the following Tag Tuesday participants who also had work included in these publications:  Lynn, Evelyn, Elaine!

April 17, 2010

Published -- Stampington's Catch Up Issue

I was excited to see nine of my cards published in the newest edition of Stampington's Catch Up Issue.  As the name implies, they feature cards that have been submitted in the past and have not been published in any of their magazines.  And sometimes they go waaaaay back.   I had submitted these two cards for a moo challenge quite a while ago.  Some of my other cards went back two years or more.....and I truly didn't recognize them until I saw my name!
I receive Stampington's e-mail newsletter Postscript and I was even more thrilled to see my card as the sneak peak for the next Take Ten coming out in June!   
Click here to see it for youself.  It's part of a masterboard I created and if you scroll down on that page, they show more of it

March 6, 2010

The New Take Ten

The new issue of Stampington's Take Ten is out -- and it certainly is new!  They've redesigned it and it has a very fresh look about it.  You can see that from the cover.  Inside they've got a greater variety of features which makes it a bit more interesting. 
So much for that infomercial.....and on with some of my cards that were published in this issue:

These two pages highlighted stamping on text paper and how easily it can be done.  Hence, the heading fearless.   Not referring to me at all, but a way of saying that things often aren't as difficult as they seem.

February 5, 2010

Published in Stampers Sampler

This little birdhouse I created was chosen as the challenge template in the Feb/March Stampers Sampler!

August 17, 2009

Holidays and Celebrations

This was a first for me -- being published in Stampington's special publication, Holidays and Celebrations. They chose some of my Easter/spring chipboard houses.

I love this publication -- it's filled with such gorgeous holiday creations!

July 31, 2009

Published in Stampers Sampler

I had two cards published in the newly released Aug/September Stampers Sampler. They were both for the Frightful & Delightful challenge. Sorry for the bad pictures but it seems I don't have my own pictures of them and needed to crop them out of the magazine itself.

May 16, 2009

Great Mail Week

A complementary issue of the June Stampers Sampler arrived in the mail this week. Funny thing about the cover (which I think is just gorgeous), at first glance I thought one of my cards had made the cover. I had submitted a card using this PaperBag Studio stamp a while back.
After looking closely at the cover and through the magazine, I saw the cards included in a two -page layout by an artist named Paula Whittaker. I really liked her work and tried to Google her name to see if she had a blog so I could tell her so.
I couldn't find her -- but I did find my card ........
It was included at t the bottom of her two page lay-out. My name was correctly given, so that was fine. My card is below. Can you see why I took a second look at the cover?

The summer issue of Take Ten came this week as well. I had a good amount of cards published in this issue. These are a few of the ones I liked the best.

April 19, 2009

Can ya beat this?

A complementary issue of Stampington's Catch Up issue arrived yesterday. I expected to see a card or cards I'd submitted a while back. But I was astonished to see a card I submitted almost three years ago! Can anyone beat that? I've seen posts for a year to almost two years, but nothing approaching almost three years.
I checked my old issues of Stampers Sampler and found I had submitted the card below (which is cut off because of the way it was photographed in the magazine) for a challenge for spinner cards which was due August 15, 2006. Which means I was probably working on it in May or June of 2006.
The unfortunate thing about showing card on it's own is the spinning concept is entirely lost. When you spin the wheel on the side of my card it showed pictures of different female images (ones I thought fit the femmes fatale theme.)

March 21, 2009

Stampers Sampler

I was thrilled to receive a copy of Stampers Sampler this week and see a bunch of the cards I had sent in for the celebration issue included. Here are a couple of the ones I especially liked.