Showing posts with label Contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contests. Show all posts

September 9, 2008

Art Impressions

This is my entry for this month's contest over at Art Impressions.
Every month they have a contest with a theme and winners can win shopping sprees up to $50.

The theme this month is "Harvest."
I created an inchies sampler.

All stamps must be by Art Impressions.

June 25, 2007

A Little Show of Appreciation

So.....I was thinking about giving away some blog goodies to celebrate 10,000 hits.. But before I get to that, let me just say that some days I am seriously thinking of deleting that little counter at the bottom of my blog. On those days I think what does it really matter? Then other days I think well, it helps me mark such auspicious occasions as this. But then I have to consider even the value of that given that I probably used up 5000 of those myself just getting this blog going and putting up daily posts. I'm exaggerating. But only slightly.

Well, I'll make that decision another day. For now I do want to celebrate this event and I know how I want to do it. I want to thank all those great blog readers/viewers who actually take the time to comment on work they see and like. It's so easy to just breeze through blog after blog and just take it in and not stop to show appreciation where you feel it. I try to make it a habit to do this -- but I know at times I've been lax in making the effort as well.

So there's no contest here, you don't need to do a thing -- you've already done it if you have ever commented on my blog. And since I had absolutely nothing to do this evening, I went through all my comments I've saved in my mailbox -- pages and pages -- and counted up those who stood out as -- well, let's just say repeat commenters. I tallied those up and here are the top finalists: Jacqueline, Joanne, Marciad, Jacki, Nancy and Lorraine (Who should get a special award because she posted them all on the same day!) Anyway, my intent is to give to the one of those five who had the most comments a $15 gift certificate to the on-line stamp store of their choice.

So without further ado, the winner is:

Marciad a/k/a stampgal.

Thanks to all for the encouragement and kind words. They are very much appreciated.
Marciad, e-mail me with your choice and we'll get that started. Congrats!

May 13, 2007

Congratulations the winner(s) of my stamp give-away. Before I give you the names and number, I have to say that I am so surprised at those who guessed very low numbers -- like under 20. They can't possibly be blog readers? Or maybe they never heard of Google Reader? That is how my list of blogs grew to the astounding number (to me at least) that it has. It lets me know when anybody has posted something new and lets me easily scroll through them each day and read only new posts. It's not actually all that time-consuming.

As a result of this contest I've found some new places, so I'll be adding even more to my daily blog roll. But when I started my contest I had -- are you ready? -- 95 blogs in my favorites.
That makes the winner Sharon of Glitter Angel (who guessed it on the head). Congratulations to you, Sharon!

Runner-ups (who will be receiving one of those birdy stamps and splitting a 54 pack of 12x12 paper from K&Co.) are Cindy Keery of Imagine.Dream.Create who guessed the next number below that at 94.
Nobody guessed 93! So the second runner-up is Suzanne who guessed 92.
Good going ladies!
If all three of you will send me your address info, I'll get these out to you.

May 8, 2007

A Great Big Give-Away

I am having such a majorly happy kind of day that I am posting this Mother's Day Give-Away now even though I was going to wait until I hit 5000 hits on my blog. Oh, it's only numbers, right? I'd rather start the fun now! (I also used to peek underneath the wrapping of my Christmas presents when my Mom put them under the tree).
So what you have to do to win ALL of these little guys (yes, that's all 16 of the Michael's $1 clear stamps from the second series, plus the Rhonna Farrer swirly bird or whatever he is called) is guess the number of blogs I have listed in my favorites. Which BTW I do read regularly. And, no, they are not listed on the side, so you are on your own on this one.
I'll announce the winner on Mother's Day. You don't have to be a mother, just have -- or like me, had one -- in order to play. Don't guess what someone else guesses. If it's close, the one who comes closest without going over wins. Plus there's a little something for runner-ups #2 and #3.

April 14, 2007

And the winner is......

.....Peggy S who correctly guessed Washington, D.C. Congratulations!
Had a wonderful time there on our trip. It was my first time ever in D.C. I was overwhelmed with all of it, but the highlight for me was going to Arlington National Cemetery -- seeing the Marine Corp Memorial, JFK's grave site and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I also liked the new WWII Monument.

April 8, 2007

Where in the World? A Contest....

While DH holds down the fort, Big Sis and I are off to .....well, can't tell you that. That would spoil the contest. We are going on a trip this week to a major U.S. city, and if you can guess where, I'll split the chipboard I bought last week with you. (See post below) That's 15 sheets of chipboard die cuts, frames and alphabets. You can guess once a day until we get back on Saturday. Only don't guess a city that's already been guessed! Whoever guesses first or comes closest will win. I'm only giving a tiny little clue and that's this: It will take us about two hours to get where we are going -- but I can't say how we are getting there. Oh, and Lil Sis, you can't play!

April 2, 2007

And the winner is....

Congratulations to the winner of the Michael's $1 acrylic stamps! My DH picked the number and the winner is: kathymcd. Thank you all for taking the time to list your blogs likes and dislikes. I really appreciated the many comments. Check back -- I like the blog candy thing as well as all of you!

March 29, 2007

Give Away!

First of all, let me say that the only thing that balances out the incredible amount of basketball being watched by certain people at my house is the fact that it is also National Craft Month. I've always said that the two words I hated most in the world were "March Madness." But there's no reason we can't have some of our own *fun*. That being said, it's time to give away 15 of the Michael's $1 acrylic stamps I have as well as two of the acrylic blocks
I am a very new blogger and really interested in knowing what it is YOU like to see on other people's blogs. I know what draws ME to read certain ones, but everybody is different. So what I really want you to comment on is to name at least two things you think attract you to somebody else's blog. Besides the obvious one, that you admire their artwork, do you like to see detailed explanations of how things are made? Do you like learning new techniques? Do you like to read about the bloggers's personal life? Do you like to hear about their accomplishments in the art world such as getting published, being selected to be on a design team? Or do you like hearing product reviews and things of that sort? You get the picture.
So the rules are these: Starting now just leave your comment at the end of this post. Comments will be accepted until 5:00 Central Standard time on Sunday. I will then have my husband pick a number and that person will win. First thing Monday morning I will announce the winner. Oh, and I mean "first thing." I am a very early riser. Good luck to all!